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Posted: 31 Jan 2002 2:51 pm
by Ray Montee
EMMONS, of course. However, I refuse to wear the funny hat!

Posted: 31 Jan 2002 4:56 pm
by Jody Carver
You are funny without the hat. Image Image Image

Posted: 31 Jan 2002 5:20 pm
by Bill Myrick
Day and I have both raise and lower E's on the left knee

Posted: 31 Jan 2002 8:56 pm
by chas smith
Emmons E9
C6- pedals 7,5,6,4

Posted: 1 Feb 2002 8:00 am
by Jeff Coffell

Posted: 1 Feb 2002 8:39 am
by Roger Edgington
EMMONS but I play more like Day.I also had the E to F# on LKR for about 20 years but I now have it back as pedal C because I needed the knee lever for other pulls. I would say most players around here have the Day setup.

Posted: 1 Feb 2002 8:54 am
by Tim Harr
Emmons set up....

Posted: 1 Feb 2002 9:30 am
by Dave Van Allen
for years I had Emmons pedals abc but Day LKL and LKR... talk about anti-ergonomic! Image

I'm much better off now

Posted: 1 Feb 2002 9:30 am
by Neil Flanz

Posted: 1 Feb 2002 10:07 am
by Paul Graupp
Curly Chalker played DAY !!

Posted: 1 Feb 2002 11:41 am
by richard burton

Posted: 1 Feb 2002 1:38 pm
by DJ Sillito

I was fortunate to see Jimmy Day perform a few years back at the St. Louis Convention and unless I was seeing things Jimmy was stompin' on the paedals with both feet at the same time. It was cool to watch. Has anyone else seen him play that way or is it a common thing to do?

Posted: 1 Feb 2002 4:42 pm
by Billy Easton
Day....My first pedal steel was a new 1958 Gibson Multiharp with 8 strings. I put an E7h tuning on it, with E being the highest pitch string. I had never heard of chromatic tunings in those days. I set it up by what I heard on the radio and records, and it turns out to be like the Day set up. I have never changed. Don't think I ever will.

Billy Easton
Casa Grande, AZ
Where the Sun Always Shines

Posted: 1 Feb 2002 6:16 pm
by Bruce W Heffner
I played a Day set up for 29 years and changed to an Emmons set up 2 months ago. I find the Emmons set up to be more comfortable on my ankle. It was not a big deal to acomplish it. I changed it on a week day and played 5 weekends in a row 4 1/2 hours a night Friday and Saturday. Thats all it took to burn it in.

Posted: 1 Feb 2002 6:49 pm
by Joey Ace
My first MSA had it.

Posted: 2 Feb 2002 7:09 am
by Joerg Hennig
Emmons on E9, original Jimmy Day setup on C6!
JD Sillito, I think using both feet is a quite common thing on C6 if you have that setup. Jimmy´s "Golden Steel Guitar Hits" is my favorite C6 record right now to play along with, and I noticed several times pedals 5 and 7 are used together. I never think that much about chord theory, must be some 13th kind of thing.

Posted: 2 Feb 2002 7:12 am
by Ron Shepard

Posted: 2 Feb 2002 7:34 am
by Paul Graupp
Billy Easton: I keep seeing coincidences here and couldn't help but note what Bill Stafford said about your new CD. Then I posted here about Curly Chalker using the Day set up and then your post about using the DAY setup. Looks like the circle is still unbroken. Jimmy once told me he wished he could work C6th like Curly and I'm thinking: Yeah, Right !! Image Image Image

That after Liberty Drive and his version of Remmington Ride were leaving me in the dust in a failed attempt to PLAY LIKE DAY !!

Regards, Paul Image Image Image

Posted: 2 Feb 2002 11:49 am
by Reggie Duncan
Emmons 60
Day 31
Hal Rugg, Weldon Myrick, John Hughey, Curley Chalker, Tommy White, Jack Smith are some notable CBA guys. I play the Day setup but teach the Emmons.

Posted: 2 Feb 2002 5:13 pm
by Al Marcus
I always used the Day setup for years , it is more comfortable. But now use the Emmons setup cause when I sit in on another players guitar, it usually is Emmons setup.soooooo I switched.

Joe Henry- I saw Jimmy Day play many times even way back when he worked with Willie Nelson, when Nelson was getting nowhere.

He always played both feet on the C6 neck, especially to play that pedal 5 and 7, incidently that would make a D13th sound.
Also he used Pedal 7 with both 5 and 6 down to make a nice moving sound with the two peddals makeing a dimminished chord underneath.
Now I and many more put that P7 on a knee and end of Image

Posted: 2 Feb 2002 7:35 pm
by Jim Smith
<SMALL>Emmons on E9, original Jimmy Day setup on C6!</SMALL>
Joe Henry, I never heard of Jimmy Day using a different setup on C6 than anyone else at the time. Care to elaborate?

Posted: 3 Feb 2002 12:25 am
by ESnow

Posted: 3 Feb 2002 10:47 am
by Terry Downs

Posted: 3 Feb 2002 2:39 pm
by Ted Newell

Posted: 3 Feb 2002 10:25 pm
by Kevin Lamb