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Author Topic:  E9 Bs to Bb knee and F# or G# knee placement
John Poston


Albuquerque, NM, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jan 2007 8:46 am    
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Right now I have my Bs to Bb on LKV and RKL raises F#s to G# and D# to E.

I like and use the B to Bb change a lot more and am thinking of switching them around, putting B to Bb on RKL. I probably will also change the F# raises to the G# lower now that I understand how to split the tuning on my GFI. My D# lowers are on RKR and E up and down on the left knees.

I personally think it will be good because it will be easier to hit RKL to lower the Bs and LKR to lower the Es at the same time. I'm just wondering if anyone else has that setup and what they think about it, since most everyone keeps the Bb on the vertical.
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Dave Mudgett

Central Pennsylvania and Gallatin, Tennessee
Post  Posted 11 Jan 2007 9:33 am    
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With my (F lever) E->F and (E lever) E->Eb levers on LKL and LKR respectively, I definitely prefer (X lever) B->Bb on RKL instead of LKV because I use X and E together a lot. But I've gotten addicted to having F and E on different legs to give a more synchronized whole-step change by engaging F while disengaging E and vice versa, and also because I most commonly play a universal. So I leave X on LKV now, even on my E9 guitars, to keep it on the opposite leg from E.

But with your left leg E9 setup, I'd go back to X on LKR like you're suggesting. All setups are tradeoffs - I think it depends on how you want to use the changes. The A+B+E+X combination, which gives a big middle-strings dim7 chord, is so important to me that I do whatever it takes to make it workable.
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Bill Mayville


Las Vegas Nevada * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 11 Jan 2007 1:03 pm    
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Everytime I buy a new guitar,I order the guitar with RKL being the X lever.
Everyone I see wonders how smooth it really is.They try it and like it.Moving rather than lifting is smoother. That doesn't mean you can't get very smooth ,lifting.Jeff Newman told me about putting it there. He was so right.
At that time ,I could not play the C-6th.I used a couple of parts from it and had the X where I wanted it.
The D lever going right, LKR is the easiest way to learn,I think.
I have had a little over 75 beginners here,and all catch on ,somewhat the same day.I have yet to see anyone catch on to the 12 string,right away.They seem to have it in the same place,but usually are confused with that many strings.

Getting ready for Abilene
Bill Mayville
06 Jackson Commemorative ,S 10
Black.For Sale . $18,000 Kidding
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