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Hiro Keitora

New York, New York
Post  Posted 4 Jul 2007 2:59 pm    
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Just got myself a NV 112, and so far, I'm pleased with it. It's already has 5 chip mod done to it when I bought it.

Any opinions for different speaker for 112?

I'm thinking of Jensen Neo 12 at 4ohm, or Weber Neo at 4 ohm. I use Jensen Neo 15 in one of my Marrs cabinet and pretty happy with it.

Of course, EV can be nice, JBL E-120, sure. But I don't want to "add" anymore weight to the amp.

Any idea?
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Kurt Kowalski


Kendall, NY USA
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2007 5:01 am    
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How are you, long time no chat!

My take on this situation is that:
if the current speaker is a Blue Marvel speaker in the N-112 (and providing it's NOT blown).

I would leave it alone. Peavey did a good job matching that speaker to the N-112.

It is a good speaker and the specs are right up there with the others you mentioned.

The most important thing has already BEEN done.
The Burr Brown Mod chips. (But, that does void the warranty)

I got my mod chips from Ken Fox and now that amp really breathes.

Your current speaker might just need breaking in...???

What I did to break in the speaker. Was that I hooked up an mp3 player to the input to the amp and played it at a moderate volume for about 6-8 hrs straight. It took the edgy sound right away from the speaker.

Try it out before you start doing any major surgery.

Hope you're doing well!

Your Pal,
Kurt (Mr. Talking too loud and too much)Smile
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Don Sulesky

Citrus County, FL, Orig. from MA & NH
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2007 5:15 am    
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Hi Kurt and Hiro
As you said, "Long time now see."

Hiro, I agree with Kurt.
A friend of mind put in a neo speaker and to me it lost all its tone and sounds like crap.
I'd leave well enough alone.
Peavey did a fine job with the Marvel match for the NV112. I also don't have the mod in mine and like it just as is.
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Roger Francis


kokomo,Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2007 7:47 am    
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I third the motion of leaving in the BM speaker, i don't think with another speaker you are giong to gain any thing. Just use it for while and play with your EQs and it will warm up.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2007 9:23 am    
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When the NV112 first came out, some were replacing the OEM speaker with a Black Widow. All the BW did was increase the weight of the amp and from what I've seen written they took the BW out and put the original Blue Marvel back in.

As far as the OPA chips, I'll repeat what I posted on another thread. I put the OPA2604's in my NV 112 and did two gigs with them. I could never get a sound I wanted out of the NV112 and took out the OPA2604 chips and went back to the OEM chips. My NV112 did not sound like a NV112 with the OPA chips.
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Hiro Keitora

New York, New York
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2007 10:10 am    
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Thanks everyone!
I guess I'll leave it alone for now, as i said, I wasn't un-happy about the speaker by any means.

But just to satisfy my curiosity, I may hook up NV 112 chasis to other speakers in different cabinet.
That should be interesting.

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Mike Fried


Nashville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2007 3:19 pm    
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I found a slightly used 4-ohm Weber Cali 12 (ceramic magnet, aluminum dustcap, no doping) on eBay and put it in my recent NV112. The sound is pretty similar to the BM, with a very slight "presence" lift, possibly due to the aluminum dustcap. The weight is within +/- a few ounces of the BM speaker, and its efficiency (output volume at a given power input) seems slightly higher. Overall, I'd rate it an improvement (for what I'm looking for, anyway) but nothing that made my jaw drop.

Jack, are you sure all the OPA chips you used were okay? Yours is the only negative comment I've seen re. that mod. I did it to my amp and consider the change to be fairly subtle but pleasing, a bit more clarity and detail throughout the audio range. Has anyone else commented negatively on this mod?
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Roger Francis


kokomo,Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2007 5:25 pm    
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I liked the mod, warmer & cleaner.
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Hiro Keitora

New York, New York
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2007 5:30 pm    
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Well, it's like, I'm not trying to make NV 112 sounds like NV 112 should, but I'm toying with some idea to get "different" ( yet pleasing) sound out of it.

I am a bit surprised Weber Cali sounded a lot like Blue M in the NV 112. Well, that says a lot right there to me.

What's the weight of Blue M 12" speaker? 15 lbs or so? Or less?

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Mike Fried


Nashville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2007 8:08 pm    
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Way less than 15 lbs., more like six or seven tops. The ceramic magnet's about five lbs. and it has a stamped sheet metal frame. BTW, if you do end up trying a new speaker, be very careful removing the old one as its gasket is thinly glued to the baffleboard. It takes a fair amount of force to dislodge it (mine did, anyway), and it's easy to cut your fingers on the edges of the speaker's frame cutouts while pulling on it. As the speaker gasket is a paper laminate, it should break away pretty cleanly, though, and only require minor cleanup of the baffleboard surface.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2007 2:21 am    
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The chips are OK. I had 16 new OPA2604 chips at the time. I tried a couple others and they were the same.

Basically it did make the amp "cleaner" and it made it sound like my Nashville 1000. I didn't need a Nashville 1000 clone, since I have the real thing. I bought the Nashville 112 because of it's size and it's characteristic tone, I didn't buy it to change the tone. Maybe it's my electronics and amp tech background that I want something to be the way it was designed, not modified.
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Don Sulesky

Citrus County, FL, Orig. from MA & NH
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2007 4:57 am    
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I agree with Jack.
If the mod makes the NV112 sound like the NV1000 then I want nothing to do with it because I never liked the sound of the NV1000 and why I sold mine cheap to get it out of the closet.
I like the original sound I get from my "as is" NV112.
I know how picky my friend Jack is with tone and I agree with him 110%.
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Mike Fried


Nashville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2007 11:34 am    
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Well, Jack (and Don), to each his own... My own electronics and amp tech background makes me an inveterate tinkerer that likes to experiment Smile . (I generally refrain from modding "classic" vintage gear, however.) My stock NV112 did have its own sound, but for what I want the amp for it was overly grainy and lacking in presence. Now it still has it's own sound, just different. Perhaps mine was a dud, but to me the bottom line is that now I like it more. BTW, I can't say that my modded NV112 sounds anything like a NV1000 - I wouldn't like it if it did. I think the power amp topology and speaker/cabinet size are just too different for that, even if the preamps were identical.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2007 12:07 pm    
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I sold a set of the OPA2604's to a local steeler that didn't like the sound of his NV112 but did like him NV1000. After he installed the chips he e-mailed me that the OPA2604's did make his NV112 sound like his 1000.
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Mike Fried


Nashville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jul 2007 10:13 am    
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Hmm, that is interesting... I guess perhaps we all focus on different aspects of an amp's sound when judging how it suits us. I've found the NV1000 to be much "harder" sounding than my NV112. But again, even mass-produced amps will vary from unit-to-unit, and mine seems to have more power amp compression than some others I've heard. That, combined with the added clarity and presence of the OPA's and Weber Cali speaker, gave it the character I was looking for as a recording amp. I can certainly appreciate that the stock NV112 sound has its own appeal, though, too, and I've heard some stock ones that sounded mighty fine.
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Hiro Keitora

New York, New York
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2007 7:14 pm    
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Right, guys... and this week end I toyed with my 112... I made a hook up wire cable so I can connect that NV 112 to any " speaker cabinet".

I hooked it up to webb 614-E cabinet with D-130, it sounded great!, well, like the Webb sounded like. I hooked it up with other cabinet with other speakers, they all sounded great, like those speaker cabinets were designed for certain amp heads.

So Nash 112 it self? It's good. I like it, but the due to the size of the cabinet, it sounds the way it sounds I guess.

Nash 112 head sounds great to me. I wonder who was posting but if I can make a "stand alone" unit out of it, I'll use it with my Marrs Cabinet with JBL D-130 !!

But then, it lose the point of 112 being very compact, doesn't it?.....
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Dennis Wallis


Post  Posted 8 Jul 2007 8:43 pm    
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Here's what I did....... I put all 5 chips in the 112. THe "bottom" end seem to almost disappear. That was a drastic change that I could not live with. Sooooo... I took out the 3 chips in the middle and put the old chips back in & left in the 2 new chips on the end and WOW ! What a change. The bottom end came back & it now sounds great. Sounds much bigger than it size. You guys might want to try that & see if it works for you.
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