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Author Topic:  Greg Leisz Version Of "Here Comes The Sun"
Peter Dollard


Post  Posted 12 May 2007 1:31 pm    
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Somebody posted a link to where this soundclip was and I really loved it can anybody post it for me again? Thank you, Peter
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Peter Dollard


Post  Posted 17 May 2007 12:47 pm     Wrong Greg
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I got my Gregs confused. I meant Greg Booth. The post is in the "Music" section under Dobro On The Web" and there is a link which takes you to an interview with this guy who has only been playing dobro for two years, sounds like thirty years. There is an MP3 link with the aforementioned George Harrison song in the key of A but it is a broken tuning(not just a straight chord) sounds like there is an added ninth on it when he strums the chord at the end of his solo.... sorry for the mixup, Peter
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Mark Eaton

Sonoma County in The Great State Of Northern California
Post  Posted 17 May 2007 1:41 pm    
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And Greg didn't want to disclose his secret tuning-sort of like some of the old time Hawaiian steel players!
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Greg Booth

Anchorage, AK, USA
Post  Posted 21 May 2007 10:05 pm    
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Here Comes the Sun. mp3

It's not that I wanted to keep the tuning secret, Rob and I thought it might be fun for the interview to give the readers a chance to figure it out. Dan Fuchs is a whiz at tabbing dobro music and he tabbed my version out pretty closely, in addition to my Panhandle Rag, which can both be found on Here is the thread from Rob's discussion board where we talk about "Here Comes the Sun"

RobA wrote:
Mr. AKSlider:

Care to comment on the accuracy of Dan Fuchs transcription of your arrangement of HCTS? For starters, is the tuning correct? Is it accuate?

Inquiring minds want to know! Exclamation

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 1:47 pm Post subject:

Hi Rob,

Yes, the tuning is EBDGBC#. Like I said in an email conversation, "That Dan Fuchs is pretty clever, I bet he'll figure it out." The tab is fairly close. I am doing a few things a little different though. At the start of the verse, "Little darling", I play the 1st string open with the 2nd string 2nd fret together in unison, then pull off the 2nd string to sound the B note. I'm real big on unisons on the dobro! Then I do it again after the 4th string 2nd fret E note. You get all four notes ringing- E. A. B and C#, a pretty A add9 chord. I see now Dan has it almost right at the 9th and 10th measures.


In the 16th measure instead of the 4th string frets 7and 6 I used the 3rd string frets 2 and 1. For this part I have a new way to play it now:

|--4--- ----4-s-2

At the start of the 26th and 27th measures those are all single notes at the 5th and 7th frets and for the 2 repeats as well. Overall, good job, Dan. I made the recording more as a demo and as a starting point so I think the tab is close enough for anybody that wants to play it in this key. I couldn't find a way to play the various parts in C.
Kathy Kallick Band
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