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Posted: 5 Jan 2011 4:09 pm
by Arthur Manning
Hi, Steve, Would you tell us what the finish is on the speaker box and how it was applied. You have accomplished a lot on this project and it has been grate reading. Thanks for all your information and effort you and others put in to this project. Art M.

Posted: 6 Jan 2011 2:41 pm
by Steve English

Thank you. I hope there's some info regarding the MB series of amps, and my construction of the speaker boxes that is useful info for others.

The covering is a gray carpet-like material. I purchased if from Reliable Hardware Company: ... 4wide.aspx at $6.50/yd (x 4' width). Black is also available. One yard covers the size of boxes I've been building.

Here's a video on you tube that shows how easy it is to work with:

I use a quart size can of Weldwood contact cement and apply it with a brush instead of the spray on type shown in the video. I've re-carpeted a few of my bass boats in the past and have had good results, so that's what I'm comfortable with.

Thanks again, Steve

Amp Skin

Posted: 6 Jan 2011 4:55 pm
by Arthur Manning
Thanks Steve for the information on the covering on the speaker box. I like the covering vary much. I would like to put together a setup with two speakers and need more information on witch amp would be the best for PSG and two speaker. Would the MB200, MB500 OR the MB Fusion Tube Amp be the best one to use for a two speaker system? I know I would need 2-MB200 for a simulated stereo setup. If there is any suggestions out there I am open for any comment's THANKS Art M.

Posted: 6 Jan 2011 6:07 pm
by Ken Fox
We had a run of 50 of the 4 ohm, 12" SICA speakers produced. These do in fact have more high end than the 12" at 8 ohms. We also had them install push connectors for the speakers wires in lieu of the normal spade connectors that are on the the 8 ohm version.

As Steve stated, SICA uses a different mounitng dimension for the 12" speakers. about 1/4" further apart on mounting holes.

These are now available on our website.

Posted: 6 Jan 2011 6:30 pm
by Steve English

Two MB-200 amps and two boxes is my choice for the stereo thing via my RP-150 processor and I like it a bunch! Way more pwr than I'll ever need.

2ea of the MB-200 = $500
2ea of the MB-500 = $1000
2ea of the MB Fusion = $1400

Chose your poison... I'd love to try the Fusion, but I have what I believe is one of the best high-end systems available already: Revelation/SPLIT

Ken Fox is da man when it comes to da Sica (not to mention his entire line of products) :D

Going out for a while tonight to torment my buddy Neil Harry... :lol: later...

Posted: 6 Jan 2011 7:22 pm
by Arthur Manning
Thanks Steve for all your information and suggestions.

A NOTE: YES Ken Fox is the best of the best and I do mean that. Art M.

Posted: 7 Jan 2011 7:33 am
by Roger Francis
Art, i have the MB 500 that has effects loop and you can run 2 8ohm speakers with it but only 1 4ohm. I have the 8ohm sica in one cab and building the 2nd one now. The 500 pushes 350w at 8ohm 175w per speaker, it sounds realy good.

Posted: 7 Jan 2011 7:44 pm
by Arthur Manning
Thanks Roger your system sounds real good. I think I have made a decision on what I would want. I am going with 2- MB200 and two 15" Sica speakers. I do have a question-- due to the fact the amp cabs only weigh around 20 lb are the cabs walking around the stage when you all play?? :D :D Has anyone out there compared the GK'S MB112 or the MB115 to the systems you all are putting together? I do know their systems are heavier and the speaker is not as good as the Sico speakers. I can't tell if the amps are the same as the MB200 and the MB500 in there systems?? Any comments? Thanks, Art M.

Posted: 8 Jan 2011 8:31 am
by Malcolm McMaster
Does anyone know if any of the trade stands. will be selling MB200's at the Dallas show? Thought I might pick one up over there as price in dollars is a lot less than here in UK.( USA $249 UK £249)

Posted: 8 Jan 2011 8:31 am
by Roger Francis
I hav'nt played mine out yet but i dought that they would, i also made 2 small amp stands for mine that sits the speaker 6 incs off the ground.
ZT makes an amp that only weighs 22 lb and 200w and i'm sure if that was an issue it would be known.
My cabs are going to weigh in at about 18 lbs loaded.

Posted: 16 Jan 2011 10:19 am
by Roger Crawford
I had to try this...
I borrowed some ideas from all of you guys!


Posted: 16 Jan 2011 10:59 am
by Steve English
Wow! Excellent job Roger.

I really like the two piece back.

I'm going to show your pictures to my rig so it can see what it'll look like when it grows up :D


Mb 200

Posted: 16 Jan 2011 11:31 am
by Ray Kedge
Is there a demo available,to hear one of these amps with a Steel Guitar.

Posted: 16 Jan 2011 2:28 pm
by Steve English

No demo that I'm familiar with. However, if you purchase through Musician's Friend there is a 45 day money back guarantee if you're not satisfied.

I would check with customer service and see if this applies to your location.

When I first received mine, I connected my MB-200 to my NV1000 15", my Session 400 15" JBL, and my NV112 12" Blue Marvel to test mine out. Sounded great with all of them.

Speaker connection for mb200?

Posted: 17 Jan 2011 5:32 am
by Mike Greenberg
I'm getting ready to buy an mb200 (if anyone is selling, let me know). I noticed that they only seem to have a speakON connector for the speaker. How do you deal with this if your cabinet has only a 1/4" input. Convert cabinet? Use an adapter?


Posted: 17 Jan 2011 5:45 am
by Jack Francis
It will accept the 1/4 inch connection too.

You'll ove this band says nothing but good things about my sound and I've just been using it with a 12" Celestion Lead 80 speaker in a closed Theile designed cabinet and a MicroVerb delay/reverb. 8)

Posted: 17 Jan 2011 5:55 am
by Mike Greenberg
Great!! Thanks for the reply. Any reason that this amp would not work with a 12" Emminence speaker (that I recently picked up on the forum)? I believe the emminence is only 50w @ 8 ohms. Sorry, I'm just not that good with the electronic side of things; I've only ever had combo amps.

Posted: 17 Jan 2011 7:16 am
by Roger Francis
Mike, the wattage on your speaker is to low if you ever want to push your amp for volume, the MB 200 is pushing 140w at 8ohms, there might be a risk of blowing your speaker if you push it to hard or at least get some distortion. I'm running 250w speakers at 8ohm and the MB 500 is 175w at 8ohms per side, someting to think about.

hot signals into the MB200

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 12:49 am
by Tom Wolverton
I've been gigging a lot with this amp. One thing I have noticed is that it seems to be fairly forgiving about hot signals hitting it. I can put a fairly hot pickup signal into it and it seems to not distort the preamp. Unlike my other amps. I like that. : )

the MB200 with a single 12" cab

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 9:51 am
by Tom Wolverton
Steve - maybe you might care to comment on this. I'm running a rig similar to your original set-up. MB200 into a small, single 12" (PV BW), open back speaker box that Fred Justice made for me. It sounds really nice. But I get this comment from folks in the audience: "gosh, over on this side of the stage, it sounds fantastic. I can hear you clearly and the vol level is perfect, but when I walk to the other side of the room, I can't hear you". I'm wondering if the single 12" is a bit too directional and doesn't fill up a small to medium sized club fully. I've got the speaker box up off the floor. But I'm wondering if 2-12's is a better way to go. I don't recall people saying this about my JBL 15" cabinet. I don't want to just turn it up. Any ideas?

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 10:57 am
by Steve English
This is from a post on the previous page (has pics).
Check my last comment below.....
I just completed a cabinet built out of 3/4" pine. (My previous builds were of 5/8" particle board.)

My cabinets are small (16"x16"x9"). I bought one 8' long 10" wide plank and got all my cuts out of it (approx $11).

This one weights in at 18.2lbs total including the amp and a power strip mounted inside.

This cabinet also has more of the back covered using the stock width of the plank.

Each of the three cabinet/speaker combinations I have tried have exceeded my expectations. I think I'm happiest with the latest pine cabinet and Sica speaker combination, but other than weight, the differences are very subtle. (Chuck told me he likes this one the best too, and I trust his ears)

So far through all of this, the one thing that has been remarkable is the extremely wide dispersion and uniform sound/freq response in even the widest of rooms.

moving more air, maybe?

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 12:35 pm
by Tom Wolverton
Ah hah. All this time, I thought you were running a 12" speaker. Are you running the 15" SICA 250 W speaker? If so, that might be why you are filling a big room so well.

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 2:12 pm
by Fred Thompson
I've been running my MB200 into the bottom half of my Steel King split cabs that Rick Johnson built for me. It has the Sica 15" 250 watt speaker. It's all I need, anywhere.
Now, what do I do with the top half?? :roll:

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 4:50 pm
by Steve English 15" here. Never had one with the MB200.

Every word I've written in this thread has referred to a 12" speaker.

My mission statement was to DOWNSIZE:)

Look at the pictures and explain to me how I can get the MB-200 amp and the speaker in a 16" tall box.......

The 12" just barely fits. :eek:

19" cab

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 5:53 pm
by Tommy Huff
hi Steve,the cab I built for my mb-200 and 15" sica speaker is 19" tall 17 1/2 wide and I do not think you can get smaller and still have enough strength in the speaker baffle...there's a pic on this thread. there are some nice rigs that forum members have put together with this little amp.....mine sounds great to me and my back loves it......21 1/2 lbs.........think I would like to try the mb-500 bet it has lots of swat!..........Tommy