Bobbe Seymour RIP.

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Walter Bowden
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Post by Walter Bowden »

I never met Bobbe but learned a lot from his tips and have saved most of them. We did exchange a few emails and I am so sorry to hear of his passing. Rght before I saw the SGF posting I had put a dollar in the jukebox of the bar I am sitting in right now and played Dim lights, thick smoke by Daryle Singletary with some nice steel guitar. Don't know who was playing but I bet he knew of Bobbe and the irony and timing of playing that song will always remind me of when I learned this sad news. I feel like he still speaks when steel guitar is being played someone somewhere. RIP
Emmons S10, p/p, Nashville 112, Zion 50 tele style guitar, Gibson LP Classic w/Vox AC30, Fender Deluxe De Ville and a Rawdon-Hall classical
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Chuck Hall
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Post by Chuck Hall »

RIP my friend. You and Frank and I will meet again someday to enjoy another Krystal..... :(
MCI D10 8/4 Nashville 400 and a Profex.
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Bill Hankey
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Post by Bill Hankey »

I will always regret this sudden turn of events in the life of Bobbe Seymour. This tragic and sudden loss of a great gentleman is too overwhelming to accept. Bobbe was a kind and generous man. I am
at a loss for words.
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Mike DiAlesandro
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Thank you Bobbe

Post by Mike DiAlesandro »

My wife and I met Bobbe in August of 2000, while on our honeymoon in Nashville. We went up to SGN and Bobbe spent a good hour and half playing steel for us and telling stories. When we went to leave he gave us a cassette and signed it for us. He treated us as old friends, though we had never met. It was the highlight of our trip, Thanks Bobbe!

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Terry Wood
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Post by Terry Wood »

Like everyone else I am just shocked and has many already said, "Another Great One Gone!"

Well, I never knew Bobbe personally, but we had talked over the phone different times and I have admired his great and tremendous talent on Steel Guitar for years! I loved his playing and his funny but true storys just always cracked me up.

Prayers for his family and many, many friends!

Terry and Zane Wood
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Post by HowardR »

Jim Cohen wrote:(A small personal remembrance: Bobbe was the one who first wrote of me having "acceptable tone", and this description kind of morphed into "Master of Acceptable Tone" and still pops up from time to time.)

Jim.....I remember when Bobbe said that.....and at that time he was starting to offer lessons at his shop.......and I remember your response......"Bobbe, you always wanted to teach in the worst way, and now you can".......and everybody had a belly laugh at the whole exchange.....that was a fun time that makes this forum great......
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Ashley D\'Silva
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Post by Ashley D\'Silva »

Such sad news. A great and hospitable gentle giant.
I visited in2003 and the great man treated me like an old fried. Meeting Bobbie was the highlight of my visit to Nashville and the USA.
God Bless you "MY Fried" and Thanks from all steelers, great and small.

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Dustin Rigsby
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Post by Dustin Rigsby »

I'm pretty devastated by this. Bobbe was/is a hero of mine. I'll miss him. Another one of the greats has left us
D.S. Rigsby
R.C. Vick
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Post by R.C. Vick »

Didn't get to meet Bobbe but talked to him a couple times on the phone. I had the pleasure of helping him recover his personal Sho-Bud that was stolen on his shipping dock and found on eBay. Was able to purchase another item from the seller and get his info for Bobbe to contact him. Still have the signed and numbered print I bought and will think of him proudly every time I look at it. RIP.
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Don Ricketson
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Post by Don Ricketson »

Rest in peace my friend. It was nice meeting you and visiting over the phone and email for the past several years. You have slipped the surly bonds of Earth and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings....
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Zum Encore 4/5 Red
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Damir Besic
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Post by Damir Besic »

John Drury wrote:Got a call today from Chad Udeen and while we were talking I just happened to ask if he knew how Bobbe was doing, he then broke the awful news to me.

Bobbe and I go way, way back, I'll miss the guy.

Rest easy "See-Mo".......

Last edited by Damir Besic on 23 Mar 2014 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Jim Cohen
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Post by Jim Cohen »

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Damir Besic
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Post by Damir Besic »

this forum and community was a huge part of Bobbes life, I can't even tell you how many times I would come to the store and Bobbe was in his office on his computer reading or writing on the forum... he had huge respect for Bob and this community of steel players... you could see in his eyes how excited he was when he would talk about different posts and topics on was very important to him... it was almost funny to see Bobbe with his nose almost touching the computer screen reading the forum posts...many times we would talk about different posts or conversations on SGF...even if he wasn't directly involved into a certain discussion, he would read, almost every post...I think he had to hire more help at the store because he was spending too much time on the SGF, lol...I would just like to let you know, that SGF and this community was very important to Bobbe, and it definitely was a huge part of his life, I didn't spent as much time with Bobbe as I should have, probably because , he was one of those people, we think will forever be around, I should have known better...
Last edited by Damir Besic on 23 Mar 2014 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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John Drury
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Post by John Drury »


Cool photo! Those were the days!

John Drury

"Practice cures most tone issues" ~ John Suhr
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Damir Besic
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Post by Damir Besic »

John, I know, I miss Bobbe, he was a dear friend, and my heart is broken ... here couple more for you my friend


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Ken Byng
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Post by Ken Byng »

This isn't the time or place for disagreements guys. The whole steel guitar world is mourning for Bobbe at the moment - he was a friend to us all, not just those who post here. We need to show our respect for the man, and most of us have cause to be grateful to him in one way or another. :eek:
Show Pro D10 - amber (8+6), MSA D10 Legend XL Signature - redburst (9+6), Infinity SD10 (4+5) Sho-Bud Pro 111 Custom (8+6), Emmons black Push-Pull D10 (8+5), Zum D10 (8x8), Hudson pedal resonator. Telonics TCA-500, Webb 614-E,
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Ned McIntosh
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Post by Ned McIntosh »

Another of the greats gone. To Bobbe's many, many friends, his immediate family, and all steel-players everywhere who knew him, valued him and appreciated his tireless work for steel-guitar, I send my most sincere and humble condolences.
The steel guitar is a hard mistress. She will obsess you, bemuse and bewitch you. She will dash your hopes on what seems to be whim, only to tease you into renewing the relationship once more so she can do it to you all over again...and yet, if you somehow manage to touch her in that certain magic way, she will yield up a sound which has so much soul, raw emotion and heartfelt depth to it that she will pierce you to the very core of your being.
Cody Johnson
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Post by Cody Johnson »

I met Bobbe right after I decided to start playing steel guitar after graduating high school. I drove out to his store and bought a bar. I was playing on a loaner steel and went back and bought my own a month later. Over the years he gave me more stuff for free than I bought from him. He always called me a friend from our first meeting. I'm going to miss him. He definitely was one of a kind. My prayers go out to the family and close friends there in Nashville.
Larry Miller
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Post by Larry Miller »

RIP Bobbe
Larry Mingua
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Post by Larry Mingua »

What a sad loss to the world, both steel guitar and in general. I met Bobbe in the early 2000's, he always treated me like a long lost friend. I'm a diesel and heavy equipment mechanic by trade...I always wanted to talk guitars with him and he wanted to talk mechanics and show me his latest projects. This may be a phrase that is overused but the man was truly "larger than life". He had a knack for making us all feel like we were the most important person in the world. The world is truly a darker place because of his death.
Frank Parish
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Post by Frank Parish »

I knew Bobbe since 1981 and although we didn't see each a lot we always enjoyed talking shop and muscle cars. He was hilarious and always greeted me with a smile. He filled in for me a couple times too. Rest in peace Bobbe, you earned it!
Buck Reid
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Post by Buck Reid »

Sorry to hear of Bobbe's passing... sincere condolences to friends and family. There were many years that he gave me a job when I was off the road which allowed me an education when it came to repairing and restoring pedal steel guitars of all makes and models. He let me borrow one of his cars one time while mine was in the shop and took me flying a couple of times. I will always be grateful for his help and glad he's not suffering anymore. RIP friend!
Ray Uhl
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Bobbe Seymour-RIP

Post by Ray Uhl »

"Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes"!!! How true. Am so sorry to hear of his passing. He was a household name during my 40 years of playing steel. He contributed much more than any of us will ever realize. I'm glad he was inducted into the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame.

May God be with his family during these times.
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David Black
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Post by David Black »

I met Bobbe for the first time when he had his store out in Goodletsville. It was at that store I bought an MSA from him. He was as friendly and courteous back then as he was the last time I saw him last year in his current store. Always ready to offer advice, help, and even compliments, he was a true ICON of steel guitar. We have lost yet another great player and a friend to the pedal steel community. My sincere condolences to his family and to his friends and employees.
Sho-Bud Professional, Sho-Bud Pro II, GFI Ultra (SD-10), Fessenden (SD-10), 2 Session 500's, 1 Session 400, 1 Fender Frontman 25R.
Nigel Mullen
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Post by Nigel Mullen »

Thanks for everything Bobbe. R.I.P.
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