Bobbe Seymour RIP.

Obituaries and remembrances
of steel guitarists, their friends and families

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Eddie Moore
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Post by Eddie Moore »

RIP Bobbe until we meet again and play that music that we all love and long for.Eddie
If it is not traditional country music with steel and fiddle playing then its not music worth listening too.
Steve Hinson
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Post by Steve Hinson »

Goodbye,Big were an extremely funny cat who knew a lot about a lot of things,and could really play...I learned a lot from were one of a kind.
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Bill Dobkins
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Post by Bill Dobkins »

R.I.P Bobbe.
Custom Rittenberry SD10
Boss Katana 100 Amp
Positive Grid Spark amp
BJS Bars
Z~Legend Pro,Custom Tele
Honor our Vet's.
Now pass the gravy.
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Gary Sill
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Such sad news, what a legend in steel guitar

Post by Gary Sill »

I made several visits to see Bobbe in Nashville. We hit it off well and always felt comfortable buying from Bobbe. He was like a one of a kind person you meet in your lifetime. I always looked forward to getting Bobbe's take on steel related things.

Rest well Bobbe, you served us all very well.
A beautiful Laquer Mullen G2, 2 Nashville 112's, Evans 10" R150 Amp,1982 Emmons Push Pull D-10, Hilton Pedals, 12/8 MSA Superslide, Green LDG Sho-Bud-Owned by Lloyd, S-6 Fender 1956 Lap. , Gretsch Country Gentleman, Gibson 5 string 2002 banjo, 1953 D8 Fender Stringmaster, reconditioned completely, red Gibson 2019, ES 335, Quilter Steelaire, Gretsch Resonator, Eastman mandolin
Tom Bradshaw
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Post by Tom Bradshaw »

I nominated Bobbe for the SG Hall of Fame in 2010. Several others had nominated Bobbe, so my justification for his induction didn't have to be as extensive as I typically provided. I was pleased that the Convention Board acted quickly, with Bobbe's induction occurring in 2011. Needless to say, he and I were the best of friends, sharing our knowledge with each other, even to the point of the two of us being sued for simply telling the truth.
I'm going to post my nomination letter here. It reveals just a bit more of Bobbe's contributions to the instrument and its players:


To: The Convention Board of the
Steel Guitar Hall of Fame
9525 Midland Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63114

Re: HOF Nomination of Bobbe Seymour


I am aware that Bobbe Seymour has been nominated on several occasions for Hall of Fame induction. Regardless, I wish to nominate him again, with the emphasis on Bobbe's journalistic accomplishments on behalf of our instrument.

I am confident that you all are aware of his "Tips" publications that he distributes by E-mail. He began these Newsletters nearly 7 years ago (in 2003). I suspect that most of you receive them on a regular basis. Bobbe has sent out nearly 100 of these messages a year. While beginning with about 400 e-mail members, the distribution list currently consists of 4,863 musicians, and 12,557 others who have requested the Newsletters but have not identified their association with our instrument. With each issue-distribution, more recipients are added.

I have followed these publications from their beginning. When introduced, I felt that Bobbe’s motive was to increase sales at his retail store/shop in Hendersonville, Tennessee. That could have been his original intent, but his writings quickly evolved into something far more significant, with limited emphasis on sales-promotions. What developed, and is ongoing, is an accumulating reservoir of historical and educational information about our instrument, its players and culture.

An Example: I am going to attach one of his messages, mailed to recipients in the first year of his publishing. It happens to be a subject dear to my heart, but Bobbe speaks from several perspectives that I never contemplated back when I was doing guitar restorations.

When reading Bobbe's messages, all should recognize the noteworthy issues and points covered, the smiles created in his remembrances, and the valuable advice he passes on to those who play our instrument. I am impressed too, by the absence of self-promotion. Bobbe seems to "tell it like it is" and obviously, as he has seen it. The result is the most extensive revelations of a life with the steel guitar that has perhaps ever been written, with the only exception perhaps being the massive information trove of the Steel Guitar Forum, but written by hundreds of contributors. Bobbe's accumulation has been by his own effort! I have also been impressed by his writing ability, at making his subject matter an enjoyable read, with the results being educational, instructional and informative.

If you read Bobbe's messages from their beginning, you will witness the exposure of his musical philosophy and obsessive love of our instrument. Each "episode" reveals facts, identifies events, provides personal vignettes, and exposes his and other's adventures in playing. Looking back over the scores of these "Newsletters" (600+ and growing), not a single one can I identify as worthless. I feel all are uniquely important in documenting our instrument's history. And luckily, the vehicle available for accomplishing that documentation for current and future players and enthusiasts is the Internet.

An additional outcome of Bobbe's "Tips" Newsletters has been the fact that others in our community have recognized their value and are effectively expanding their distribution. Many of the steel guitar clubs and publications in the U.S. and abroad, particularly the Pedal Steel Guitar Association in New York, selectively reprint Bobbe's newsletters. He has given blanket permission for any of these organizations, anywhere, to use his writings in any way they wish for promoting the steel guitar. He has asked for nothing in return other than a link to his web site. Thus, Bobbe's Newsletters are reaching many more hundreds in our community of players and enthusiasts, other than just those Bobbe distributes to.

It should be noted that Bobbe's messages are referenced on the Steel Guitar Forum on a regular basis. And speaking of the Forum, Bobbe has made himself available to that portion of our brethren since March of 2001. As of this date, he has offered his advice and commentary a total of 2338 time. Others have referenced him a total of 1780 times. Thus, it is easy to assume that his presence in the world of steel guitarists is acknowledged and respected by a significant number of fellow players.

Besides the information provided here, and with the added information contained in at least one previous nomination letter, I encourage the Board to evaluate Bobbe's overall body of work during the past 55 years of his involvement and dedication to our instrument. Having nominated many of the past HOF inductees, and with the knowledge of their contributions to the advancement and proliferation of our instrument, it seems abundantly clear to me that Bobbe's induction into the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame is justified.

Sincerely, Tom Bradshaw

I was asked to prepare the plaque that is on display in St. Louis. This is what I included on Bobbe's plaque:

Steel Guitar
Hall of Fame

(Artist's Relief)

Spanning 5 decades, Bobbe toured with 50+ major artists and recorded 28 albums under his own name. As a composer and arranger, his creativity was heard on 2,000+ album sides, innumerable jingles and TV commercials and 7 movie soundtracks.

As an entrepreneur and craftsman, he contributed to the development and manufacture of Derby, Edge, Capri, EMCI, Jackson, MCI, MSA, Seymour and Gretsch/Sho-Bud brands of steels.

His prolific Internet "Tips" articles has made him
"Steel’s Foremost writer/Author/Publisher"

Born December 21, 1939
Dunkirk, New York Inducted: 2011
Steel Guitar Convention Board

I have every issue of Bobbe's "Tip" emails. I'd like to see them published for all to read now and in the future. ...Tom
James Leaman
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Post by James Leaman »

Once met....never forgotten! RIP Bobbe!!
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Ron Frederiksen
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Post by Ron Frederiksen »

I first met Bobbe in the 60's in Pueblo, Co. What a great player he was. Our prayers go out to the family. R I P my friend you will be missed.
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Stan Joyce
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Post by Stan Joyce »

Very sad indeed. Prayers go out to family.
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Terry Wisdom
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Re: Bobbe Seymour RIP.

Post by Terry Wisdom »

We lost another good one! We will all miss you. First met Bobbe in 1987 when we started talking was like we had known each other for years. He was always there to answer questions and loved the Steel Guitar Nashville store and all the editorials he did. You knew this guy has been around to know so many people.
Derby D10 - Derby S-10 -Sho-Bud Pro III D10
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Gene Hilts
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Bobbe Seymour's passing

Post by Gene Hilts »

A visit to Bobbe's store was always on my must do list when I visited Nashville. Always able to catch up on the news of the many Steel Player's that we knew. It was like an extension of the old Sho-Bud days. I loved his downhome humor and certainly his talent as a steel guitar player. He will be sadly
missed by JoAnne and I. Our thoughts are with the family and his Uncle Doug. Gene and JoAnne Hilts,
West valley, N.Y
Ron Brennan
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Post by Ron Brennan »

A Master Steel Guitar musician!! And a gift for writing equal to his talent playing the Steel Guitar.

"Well done, is better than Well said" both of which Bobbe did marvelously well!!!

Rest in Peace Bobbe, you are missed by all your friends....Till we meet again, God Keep you strong...TX


Skip Edwards
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Post by Skip Edwards »

Really sad news. I guess we all kind of knew he was having some health issues, but still this comes as a shock.
I spent an afternoon at his shop a few years back, and now I wish I'd spent many more there.
He was quite a character, as well as a unique player. I wish I'd gotten to know him better.
My sincere condolences to the family...which includes all of us, I guess.
Vaya con Dios, Bobbe...
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CrowBear Schmitt
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Post by CrowBear Schmitt »

Rest in Peace Bobbe
it was good to know you
you were one of the good guys
Wanda Cooper
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Post by Wanda Cooper »

Billy and I are so very sorry to hear of Bobbe’s death. He was a friend whom we always looked forward to seeing on our rare trips to the Nashville area. What an engaging personality he had! Whenever we showed up at his place, we were welcomed with open arms, literally. I remember the year he honored us with free Steel Guitar Nashville T-shirts, which we promised to wear in our store.:) We promptly presented him one of ours (which he promised to wear in his store!):)

We do pray for comfort for his family and offer the following tribute~

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.” 2 Corinthians 2:3-5
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Dag Wolf
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Post by Dag Wolf »

I really good guy and fun to hang around with. Had many great times in Bobbes store. Rest in peace my friend!

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Mike Wheeler
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Post by Mike Wheeler »

Bobbe helped me at many of my most difficult times in my playing career. He offered his help without any strings attached, and gave me hope that things would get better. And they always did.

He was, and always will be, close to me in my heart. A brother who cared more for his fellow steelers than most would ever understand. He defines the word "friend".

I'll never forget you Bobbe, my friend and "big" brother.
Best regards,
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David Mason
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Post by David Mason »

I never met him, but spoke on the phone a few times, and jousted with him here on the forum on issues big and small, but always in a good-natured way. He certainly was a man of opinions, and they, "often?" seemed to dovetail nicely with what he had in the store for sale! :lol:

I dunno - I'm told I'm weird about death but I have my reasons, maybe I've just had so much around me. But, with Bobbe Seymour, just like Reece, just look at the totality of his life - he spent a very, very high percentage of it doing exactly what he loved and what he wanted to. And also like Reece, he helped thousands of people do what they dreamed of - play steel guitar. That was not just a coincidental byproduct of his life - his talent was not a "gift", HE was the gift.

Draw from it what you can... I've been knocked silly so far this year, pounded by reason after reason why I HAVE to start teaching (underarm guitar) lessons again. For FREE if need be, I ain't doing it for them, I'm doing it for me. So THANK YOU BOBBE!, you were the last straw that broke that camel's back! And it's back to sullen teenland for me...
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Post by HowardR »

David Mason wrote: He certainly was a man of opinions, and they, "often?" seemed to dovetail nicely with what he had in the store for sale! :lol:

And you could learn from that also (if you were in a retail business) because in addition to everything that Bobbe was,.....he was a great salesman.....endearing and knowledgeable if not obvious in a good way....he might have steered you away from something and into something else, but he never steered you wrong and stood behind his product and service......that was my experience as I had bought a couple of guitars from him.......
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Jim Cohen
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Post by Jim Cohen »

I add my condolences to his Uncle Doug and rest of family on Bobbe's passing. He will be long-remembered.

(A small personal remembrance: Bobbe was the one who first wrote of me having "acceptable tone", and this description kind of morphed into "Master of Acceptable Tone" and still pops up from time to time.)
Jeremiah Hanley
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Post by Jeremiah Hanley »

We send our prayers to the entire Seymour family. We'll always remember Bobbe's encouraging remarks he sent us after our first radio broadcast 7 years ago on He mentioned how uplifting and important Gospel Music is!
Jerry and Venda
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Ted Crigger
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Sending Prayers

Post by Ted Crigger »

I never got the opportunity to meet , nor talk to him on the Phone, I have seen and read much about him, and as I've read on many of the forum comments, it is obvious he was a well respected Man & and without any doubt in my mind,He was a very knowlegable and sought after Steel Player, sure to be missed by many.
PRAYERs for the FAMILY. :(
Still Steel'n after all this time♫
Bill Hatcher
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Post by Bill Hatcher »

find peace bobbe.
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Michael Barone
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Post by Michael Barone »

I met Bobbe in 1986. He was very kind and helped me select parts for a Sho-Bud I just bought. It was a thrill to watch him perform. Got a great deal, with a bunch of free stuff. At the time, I was informed about his store by his newsletter, which I received by US Post Office mail, before the internet. Since then his store was my main source for Pedal Steel accessories.

I extend my thoughts and prayers for his family.
Bob Hempker
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Post by Bob Hempker »

Bobbe was a dear friend for 45 or so yrs. He was also a wonderful man to work for. I don't know if I can even bear to walk into the store again, knowing he's gone. RIP,my friend.
Bob Hempker
Bob Hempker
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Post by Bob Hempker »

Bobbe was a dear friend for 45 or so yrs. He was also a wonderful man to work for. I don't know if I can even bear to walk into the store again, knowing he's gone. RIP,my friend.
Bob Hempker
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