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Posted: 28 Aug 2009 8:50 am
by Stan Paxton
Bill, if I wasn't so old and not in need of another steel, I would sure consider a Ritt. I've known Gary for a long time, back when he was originally building, he put a 5th lever on a near new EMCI I had at the time. He did a great job, and tweaked the steel while he had it.

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 10:24 am
by Bill Dobkins
Hey Stan, your right about Gary he's an Ace. Over the past few years we've became very close friends.

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 7:58 pm
by Bill Dobkins
And Stan your not to old to have a Ritt. It plays so easy even us old folks can play it.... :P

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 5:25 pm
by Roger Crawford
Hey Bill, I went to the Derby room several times last wek trying to find you. Every time I was there, you had just left. Oh well, bump for thr Ritt.

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 6:02 pm
by Bill Dobkins
Sorry Roger, But I was only in the Derby room Once and that was very breif. Carl Kilmer wanted to show me his new Emmons. Wish we could have made contact.


Posted: 10 May 2010 2:21 pm
by Carl Kilmer
OK Guys, Here is my new Rittenberry.
WOW! This built the way a steel should be.
Beautiful, and very smooth and easy pedals.
I'm gonna love this (even if it is black)

Carl "Lucky" Kilmer