OSGA Memorial Day Convention, Tulsa, OK

Upcoming steel guitar shows, concerts, jam sessions, club dates, etc.

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Scott Henderson
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Post by Scott Henderson »

Tulsa is definately one of the biggest highlights of our year. Can't wait to get there see friends and do some pickin. I have done a couple gigs allready with Dewayne Bowman and John Terry. Gonna be a hoot to ad Larry, Paul, and " The Maestro" Roy to the mix. I am thinking we will bring "Little Maggie" (my D-8 Magnatone) for Friday night and do some serious swingin. Only two weeks away and it's time for a Road trip. Somebody say YEHAW!!!!!
Thanks for having us.
D-10 JCH Dekley U-12 D-8 Magnatone Mullen RP Evans RE 200 profex 2 BJS bars
Dentyne gum (peppermint)
David Young
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OSGA Memorial Day Convention

Post by David Young »



I agree with you, this is definately one of the highlights of my year as well as I have already stated in earlier posts. I'm glad to see all the band back " together again " John T, Paul P, Dewayne B, Larry K, and the Maestro Cuz Roy R. Scott, we are glad you are going to be there pickin' & grinnin'. I've been wondering if you are going to bring the ladies back to sing again. Anyway, I am ready for some serious STEELING in T Town.


Hello to all my steel guitar playing friends. You are in my prayers as you travel to all the shows. I'll see you when I can. Rev. David L. Young / 2007 Martin D-41 Special, 1999 Tacoma DM-9, 2012 Bourgeois Cocobolo back and sides with an Adirondack Spruce top.
Larry King
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Post by Larry King »

David Young
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OSGA Memorial Day Convention

Post by David Young »


Is this what you said?

I believe it was and I agree with you.


Just a few more days! See you there!

Hello to all my steel guitar playing friends. You are in my prayers as you travel to all the shows. I'll see you when I can. Rev. David L. Young / 2007 Martin D-41 Special, 1999 Tacoma DM-9, 2012 Bourgeois Cocobolo back and sides with an Adirondack Spruce top.
Casey Lowmiller
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Post by Casey Lowmiller »

It's just around the corner folks! Better get ready for a darn good time...I'm excited!!!
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Darvin Willhoite
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Post by Darvin Willhoite »

I'm headed for T-town one week from tomorrow, I can hardly wait.
Darvin Willhoite
MSA Millennium, Legend, and Studio Pro, Reese's restored Universal Direction guitar, as well as some older MSAs, several amps, new and old, and a Kemper Powerhead that I am really liking. Recently added a Zum D10, a Mullen RP, and a restored blue Rose, named the "Blue Bird" to the herd. Also, I have acquired and restored the plexiglass D10 MSA Classic again that was built as a demo in the early '70s. I also added a '74 lacquer P/P, with wood necks.
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George Piburn
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GeorgeBoards Private Reserve Stock Eye-Candy -Tulsa Jamboree

Post by George Piburn »

Hello From George Boards

Thanks a lot to the OSGA for allowing GeorgeBoards to participate in the Tulsa 2007 Jamboree. A short 50 years to come full circle, Bob Wills saying "Take it away Leon" to all the pedals and knee levers and now back to the Basics of Pure Steel Guitar. AHHHHH Haaaaa.

Now that we have relocated to them thar Oklahoma Hills GeorgeBoards Private Reserve Stock will be unvieled at the May 25-6-7 Festival.

We look forward to the meet and greet , Enjoy the photos below to wet the whistle.
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Junior Knight
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Post by Junior Knight »

I sure hate to miss this show..this is my 2nd home...but due to the fact that there are no steel players in the Dallas Ft Worth area that will sub for me or their all workin somewhere, I have to play my gig...hope to see everyone next year!!!! Junior.
john buffington
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Post by john buffington »

:( You will be sorely missed by all of us, but we understand - I think!!!!!!!!!
Oh well, looks like we've already got our first player for next years show huh? Seriously, JK is a charter member of the OSGA and will always have a spot on the show. Get some of them players trained down there so we can have you next year Bro.

John Buffington, Pres. OSGA
David Young
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OSGA Memorial Day Convention

Post by David Young »


I agree with John, " You will be sorely missed by all of us, but we understand - I think!!!!!!!!! "

As Brothers in the Lord, we will forgive you ....this time

Seriously, we do understand but, will really miss you as you are an integral part of our fellowship and a class act from the word go!

As John said, " Get some of them players trained down there so we can have you next year Bro. "

I have a cousin in your area that plays the steel. He also plays the guitar and played in Nashville about fifteen years ago. When he left he stopped playing professionally. He recently picked the guitar up and sounded like he never missed a beat and played very well. I've never heard him play the steel, but he said he was a player and I believe him. Maybe he could help you out sometime, or at least you could meet him and check out his playing.

Anyway, we will miss you Junior, and you have our full support.

Hello to all my steel guitar playing friends. You are in my prayers as you travel to all the shows. I'll see you when I can. Rev. David L. Young / 2007 Martin D-41 Special, 1999 Tacoma DM-9, 2012 Bourgeois Cocobolo back and sides with an Adirondack Spruce top.
Bob Dell
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Hey Junior

Post by Bob Dell »

Boy are you in deep weeds. Jennifer was going to bring her 2 girls to see the "One & Only" Junior Knight!!!!!
She says..."no more bubble gum fer Junior"!!!!!
Until Next year that is.
You "WILL" be missed. Haven't seen you in a "WHILE"!
Love ya bro.
Bob Dell
Casey Lowmiller
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Post by Casey Lowmiller »

Larry King
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Post by Larry King »

Jody Sanders
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Post by Jody Sanders »

Five to go. Jody.
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Robby Springfield
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Post by Robby Springfield »

I can't wait. My lovely wife will be there with me to sing a few. Now if I could just figure out what to do with this new dog we just got???????
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George Piburn
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Eye-Candy- GeorgeBoards S8 Console Figured Birch - Awesome!

Post by George Piburn »

Be Sure to drop by GeorgeBoards Show Room at the OSGA Tulsa Jamboree.

We will have S8 Consoles - D8 Consoles - S8 Lap Steels - each GeorgeBoard is from our Private Reserve Stock featuring our finest efforts, including Pearl Inlay, marquetry bands, triple inlay fret lines, much more.

Let's talk a lot of Steel, Pick and Grin, and of course I will make super deals on my Instruments for Cash.

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Dr. Boards
Larry King
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Post by Larry King »

Think it's time for a reminder ?
Jody Sanders
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Post by Jody Sanders »

Three days and counting. Jody.
Jody Sanders
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Post by Jody Sanders »

It won't be long now. Jody.
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Curt Shoemaker
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Post by Curt Shoemaker »

Jody, that's what the cat said when he got his tail caught in the lawn mower!!!! :lol:
john buffington
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Post by john buffington »

The count down has started!!!!!!!!!!
John Buffington
David Young
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OSGA Memorial Day Convention

Post by David Young »

Bro. John,

I've been counting for awhile and can hardly wait! This will be a much needed mini vacation for me. I'm looking forward to fellowshiping with everyone and enjoying the absolute best steel guitar playing in the country with, of course, the best back up band around ( In my opinion, I mean no offense to anyone who plays with any of the other associations ) They have proven themselves year in and year out. The whole show is as I stated in an earlier post.....FIRST RATE! It is also TOP SHELF and THE CREAM OF THE CROP! Hats off to all of the OSGA and John Buffington on a SUPER JOB EVERY YEAR!

Hello to all my steel guitar playing friends. You are in my prayers as you travel to all the shows. I'll see you when I can. Rev. David L. Young / 2007 Martin D-41 Special, 1999 Tacoma DM-9, 2012 Bourgeois Cocobolo back and sides with an Adirondack Spruce top.
Casey Lowmiller
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Post by Casey Lowmiller »

John Buffington says it's gonna be good...you better believe him!!! It sounds like a pretty impressive line-up so far!!! It's getting closer & closer... the anticipation is killing me!!!
Jody Sanders
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Post by Jody Sanders »

Sixty-three hours and 28 minutes til show time and counting. Jody.
Paul Polish
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On the Road Again

Post by Paul Polish »

Dee and I will be headed toward Tulsa town in just a few hours.
Looking forward to seeing all of our friends and fellow 'pickers' up there again. It seems like a year since we've seen y'all .........
OOPS!!!! I guess it has been... better get some more coffee in the system.
See ya soon
Paul and Dee
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