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Author Topic:  Gold Tone Lap Steel Sound
Jude Reinhardt

Weaverville, NC
Post  Posted 16 Mar 2007 2:58 am    
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Hi Jude! I was wondering what the sound was like on your Gold Tone lap? The new ones look nice,but was unsure of how they sounded.(quote)
The above was sent to me on another thread and I don't know how to answer it. I like the sound of my Gold Tone but I can't describe it. It's tuned to C6 and played right now through a 15 watt Crate amp. If I change strings to A major and play it through my Peavey Envoy 110 it'll probably sound like a different guitar won't it? It's a well made guitar but heavier than the Melobars so I usually lay it on the kitchen table when I play it.
I thought that if everyone that has a Gold Tone lap steel would chime in with how their's sounds maybe the original question I received would be answered. Since it's a copy of an original Oahu Tonemaster, has anyone ever done an A/B conparison of the two? I'd like to hear about that. Thanks much for any and all replies.
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Erv Niehaus

Litchfield, MN, USA
Post  Posted 16 Mar 2007 6:14 am    
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I just bought an 8 string GoldTone lap and like the sound very much.

I have teamed it up with a Roland Cube 60 amp and it's a good combination. The Cube 60 has a "black panel" setting that gives it an old Twin Reverb sound.
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Randy Cordle

Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 16 Mar 2007 6:53 pm    
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Anybody know what Gold Tone is using for pickups on their 6 and 8 stringers?
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