???? Williams Guitars

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W. J. Copeland
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???? Williams Guitars

Post by W. J. Copeland »

These are really good looking steels. I have never been able to play one and would like some pro's and con's input from owners and previous owners. How do they compare with other brands you have played? Any issues? Thanks for your replies.
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

The Williams is one of the finest pedal steels built.

I have two of them and there is absolutely nothing you can fault them with.

Bill has a unique changer, a patented keyless tuner and he charges nothing extra for a lacquered guitar. He even came up with separate right knee levers for me for each neck. He'll build you anything you have your heart set on. :D
Kevin Hatton
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Post by Kevin Hatton »

Outstanding mechanics. They are great guitars.
Dean Dobbins
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Post by Dean Dobbins »

I have never played one-I'm afraid to! I'm afraid if I did, it would be the beginning of the end of a 50+ year of my marriage to my Dear wife, and life's companion, and she may not believe it, but I DO love her more than the Steel Guitar!
I've known Bill for some time, now, I've seen and admired his guitars, and the mechanics are faultless, and the finishes are Impecable. On top of that, he's one HELL of a nice guy, very conciencous, will answer all your questions, and is rightfully damned proud of his work!! I am very proud, and priveleged to count him amoung my friends!
Bill Simmons
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Post by Bill Simmons »

The Williams Steel is absolutely one of the finest sounding and well built steels...Bill is one terrific builder and person to deal with!
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Bobby Lee
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Post by Bobby Lee »

I love mine. It looks and sounds great, plus it's a stealth model - a D-12 crossover with 5+5 on each neck.
Bobby Lee (a.k.a. b0b)
Williams D-12 crossover (ext E9, C6add9), Sierra Olympic S-12 (F Diatonic)
Sierra Laptop S-8 (E6add9), Fender Stringmaster D-8 (E13, C6 or A6)
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Darvin Willhoite
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Post by Darvin Willhoite »

My first "modern" steel guitar was a Williams keyless, I bought it in '92 or '93. It was a great guitar and I wish I still had it. I bought a new 400 series in '99 which is also a great guitar. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Darvin Willhoite
MSA Millennium, Legend, and Studio Pro, Reese's restored Universal Direction guitar, as well as some older MSAs, several amps, new and old, and a Kemper Powerhead that I am really liking. Recently added a Zum D10, a Mullen RP, and a restored blue Rose, named the "Blue Bird" to the herd. Also, I have acquired and restored the plexiglass D10 MSA Classic again that was built as a demo in the early '70s. I also added a '74 lacquer P/P, with wood necks.
James Quackenbush
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Post by James Quackenbush »

One of the best playing , and without a doubt, one of the best looking pedal steels on the market ...Bill's knowledge and personallity, and his mechanical ability's make for one great package !!...You can't go wrong here !!...Jim
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Terry Wood
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Post by Terry Wood »

Well, I have never owned one, but sat and played a good friend's Double 10 Williams a couple of times, and yes, it is a great steel guitar! I really liked the smooth pedal action on his steel. :D

Were I to go to a different steel guitar than my 14 string BMI, I would seriously consider the Williams Steel Guitars. I have played my steel since 1984 and it satifies me. Again the Williams steels are great guitars.

GOD bless!

Terry Wood
Roger Shackelton
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Post by Roger Shackelton »

Terry, I believe Bill would build you a 14 string Williams guitar, upon your request.
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