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Posted: 4 Apr 2007 11:47 am
by Casey Lowmiller
Thanks Joe. I'll have to get ahold of him & see if he does conversions. There's so much gone that I think a rebuild would be super pricey!!!

Posted: 5 Apr 2007 7:26 am
by Phillip Morgan
I know what road you are going down.greg is the man .Be careful! ZB is the way to go!!!!!!

Posted: 5 Apr 2007 8:23 am
by Dave Van Allen
Yes Greg is the man...not to say there aren't other "men" too, but Greg did right by mine.

ZB repair

Posted: 5 Apr 2007 8:52 am
by Russ Tkac
Greg can play them and fix them and give you a history lesson as well.


Posted: 5 Apr 2007 10:31 am
by Chris LeDrew
The ZB on Bobbe's site looks really nice. Did anybody else see that one?

Posted: 5 Apr 2007 11:54 am
by Russ Tkac

That is a great SD-11. I have a D11/10 like it and love the way it plays and sounds. If I had a few extra $$$ I would buy it. The low E on string 11 is nice. Now lets see what I can sell ... :D




Posted: 5 Apr 2007 2:33 pm
by Joe A. Camacho
No horns?

Posted: 5 Apr 2007 3:03 pm
by Kevin Hatton
The fishtails were taken off in the late 70's to make the guitar shorter and lighter.

Posted: 5 Apr 2007 3:17 pm
by Joe A. Camacho
Doesn't look right without them...

Posted: 6 Apr 2007 5:48 am
by Russ Tkac
But it sounds right... :D

Posted: 6 Apr 2007 6:18 am
by Chris LeDrew
Visually, I prefer the look of this later model. It just looks neat and tidy to me. But I bet it's not attractive to purists who prefer the original design of the ZB Custom.

If I'm not mistaken, wasn't there a pic on the cover of a Steel Guitarist Magazine of Tom Brumley playing a steel very similar to this?

Posted: 6 Apr 2007 7:18 am
by Russ Tkac
Yes. Tom's last SD-11 was like this with 4p and 6k I believe.


Don't get me wrong. I like the horny/fish ones too but, don't sell this one short.


Posted: 6 Apr 2007 7:32 am
by Dave Van Allen
yes quite similar...

I am a fan of the fishtails. And of Sho~Bud "gumby" heads; and Rococco Filigree and Art Nuveau.

60's Emmons is more Bauhaus or Frank Lloyd Wright :wink:

Posted: 6 Apr 2007 10:14 am
by Chris Erbacher
to me, without the horns makes it look like everything else. one of the things that i like about zb's is how they pretty much don't look like they came out of a factory or cabinet shop. not to put other brands down, i have owned them and they are nice guitars, but something about the look of the zb (and the tone) makes me want to play them...i guess it is why i prefer an older, more classic car to the new ones, they have more character to me...and more mechanical stuff to deal with, but when they are working nicely, man, it sure is sweet...

Posted: 6 Apr 2007 1:05 pm
by Casey Lowmiller
That's slick!!! Wish I hadn't purchased my project ZB Custom & a few amps. I'd be all over this like flies on poo.

Posted: 6 Apr 2007 6:14 pm
by Russ Tkac
Well, It looks like some lucky dog got that SD-11 at Bobbe's. Anyone here?

Posted: 8 Apr 2007 4:51 pm
by Brendan Mitchell
Chris Erbacher just said something about likeing ZB's and older cars . I share the same view and I know lots of other people do . I never think of buying hardly anything new especially guitars and amps and other instruments . I don't think it is a price thing as a lot of the time the older stuff is more expensive . I think it has more to do with using something that has a bit of history , maybe a few few scares to proove it . I just don't get that thrill from picking up a brand new guitar . My wife says "why do you want that old thing , why don't you buy a nice new one " To me , vintage is the way to go .

Posted: 9 Apr 2007 5:04 am
by Chuck McGill
If I could find a modern steel that sounded like my
ZB I would consider it. Not saying new steels don't sound good but there is something different like the
growl of Push pull or the sweet tone of an old Bud my
Scranton has that.

ZB Custom D10

Posted: 10 Apr 2007 12:58 pm
by Art Beard
Just a heads up, there is a D-10 on ebay priced at $625. with about 14 bidders when I signed out. Faded, as most of the ones I've seen pics of are. I think it was #1969. Happy hunting, Art

ZB Custom Serial number and original owner information

Posted: 14 Apr 2007 5:52 pm
by Benton Allen
Did anyone bother to copy down the Serial numbers, manufacturing dates, and original owner information that Zane's daughter Carrie had on her web site last year? She also had some BMI information posted also.
I failed to do it, and of course, it's no longer there. If so, maybe someone could email it to me?



Posted: 15 Apr 2007 4:55 pm
by Casey Lowmiller
That D-10 sold for $990. Not too bad depending on how good of shape it is in.

Kind of hard to tell since the pictures aren't that good & they aren't up close. It's apparently a Scranton one too!!!

Seems like a pretty good deal. Would this have the old style ZB Custom logo on it???


Posted: 15 Apr 2007 5:41 pm
by Russ Tkac
I have pictures when it was on Craigs List. It needs a total rebuild. The finish is in very bad shape. Greg Jones estimated a $1500 rebuild.

I passed.


Posted: 15 Apr 2007 7:19 pm
by Pat Kelly
By the way fellas, what sort of price was on that nice SD11 up the top of the page?

Posted: 15 Apr 2007 7:25 pm
by Joe A. Camacho
I think it was $1850.

Posted: 16 Apr 2007 9:33 am
by Russ Tkac
I think it was $1695.00 Bobbe says you'll see it on the Nashville Star TV show. :)

By the way Pat ... it makes our double necks look pretty good!
