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Posted: 18 Feb 2009 3:34 am
by Bill Stafford
All are excited. Anxious to hear Buck and Bob Saxton do that now very famous rendition of "Ghost Riders...". And Gordon Dodson with his "Hot Ride Lincoln". Talked with Herby Wallace last night and he will be in house during our Friday nite frolic, as will Roy Rosetta. No schedule of players on the frolic night. We just have a good picking time with our friends. Mitsuo arrives tomorrow night in Gulfport from Tokyo. See a lot of you soon. Thanks again for all this wonderfull support.
Bill Stafford

Posted: 18 Feb 2009 6:37 pm
by C Dixon

I am honored to be coming to your show. As you know, I did not make it to Stlouis last year because my wife sadly, passed away on the way.

I was to meet you and Mitsuo in the Excel booth, and receive my brand new Excel. Along with presenting a copy of my book to you and he; as well as offer it to others who might be interested in "The Evolution of the Pedal Steel Guitar".

But things do not always work out as planned. Thanks to you, I will be bringing that guitar to your show, along with a 1980's Emmons' P/P w/8 X 4 in near mint condition, which I have for sale.

So come by my table and peruse the Brand new Excel S-12 Superb with 8 and 8,


The Emmons' P/P that is for sale, and take a look at the book. NO obligation of course. I would love to see my friends and meet new ones.

May Jesus bless you all. Can't wait. :D


Carl Dixon

Posted: 19 Feb 2009 2:57 am
by Bill Stafford
WOW! Told you folks. Getting better all the time. You were sorely missed in St. Louis. Hope you and all in the family are doing well. Our thoughts and prayers were with you last year when your dear wife passed away. So glad you will be here.
Lots of Emmons P/P interest here too.
AND, that is one gorgeous EXCEL you have. Mitsuo will be here also. He will deliver another new one to one of our players.
Have a safe trip, Carl. See you soon.

Bill Stafford

This Needs To Be At The Top

Posted: 20 Feb 2009 1:50 am
by John Floyd
It Starts at Tonight's Friday Night Frolic. Get out and Support This Great Show.

Give a Special Welcome for my Buddy Corky Tittle to The Missippi Gulf Coast.

Posted: 20 Feb 2009 7:07 am
by Lana Rosselli
It's been way too long since I've been to the DSSGA show. THANKFULLY things worked out that I will be able to attend at least one this year.

I'll be happy to help out with MC duties best I can. Another great line up of players, add in all that Southern Hospitality and you've got one grand slam day!!!

A little bird told me there's going to be a 'new' singer at the show. Can't wait for this! Oh one question, will there be an accordion in the house?

Looking forward to a great time and seeing everyone.

PS: Good thing you got one of those mechanical dishwashers Bill...I don't think I'll be there in time for the Frolic.

Again, I'm so happy to be able to return to the South. See Ya'll tomorrow!

Posted: 20 Feb 2009 12:58 pm
by Hal Higgins
I hate I'm gonna miss this one....but with all that talent there.....I won't be missed...Bill....tell everyone "hello" for me....and please play acouple for me.....while I'm in the Lafayette, LA area working.....( I'll be having fun, but not as much fun as you'll be having......b0b....bump this thing to the top one more time........HAL

Posted: 20 Feb 2009 1:18 pm
by Howard Tate
I hate to miss the big show, I feel a special bond with the DSSGA. I hope to make it in the future. Meanwhile I hope you all have a great time, I know the music will be great.

Posted: 22 Feb 2009 5:48 pm
by Tommy Young
All you fellow steeler's that missed this show really missed a goodun for sure, I would like to thank BILL(MR. SMOOTH)Stafford for allowing me to have a booth and all the guy's that played my MAX-TONE modded guitars a big thanks as always the great BAND not enough can be said about them with MR. BOB SAXTON guitar, Mr. Roy Rosetta on keys, and Ronnie Miley on drums and played his set on steel also adding to the already great band WOW A SHOW,,,,,anyone missing this surely does not know what they missed I had a great time, got to hear some super great frypan picking from none other than DEWITT, [SCOTTY] SCOTT ,,himself that was worth the price of admission alone much less all the greats way to many too mention..again many thanks to the """DEEP SOUTH STEEL GUITAR ASSOC.""" for having a great show and many thanks for having MAX=TONE MODIFICATIONS AT THIS GREAT EVENT

A show to remember!

Posted: 23 Feb 2009 2:37 pm
by Tim Dixon
As a newby to the steel world is was an honor to be among some of the best steelers around... Hank Corwin and his rendition of the national anthem, Buck Grantham and ghost riders,Herbie Wallace,Steve Sanford etc...along with other great musicians Roy Rosetta, Ronnie Miley,Ed Clark on the stand up bass and of course the legendary Bob Saxton. It was quite the dissapointment not see more of the great Barney Miller, Mr. Bassman Ben Odell and the drummer Wayne Goff. These guys can really put on a show when given half a chance! It was also great meeting other greats that didn't have the chance to play like Alabama native steel builder/player Herbie Stewart.Thanks to Ms. Mini Minnie Pearl for a few laughs and Mitsuo Fujii for showing off his fine steel skills on a fine instrument. Thanks to all for a memorable show!


Posted: 23 Feb 2009 7:46 pm
by Doc Rickles
A Round of Applause for all who made this show a great success. Thank you Bill Stafford for being Mr Smooth and also Mr Cool. All the steelers were great, backed by a great band. This was a wonderful time to renew friendships and make new ones. Good to see some young faces
present and even a budding young lady. Watch it boys if you won't step up to fill our shoes, the young ladies will.
True southern hospitality from wonderful folks. Wonderful to see Carl Dixon and Mitsuo himself holding down the Excel table.
Blessings to all,

The trip down there and back was a blast with TommyYoung and Jim Parker. Almost a show by itself. Thanks Guys

Doc "Old Gold Country" Rickles

Howdeeeeee !

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 7:33 am
by Cayla Ann Kelton
WOW ! What a Show ! My BFF(Mr. Smoothie) sure does know how to put on one of the best shows ever on this earth.It was wonderful to meet all my friends and then making some new ones. Bill, Thanks for inviting me. Hope to see all ya'll at the Dallas Show. Love ya'll

Your Miss Mini Minnie Pearl

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 9:57 pm
by Roland Buras
Hello everyone, DSSG Club; That was a good show. Man it started just right and continued on into the night. A great rendition of the National Anthem by our own Hank Corwin. And then the Dynamic duo;
Hank Corwin And Ronnie Miley I called them the
" MONSTERETTES " A great preformance. Here comes Jack and Martha Goodson, Another Dynamic Duo, man jack you had that Emmons sounding great, and the Fiddle to, and Martha topped it off with some great singing . Thanks guys for your effort and long ride to make our show great. Jim Parker and Doc Rickles rocked the house, Taht was some great playing Jim. Actually it was the first time i heard the Doc sing. Man he got my attention. Then Our very special friend Barney and Mary Miller what wonderful people wish they were closer to us here on the coast, HINT HINT Barney.
Barney Miller burned down the strings on his guitar. I sat right in front of him he played so great. Barney how do you move them fingers so fast, Wow.
My set was next and i had the pleasure of my good friend Burt Correge to play the set with me. Burt did a great job and had good tone on that Rains. I want to give special thanks to Doc Rickles And Andy Jones for assisting me with good good singing. Thanks also to Roy Rosetta and Barbara for coming to make our show a success. Also thanks to Ben odell and Wayne Golff for being there for us. Wayne on drums and Ben singing and playing that bass guitar. thank you both. Mr. Mitsuo built two more fine Excel guitars that he had brought with him. One was special built for Stevie Sanford. I always love to hear Stevie play and that new excel sounded out for him. Thanks to Mr. Bill Stafford always for a great show and great southern hospitality. Well gotta go now friends, will post more later.

your Friend;

R J Buras
Mississippi Gulf coast, Charter Member of The Deep South Steel Guitar & Musicians Club
Excel Sd12 7x9


Posted: 25 Feb 2009 12:15 pm
by Bill Stafford
Special thanks to Hank Corwin for arranging the opening act for us. Ronnie Miley and Corky Tittle were with the best with Hank Corwin. Hank opened for us with a great, and none better, rendition of our National Anthem. Bill McNichols, VFW Post Commander was the flag bearer. I want to thank him again publicly for allowing us access the the Post. All had a great time. The steel duet of Hank and Ronnie was incomporabile to any two other players I or anyone else could ever name. The professional level of our steel music started out at the very top of the ladder in quality and finess. After hearing Hank and Ronnie, I was at the head of the line at the bayou to give my steel a float test. More later.
Bill Stafford