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Author Topic:  A sweet, cheap and light little setup for less than $300.oo:
J D Sauser

Wellington, Florida
Post  Posted 15 Mar 2007 1:12 pm    
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As some may guess from my profile, I travel too much.
Anyway, I tried a new version of KORG's Pandoras Box in a store in Florida before going to the bananas. It's a little pocket eraphone amp with a built in FX box. Most presets are geared towards rock guitarists but I found 4 presets which sounded awsome with the steel. Besides, one can create own loops.
I intended to play it with i-pod style earphones, but at a friends place in Florida we used the out plug into his amp and it sounded like from a record. I have never had a sound like that! Additionaly, there is an AUX in which allows me to play along to my MP3's on my computer.
But now comes the best. At Brookstone I see a littel FM transmitter for $29.99 for i-pods. It's the size of a lighter and plugs in where you would plug in the earphone. It sends a tunable FM signal at short distance (I hope Smile ) to a radio.
Since I went to the Dominican Republic leaving my amps behind in Florida, Spain and Switzerland (I know... just like others keep women Wink ), I decide to try it. So, a coulple of days back it occured to try it with my gettoblaster boombox. Forget your Peaveys and Fenders! For a total of less than $300.oo and about 1 Lb of net weight I have a setup that sounds like putting a record on and loud enough to have the the better 2/3's of Hispaniola island wonder what in the world THAT is.

... J-D.
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