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stage names

Posted: 23 Mar 2008 4:16 pm
by David Nugent
An overweight Irish female lead singer...
"Angie O'Plasty".

Posted: 23 Mar 2008 4:26 pm
by Bo Borland
The Uncalled Four

Posted: 23 Mar 2008 4:34 pm
by David Mason
Tyrannosaurus Rex & the Strange Range Ramblers....

Hey Glenn, is "Henauder Titzhoff" still listed in the Austin phone book? He was there in the 80's, I can't remember if I ever tried to call - I was sort of there in the 80's....

Posted: 23 Mar 2008 5:23 pm
by Larry Scott
Sebacious Smegma :lol:

Posted: 23 Mar 2008 10:44 pm
by Duane Reese


Posted: 24 Mar 2008 7:55 pm
by Tom Pickett Jr
tom lonely for one night only

Posted: 24 Mar 2008 8:08 pm
by Paddy Long
I'm thinking of changing my first name to Dick !!!

Posted: 29 Mar 2008 2:10 pm
by Edward Meisse
How about Hammond Eggar?

Posted: 29 Mar 2008 2:53 pm
by Jim Hoke
My friend suggested Lefty McNabb. I saw a highway exit sign for two towns that sounded like a name: Dixon Calhoun. And there's always Hugh G. Rection.....

Stage name

Posted: 29 Mar 2008 3:06 pm
by Derrick Frank
When I bought my first steel in 69 some guys came over and asked me to join their band but I was not quite ready. My wife came in with tea for everyone,(british you know, at 4 o,clock)they were trying to think of a stage name for me, and when I said I may go and play with them, the wife, bless her, said the pickins on the steel will be a bit slim for a while, so the obvious happend, and I have been known as Slim Pickins ever since.
Spelt different from the American Slim Pickens, and after 40yrs I have started responding to the name. Bless her.

Posted: 4 Apr 2008 4:06 pm
by Jim Cohen
Well, I got so motivated by this thread that I made up about 30 potential new staffers and submitted them to Car Talk a few weeks ago. I've been checking their website ever since and finally, today, one of them showed up! It was, by far, not my best submission. Actually, it was the first one I sent them and they all got better over time. (In fact, by the time the bottle was empty... oh, well, never mind that part...)

Anyway, the one they took is now listed FIRST on the credits on their website, for 'Chief Cook and Bottle Washer'. Go see who it is at:

Frankly, I can't remember most of my submissions (but I'll recognize them if they ever take them), except for one other that might have been my best one:

Co-Directors of Gay and Lesbian Affairs: Don Ask & Don Tell! :lol:

Re: Stage name

Posted: 27 May 2008 4:02 am
by basilh
Derrick Frank wrote:When I bought my first steel in 69 .
Mmmm..... a "soixante-neuf" steel, did you know which way round to hold her ?

Posted: 27 May 2008 4:33 am
by Charlie McDonald
Max Doubt

Posted: 27 May 2008 7:20 am
by John Drury
For the hecklers, Heywood Jahblome.

W.C. I was there the night Mike said that and I thought sure that "Sweetie" was going to kick his ass for saying that when they got outside.

Mike is a funny Guy!

Posted: 27 May 2008 8:27 am
by Bo Legg
I got stuck with Bo Legg. I'm just glad they didn't name me Harry and it's a good thing I didn't marry a girl named Peggy.
Some of the band members have got so old we call our selfs GUITARS & CATARACTS.

Posted: 27 May 2008 8:53 am
by Roy Ayres
The guys in the first band I was in called me "Little Roy." It was appropriate, since I was only 13 at the time. However, I had to drop "Little" as my first name because I learned that it was also the first name of: Little Roy Wiggins; Little Jimmy Dickens; Little Red Riding Hood; Little Falls, MN; Little Rock, AR; and Little Richard.

(I was afraid they would get me mixed up with Little Richard.)

Posted: 27 May 2008 11:00 am
by Joe Casey
Saw a band the other day that has a duo of Pastor Busch and Seymour Aire..and the steel man was Bobby Ceeless,on Fiddle was Chet Mypanze...on bass was Smiley Brownshortz.. The lead player was Italian I think Hugo Tabechitami O and the drummer had a long name, Hawaiian I think...Kamoniwannalaya Ho. You guessed it ...The bands name was Brokenwind.... :oops:

Posted: 31 May 2008 6:16 am
by Dale Bessant
Pete Moss
Barb Dwyer

Posted: 31 May 2008 6:24 am
by Ken Byng
M R Roid.

Posted: 31 May 2008 10:34 am
by Alan Brookes
Jerry Dorsey adopted the name of the German composer Engelbert Humperdink.

Posted: 31 May 2008 10:57 am
by Bo Borland
anyone mention Seymour Butz

Posted: 1 Jun 2008 6:23 am
by Doug Earnest
Our famous retro C&W brothers act -- Colby & Monty Ray Jakcyz :roll:

Posted: 1 Jun 2008 9:27 am
by Drew Howard
Captain Midnite here

Posted: 1 Jun 2008 10:11 am
by Jack Francis
My stage name is "Jack Weezul"!

I came up with the name of "The Weezul Brothers" for our Classic Rock band and each of us uses our real first name with the last name of "Weezul" on stage...folks are always asking if we're really brothers so I put together the "Bio of the Weezul Brothers". :whoa:

BIO, The Weezul Brothers

To know the Weezul Brothers it is necessary to go back in time and look at our Daddy.

Joshua Weezul was a Poet-Musician-Signpainter, Snake oil salesman and ne’er-do-well
That traveled the length of this great land searching to find himself, or at least a warm place to lay.

Starting off in California, he took a chance on an Indian blanket and left behind a son
that found ol’ dad’s guitar…he picked up the name “Jack” because Dad denied him so often that people would question him saying,, “You don’t know Jack!” (That’s where that phrase originated.) but he did learn to play the thing anyway.

Upon leaving California Dad took up with a mountain woman that had settled in Ohio. Gnawing through the leg trap that helped him become a “Homebody”, ol’ Josh left behind a young man that actually thought that he was a wolf. His howling paid off when he found that, not only could he scare off real wolves, but he also learned to sing…since he refused to ever let go of his microphone, everyone called him “Mike”.

Daddy found himself in Detroit building Ford trucks, where he met a pretty girl working as a welder at Ford. She wasn’t actually pretty, but ol’ Dad wasn’t real picky. Anyway she swept him off of his feet, literally, and carried him off to live with her gypsy family.

Ol’ Dad fit right in with this buncha bums and eventually a son was born. Since he was the ‘Awfullest” looking kid they ever saw, they named him “Theophalous”. Not only was he kinda hard to look at he had a habit of slamming heavy spoons onto big pots. This became a problem, they would chuck him oughta the shack so often that he became known as “Chuck”. He later found a drum set and the rest is history.

Ol’ Dad then moved on to New Jersey, where he met his next love, a lady blacksmith that always wanted a son that she could teach to design and build things. His Mom and our Dad would watch in horror as juniors experiments would blow up in his face…Dad would laugh and yell, “Boy, that’s gonna leave a mark!” Yep, you guessed it..the name “Mark” stuck.

After Mark’s Mom tossed ol’ Dad out he moved back to Ohio and he met a lady that tried real hard to get Dad to settle down. She thought that she might have a son that she could teach to play the piano, he’d be a real musician and together they might bring some civility to the ol’ boy. Were they ever wrong, Dad tried to name the boy “Sue” and she threw Dad out and gave their son a nice name, “Steve.”

The boys knew nothing of each others existence but they all got the word that ol’ Dad had been shot by a jealous husband. At his memorial service the boys all looked at each other and felt an immediate kinship to each other…as they talked they all realized that ol’ Dad had left them with talents that would work together so they started a band so they could finally bring some honor to their family name…so far it hasn’t worked.

Posted: 1 Jun 2008 5:08 pm
by Roual Ranes
Well I have been called "Dip Stick"..............wont say by who