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Ron !


Post  Posted 22 Feb 2007 11:56 pm    
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As all of you may know.Larry Simpson was the first on the web that opened a "Steel guitar chat room".In fact this is the web-site that did provide us Steel guitar players with the space we all so desperately wanted.The "Original" steel guitar chatroom.
We are proud that we can still keep this room running due to Larry Simpson's courtesy.
We thank him for that.All though it is running slower then usual we like to point out to each and every one of you that this room is "Free!!!"
The room has exactly the same features as the other steel guitar room except for this....this steelguitar room has "video availability".That means that if people want to show you how a lick or chordprogression goes,you can actually see them do it.

We love to have all of you in there and talk about steelguitars,play music,have clean fun.
This is a family room and is acceptable for small children who may be listening.

Hope to see ya'll soon.

Karen and Ron
**Click Here**

If there is anyone among you that like to volunteer for moderator please mail us.
We like to cover all topics....all over the world.From The US to Europe.We also like to welcome moderators from Europe to contact us.
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