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Author Topic:  What to look for in a lapsteel?
Terje Larson


Rinkeby, SpÄnga, Sweden
Post  Posted 17 Jul 2007 8:22 am    
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I'm sort of looking for a lapsteel. I have some options here at home in Stockholm but I'm wondering a bit what to look for?

Is it for instance better to rest your right hand directly on the bridge or is it better with one of those "hand rests"? Wood? Pick-ups?

One I've tried was cute, sounded fine and not so pricey. Another one was better but cost the double. There are a few others that also cost a little more but come with a fligthcase, which is always a good thing.

Maybe I should say right away that I'm not very likely to buy a lapsteel from someone on the internet as I have enough options closer by.
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 17 Jul 2007 10:55 am    
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As in standard guitar, it's best not to anchor your hand at all. It's limiting.
Watch the Alvino Ray clip to see what I mean! He could never do any of that with an anchor.

One of the most important aspects in buying a steel is to have the strings exactly the same at the bridge and nut (not coming closer at the nut, like most steels do) to allow slanting to be as accurate as possible.

But you can get away with it. All but one of my steels narrow at the nut.

Good luck, and have fun!
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