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Posted: 18 Mar 2008 8:10 pm
by Drew Howard
Captain Midnite here.

Posted: 19 Mar 2008 12:34 am
by Lem Smith
Bo Fahvum

Ron Nerhoff

Ronnie Knows

One that I always thought would have made a good name for a country band was Wade Hale & Highwater.

Along those same lines, Helen Highwater.

Les Gogh

Izzy Wright

Rick O'Shay

Howie Doin

Isa Mann

Ira Plyed

Dawn Tremember

I. P. Rainwater

Brandon Irons & the cowhands.

Posted: 19 Mar 2008 7:40 am
by Nigel Mullen
Hubb Capp?

Posted: 19 Mar 2008 7:57 am
by Ben Jones
I think Earnest already has the best one possible....

I was always partial to the punk rock stage names...Rat Scabies, Chuck Biscuits, Joey Baloney, Vag Moore, HeWhoCannotBeNamed (He-Who for short), Jello Biafra, Lux Interior, etc etc....

Some of the Black Metal ones are great too... HellHammer! on drums!!! The Executioner on guitar!!!666...LOL


Posted: 19 Mar 2008 10:42 am
by Jim Mitchell
I Through



Was a Trucking Company from the Midwest


Posted: 19 Mar 2008 12:14 pm
by Eugene Cole
Steel Slide and the Bar Stools
Folky & Musk Ogee
Kriss Chin & Dogmatic
Elvis and the impersonators
Guitlin Nun & the cross-dressers
John E Cash and the Stall Warts
Manny & the triple-lower changers
Rusty Bar
Hunter & Carion On
Jas Cord and the Inversions
Copper Kettle and the distillers
QT Pi & derived roots
Rose Would and bar frets
Steven Steels

My old buddy David signed up to play at an open mike as "Blind Hairy Palms." He made a grand entrance by having 2 of his Lady friends lead him to the stage while a third lady carried his old National Style O. During this procession he uttered phrases like "there is enough of me to go around girls."

We used to have a local band here in the DC area called "Root Boy Slim and the Sex Change Band."

Out in Boulder CO I used to see flyers for a band called "Big Head Todd and the Monsters."

Posted: 19 Mar 2008 12:24 pm
by Gary C. Dygert
The musical duo of Dick Standing and Tanya Hyde.

Posted: 19 Mar 2008 1:35 pm
by Lem Smith
Noah Kount

Phil Landerer

Phil Lanthropist

Howzit Cohen (Perhaps distant kin to Jimbeaux?)

Ima Sanger

I.B. Pickins

Ura Nutt

Eileen Dover (Wife of Ben)

Phelon Goode

Ima Yankem, Dentist.

Cal A. Fornya

Posted: 19 Mar 2008 1:38 pm
by Dave Horch
I read the entire thread. You know that the winner has got to be

(first submitted on this thread by Dale Hansen)

I'm goin' with that one at our next gig!

Posted: 19 Mar 2008 6:49 pm
by Alan Brookes
Following on from those groups who use a few digits, like U2, I recommend...

Posted: 20 Mar 2008 4:14 am
by T. C. Furlong
I actually submitted Rhonda Rection to Car Talk as their "Navigation Specialist". Maybe they didn't like the fact that I mentioned her brother Hugh G.

On St. Patricks day, I was thinking that all of our Jewish friends could be honorary LepreCohen's.


Posted: 20 Mar 2008 4:57 am
by Glenn Suchan
We used to have a local band here in the DC area called "Root Boy Slim and the Sex Change Band."

Out in Boulder CO I used to see flyers for a band called "Big Head Todd and the Monsters."
I remember Root Boy Slim... Pretty good band, if I recall. Aren't Big Head Todd and the Monsters still touring?

One of my all time favorite (actual band names) was/is Simon Stokes and the Black Whip Thrill Band. They had "hits" such as "Captain Howdy" (as in the movie The Exorcist) and "The Ballad of George and Lenny" (as in Steinbeck's book Of Mice And Men )

Lyrics to "The Ballad of George and Lenny":

Tell me how it's gonna be now, George
Tell me how it's gonna be
I done a bad thing. I didn't mean to, George
Tell me how it's gonna be

Take off your hat Lennie and look across the way
Soon it's gonna be alright
We'll get a piece of land that we can call our own
Soon it's gonna be alright

Can we get some rabbits, cuz I'll feed em George
Why, I'll watch over those rabbits day and night
And we'll get a farm now, Hey won't we George
Tell me how it's gonna be

Oh take off your hat Lennie and just look across the way
And soon it'll be alright
Yeah we'll get a piece of land and it'll belong to us
Soon it's gonna be alright


Keep on pickin'!

Posted: 20 Mar 2008 5:46 am
by T. C. Furlong
Our fellow forumite Jerry Erickson's stage/nick name has been Muttonhead for as long as I can remember.

Posted: 20 Mar 2008 7:30 am
by Charles Dempsey
When I was a mere pup dreading my first cross-country solo the instructor warned us to stay well clear of Mighty Mount Driskill, whose lofty peaks* have ensnared many an unwary student.+

Living as I do now, a mere stones throw away from Driskill's rime encrusted heights, I have been tempted to use the name "Driskill Mountain Boys", but I don't think anyone would get it.


*Mt. Driskill, elevation 535 feet MSL. The highest point in Louisiana.

+Basically, they flew right over it without noticing.

Posted: 20 Mar 2008 7:34 am
by Charles Dempsey
Charles Dempsey wrote:I have been tempted to use the name "Driskill Mountain Boys"...
Of course I would be Dirty Dick Driskill.

3D for short :D


Posted: 20 Mar 2008 9:42 am
by Jack Francis
We put together a band in Healdsberg CA, the fella that owned the club was a GREAT singer and showman named Norm Lausten...he went by the name..Cisco.

Since he was 6 months older than I was, I introduced us to the crowd one night as "Cisco and the Kids"
...It stuck. We named our drummer "Ricky Rimshot.

Posted: 21 Mar 2008 4:39 am
by Tony Smart
Archibald Wig

Dai Section

Edward Ifycould

Glyn Oleum

Mick Stup

Dora Jar

Edna Bucket

Gladys Infectant

Iris Tew

Joyce Tick

Peg Doubt

Posted: 21 Mar 2008 3:42 pm
by Randal Smith
A friend of mine plays bass in a band called "The Ken Hardly Playboys".

Stage names:

Saul Goode

Watt D. Faulk (he's cajun, ya'know)

and of course, my own:

Smitty the Kid

Posted: 22 Mar 2008 11:51 am
by Roger Crawford
Rocky Bottoms, and his sister Sandy.

Posted: 22 Mar 2008 1:31 pm
by James Cann
There's no glamour or wit in this one, but an old gig I had in western New York with The Innkeepers-- Dickie Lee, bass; Jim Eck, lead; Steve Waldo, guitar; Rick Cicerie, drums--was the best I've ever had. Were they still an item, I'd pick with them again without a second thought.

Posted: 22 Mar 2008 2:05 pm
by Eugene Cole
Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys was a great moniker. Which lead me to... Kinky Heir and Disputed Will.

Justin Orr and the Metalurgists.

Chemo & Minoxadil

C6 and [the] Swingers


Posted: 22 Mar 2008 2:55 pm
by David Morris
I often thought that if I lived in Green Bay WI, I would call my band the Green Bay Pickers.

Posted: 22 Mar 2008 9:55 pm
by Steve Alcott
A friend of mine was on a Far East tour, and used the stage name "Rollo O'Rillio". Someday I'll use Benny Lava or Cigarette Milner.


Posted: 23 Mar 2008 7:19 am
by Ernest Cawby
I played with a band his name was
OOKIE WALLACE, COUNTRY DRIFTERS real name, He later in life wrote some good stuff, went out to the Alabama river bridge and threw it all in the river and quit country music. Go figer.

Also SMOKY METCALF, real name he wrote mind your own business made a big hit one of Hank Williams songs.

Some neat stories are never told.
Some of my pals drank I did not so is was called SWEETMILK, Butter milk.


Posted: 23 Mar 2008 10:07 am
by Marc Jenkins
I used to sub with a pretty wild bunch of fellas from Uncas, Alberta, called 'The Uncas'. I was respectfully requested to go by the name 'Clevis Gulch' while playing with them.