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Author Topic:  Jagwire 3rd strings really last longer ? ? ?
Jay Ganz

Out Behind The Barn
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 6:10 am    
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I'm sorta used to changing my third string after a few gigs just to avoid any surprises.
I now have a set of Jags on my old '69 Emmons (for the first time).
Alot of folks say their .011 or .0115 lasts a lot longer than other makes.
Is this really the case with everyone here? Should I change it or just let 'er go and see what happens?
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Michael Johnstone

Sylmar,Ca. USA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 6:27 am    
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Let her go. You'll be surprised.On cam pull guitars they last quite a while. On lateral pull guitars(Anapeg,Excel,Lamar etc)they never,ever break.
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Ernest Cawby

Lake City, Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 6:42 am     hi
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On 3 guitars i have owned a Pro 1, a Carter and a Shobud Professional. In the years I have used Jagwires onle 1 string has broke, a 5th when I first put it on The Pro.. No other string has ever broke on all 3 guitars in 2 years. On the pro 1 a set lasted 5 months and started sounding bad and I changed them. On my Carter and bud they have been on I do not konw how long, they still sound bright and no breakage. I will start to date them and see how long they are on. I some time change out the strings caise I feel bad they have been on so long.

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Roger Edgington

San Antonio, Texas USA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 7:01 am    
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When I switched to Jagwire 11.5 thirds on my 98 Zum I went from breaking a third every 5 or 6 nites to 2 or 3 months. In fact they don't hardly break. They just get changed with the rest. I haven't tried them on my 69 pp Emmons yet. I'll be changing them this week if I get it all back together.
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Roger Francis


kokomo,Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 7:23 am    
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Jagwire all the way for me! I"ve used them for 3 or 4 years playing just about every weekend and including practice time at home, changing strings about every 5th week and i"ve broken a string maybe, 6 times during this time. I think the last time i broke one was a little over a year ago. Only 2 of those were on my Rains i've had for 2 years.
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Jim Sliff

Lawndale California, USA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 8:14 am    
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Not to rain on the parade - but there are only a few makers of plain wire. Most string brands are "package" names - they don't manufacture wire. Most don't even put the windings on the wound strings. The work is contracted out to a few actual manufacturers.

In 40 years or so of guitar playing the only differences I found in plain steel strings were 1) in certain specialized "treated" ones and 2) in the ball attachment. As far as how long they last, resistance to breakage, etc - I've never found any plain steel string different from any other.
No chops, but great tone
1930's/40's Rickenbacher/Rickenbacker 6&8 string lap steels
1921 Weissenborn Style 2; Hilo&Schireson hollownecks
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1959 Fender 400 9+2 B6;1960's Fender 800 3+3+2; 1948 Fender Dual-8 Professional
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 8:49 am    
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Have you tried Jagwires, Jim Sliff?
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Roger Crawford

Griffin, GA USA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 8:53 am    
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Worst mistake I've made lately was buying a half dozen extra 11.5's from Danny. Wasted money...don't need 'em! These things just don't break. Jim, you have a valid point on the number of people that actually manufacture the wire. However, these strings actually do last longer than than any other I've ever used. I don't know why, don't really care, but they do.
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Plano, Texas 75023
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 10:52 am    
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I am with you guys. I put an .115 on a practice guitar several months ago and left it on to see how long it would take before it broke. I played that guitar almost everyday average two to three hours a day and after six months took it off because it sounded rather ratty by then. But it did not break. Come to think of it, I also bought a dozen of them and have 11 left.

Great strings

Mark T

Infinity D-10 Justice SD-10 Judge Revelation Octal Preamp, Fractal AXE III, Fender FRFR 12
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 10:54 am    
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Ok, the otherside..well sort of..
YES, I have tried them and still have a few mixed in with the rest of the slug strings...

This entire converstaion is totally subjective.

No meat..

Are Jagwires better, ? Maybe..I know I like the shorter Ball end wrap because it may eliminate a score on the bridge..

Ok now back to the essential question,

Does the 3rd string really last longer ?

Longer than what and longer for who ?

Who = Consant Speed Pickers who are mashing the B pedal to death..

What = Another brand ? Which brand ?

Did they last longer for me,? Maybe, I'm not sure because I change the 3rd and the 5th every other week anyway. Sometimes every week. No longer than 3 or 4 gigs between changes.

Now if we actually had a MASH PEDAL B meter which counted the number of PULLS vs the time on the Guitar..then we can get an accurate answer, maybe...

How many wraps on the Keyhead, is the roller lubed ?

Are we in tune to 440 ? Exactly ?

I think what is BETTER is the shorter wrap at the ball end, perhaps that leads to a longer life but
who's life ?

A Player that plays 6 nights a week or one who does a few sessions everyday, or a player that plays 2 gigs a month or NO gigs a month ?

How long does a tank of Gas last..mine lasts only a day or two, how about yours ?

Maybe I have bad GAS Sad

PS: Jagwire 3rds have broken on my Steel and appeared to be in the same approx time frame as the other brands. My practice routine includes some very repetitive phrases at meter with constant B pedal action. The breakage is expected and not uncommon with my routine.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 11:02 am    
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I bought some .015's from the Forum to try. The first one I put on broke tuning it up. The second sounded dead. The third one finally came up OK but I didn't like the sound and it seemed to have a lot of tension. I kept it on for a week, took it off and gave the other .015's away to someone who uses Jagwire strings.
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Hook Moore

South Charleston,West Virginia
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 11:21 am    
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My experience is pretty much as Tony describes in his post. Lots of uptempo tunes and pedal push`n, no string brand lasts me very long. I do very much like the consistency and I rarely get a bad string.. Jags and the .0115 are my favorites for the last 2 or 3 years.
They are also quickly available right here on the forum.

Blaine Moore
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 1:07 pm    
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I just had a run on .0115 strings and now I'm all sold out. I wonder how that happened?

Normally I sell about 60 a month. I sold 30 just today! Whoa! I have more on order...
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David Doggett

Bawl'mer, MD (formerly of MS, Nawluns, Gnashville, Knocksville, Lost Angeles, Bahsten. and Philly)
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 1:42 pm    
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The first time I put a Jagwire 0.0115 on, I was perplexed because it just seemed to keep stretching and not holding the pitch. Then I discovered it was slipping on the tuner peg. I normally put a single kink in the string where it goes through the peg hole, and that holds when I crank it up. But I was not able to put a kink in the Jagwire that would hold. I had to double it around and put it through the hole again. To me this indicated that the wire was markedly harder and more flexible. And sure enough, the 3rd string lasts longer. So I am now a believer. Jagwires do not seem to be the same as other strings.
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Bob Kagy


Lafayette, CO USA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 2:28 pm    
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I'm amazed how long the Jagwires last including the 0115.

I've never had a string brand last that long, includes Sho-Buds, Tom Bradshaw's house brand, George L.'s, SIT's and GHS's. I have fewer scars on my picking hand from stringbreak whiplash.

Just my mileage. Yours may be different.
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Jerry L Miller


Sublette, Kansas, USA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 3:31 pm    
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jagwire, ive used georg'ls, sobra, sit, the 3d broke real quick, i bought 2 set of jagwire from BOB about 6 months ago, i try to play 15 minutes every day, i use the pedals a lot, no broken string yet, gonna change them this week they are so dead they just go thump when i pick them. jag's for me from now on.
jerry Very Happy
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Martin Weenick

Lecanto, FL, USA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 3:49 pm     Jaguar strings
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I was very disappointed in the last two sets of Jaguire strings. I had to take a pair of sidecutters and cut a full 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch off where the wrap at the ball end is. All but 5 of the strings were like that. Even then I had to make sure the cut off was pointing away from the guitar when I put it on the pin, else they would stick right into the finger. Martin.
Several custom steels. NV-112 Boss DD-7
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Michael Barone

Downingtown, Pennsylvania
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 4:10 pm    
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For over a year now I've been using this set of Jagwire gauges on my 2006 Carter. Where else can you get personalized service with customized string sets? b0b takes the time to make me this set. Have not had a string break. Mash pedals a lot, 30 hours a month. Put a new set on once a month. Nice full sound, always in tune.

F# .014
D# .016
G# .012
E .015
B .019
(the rest are standard gauges)

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Mike Sigler

Give Em A Try !
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 5:56 pm     hey speed picker's
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all you speed players, since i went to jagwire strings, I don't have to worry about breaking them, just tryin to keep up with them... they last longer then i do!
Try my MIKE SIGLER Artist set.. BoB sale's them right here.... I love em. The best Dang Strings Around!
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Lee Baucum

McAllen, Texas (Extreme South) The Final Frontier
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 6:02 pm    
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And then, there's the peace of mind they bring. Breaking a string never even crosses my mind anymore, since I made the switch to Jagwires.

Purchasing Jagwire strings from b0b is a good way to help support this Forum.
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Keith Ballmer

Traverse City, Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 7:18 pm     Jags.
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I had a Carter Starter at one time that was busting the 3rd string .011 due to its loose nature of the guitars constant jerking changers,"not going to say what brand"
I decided to go with Jagwire "Carter starter strings" the 3rd string stop breaking, Danny trys to figure out the nature of the guitar and your playing style to make strings that fit your needs.
I use nothing but Jagwire now.........and I can get them Cheaper then most stores from B0b here on the fourm!
MARLEN S10 with a Crate V50 with custom speakers .. Local Artist 💪💪
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Stan Paxton

1/2 & 1/2 Florida and Tenn, USA (old Missouri boy gone South)
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 7:32 pm    
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It would seem that each player mostly has about the same routine of play time, practice time, type of playing as to use of B pedal, etc., that probably doesn't vary that much. Therefore, each player can pretty much tell if he/she is breaking less strings with one brand than another. It would not seem that this question is pitting one player or type of playing against another. Smile
My routine is not near as strenuous as many of you guys, nor am I a speed picker. I can still determine that since using Jagwires, several months, not one string has been broke; whereas before, I could regularly depend on breaking the 3rd string just before I thought it was about time to change strings.
Just my observation; doesn't seem to be all that complex. Very Happy
Mullen Lacquer SD 10, 3 & 5; Mullen Mica S 10 1/2 pad, 3 & 5; BJS Bars; LTD400, Nashville 112, DD-3, RV-3, Hilton VP . -- Gold Tone PBS sq neck; Wechter Scheerhorn sq neck. -- "Experience is the thing you have left when everything else is gone." -anon.-
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2007 8:11 pm    
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I could regularly depend on breaking the 3rd string just before I thought it was about time to change strings.

Actually, breaking the 3rd used to be my cue to change strings. Now I have to think of it on my own, because the 3rd doesn't break often enough. Urk! Winking
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 22 Aug 2007 2:46 am    
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Each player deos NOT have the same routine..

A player that does not Speed Pick at all vs a player who spends multiple hours each week bringing in Speed Pickin' phrases are playing on two different planets.

There is no average routine which is about the same for everyone.

I guarantee that I don't practice the same stuff Paul Franklin , Mike Sigler or Steve Poulesek practice, but I am willing to bet we may use similar or the same brand strings.

String life I believe is 100% related to the PULL ratio.( given the Steel has no burrs and the roller is smooth )

Why do I say that, because if you put the 3rd string on the Steel, tune it up at 440 and NEVER press the B pedal it will NEVER break.

Long after all of our family, neighbors and friends have gone on to be with the Lord, the chances are that if the Steel is still around somewhere, the 3rd string still ain't broke !

It's all about useage and routine.
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Stan Paxton

1/2 & 1/2 Florida and Tenn, USA (old Missouri boy gone South)
Post  Posted 22 Aug 2007 6:39 am    
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I apologize if my posting was not clear; the meaning is that each player pretty much has his/her OWN routine of play, practice, use of the B pedal, etc etc, which is not going to vary that much within his/her OWN use. Therefore, we are not comparing any given player to another given player, as to string breakage. Any one player will know for themself if there is more or less string breakage ratio from one brand to another. Smile If there is no pedal use, then the point is moot, unless the breakage is somewhere besides at the changer. Then it seems obvious to me that the breakage cause might be equipment related such as a sharp edge at the tuning key hole, or extreme heavy handedness with the striking of the string, such as happens with 6-stringers at times (tho' I can hardly imagine that on psg). Then in that event it would seem to me that string brand would hardly come into play (no pun intended). Very Happy Again, just my thoughts, nothing scientific.
Mullen Lacquer SD 10, 3 & 5; Mullen Mica S 10 1/2 pad, 3 & 5; BJS Bars; LTD400, Nashville 112, DD-3, RV-3, Hilton VP . -- Gold Tone PBS sq neck; Wechter Scheerhorn sq neck. -- "Experience is the thing you have left when everything else is gone." -anon.-
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