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Posted: 23 Sep 2009 4:51 am
by Jim Walker
If you're looking for me, look for the guy with the entourage... LOL



Posted: 23 Sep 2009 5:16 am
by Tony Farr
I just figured I'd been around so long that everybady knew what I looked like.

Hey Jim

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 7:14 am
by George McLellan
Hey Jim, do you remember what year this was?????

It was a good time.



Posted: 23 Sep 2009 7:33 am
by Robin Archer
Me foolin' around on a Sunday morning as I remember (used to drink alot back then) trying to impress someone (?)
Must have been cold out because I have my frozen water bottle on top of the thermostat behind me.
Landlord could never figure out why her heating bill went way up after I moved in.


Posted: 23 Sep 2009 8:13 am
by David Doggett

Playing with the Philadelphia Blues Messengers, 2008, Blue Sky Jamaican Restaurant, E. Norriton, PA.

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 10:39 am
by Roger Edgington
This is me & Pepper going to a gig. I still look like that.

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 12:16 pm
by Kenny Martin
At the last Saluda steel show! Man at 49 i look old! Too much Crown Royal i think! :lol:

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 1:35 pm
by Nicholas Martin

I took this especially for the forum. I take myself very seriously.[/img]

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 3:06 pm
by Paul Wade
here's me playing a custom msa/tom bradshaw d-10 in 05
wish i could fine this guitar i was looking at the bass player when he hit a bad note!!!


Posted: 23 Sep 2009 3:14 pm
by Bent Romnes
Roger Edgington wrote:This is me & Pepper going to a gig. I still look like that.

Roger that's a cool pic. So... Texas? I think

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 3:35 pm
by Roger Edgington

t is so Texas. Only Problem, I have to keep an eye on my beer so pepper don't drink it. I guess I shouldn't sit it on the post.

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 3:57 pm
by Lee Warren
John Lemieux wrote: Hi Lee it was a real pleasure to meet you and see you perform in Smooth Rock Falls with Michelle Wright.You are an awesome musician!!I never thought of offering you my Carter for the show as i did,nt realise you were on the forum.For some pics of the whole weekend go to and check those out.Take care John
Hi John,
It was great meeting you too!
If only we'd known about our mutual steel obsession. =)

The photos from the Smooth Rock Falls show are awesome -- did you take them?
I'd love to use some on my website, with proper credit to the photographer, of course.
MW would likely want to use some also.
Can you make them available to us?

hope this works

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 6:07 pm
by Gary Stevenson
This a pic playing in a China bar

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 6:10 pm
by Gary Stevenson
ImageThis is the real pic of SteelWeaver

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 8:10 pm
by Chris Schlotzhauer
Don't look up, don't look up


Posted: 24 Sep 2009 3:49 am
by Dave Grothusen
Just for fun this is me in 1968. That was a big heavy guitar.

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 4:22 am
by Joachim Kettner

Re: Hey Jim

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 7:14 am
by Jim Lindsey (Louisiana)
George Mc Lellan wrote:Hey Jim, do you remember what year this was?????

It was a good time.

Wow, George ... it's taken me this long and having seen this post about four or five times for me to realize that the steeler at left in the photo is me! :eek: And, the funniest part is that when I first saw the photo, I commented to a friend of mine that the steel player on the Mullen guitar looks a little like me. :lol:

Since I'm playing that mahogany mica Mullen, the year would have to be between 1998 and 1999 (I got the guitar from Gary H. in '98 and parted with the guitar in Feb of 2000).

Too bad my feet are chopped out of the photo, they would be a dead giveaway as to when the photo was taken ... in early summer of '98 I was having severe problems from an old pelvis & back injury and couldn't wear shoes for a few weeks so I stayed barefoot all the time (except during the actual shows). Can't remember if I was playing barefoot or in sandals that day.

I'm guessing that I was probably in sandals and it was a 1999 gig we were at. :)

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 9:19 am
by George McLellan
You were wearing sandles, I do rememeber that much. You, Ty and the rest of the band were at Darin's parents home on Island Lake, just outside of Duluth for a little R&R. Darin's dad (we've been friends and played together since 1955 or so) held a jam session and I had a great time. Since it wasn't raining that day, I'm guessing July :lol: .

I hope all is going well for you.


Posted: 24 Sep 2009 9:41 am
by Jim Lindsey (Louisiana)
Ah, thanks for the memory jog ... yes, that was a very good day, I remember it clearly now. :)

Shoot me an email sometime and we'll talk old times about that day. :) Hope you're doing well, also.

Thanks ... Jim

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 11:06 am
by Thomas Ludwig

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 11:20 am
by Ryan McMahon

31 years ago

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 11:50 am
by Danny Bates

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 4:54 pm
by Delvin Morgan
Ryan, from the land of sky blue waters, I love your Hamms bear avatar. I used to drink a little bit of that stuff.

Who are we?

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 5:27 pm
by Dennis Lee

That's me on the left, er, I mean the right!