Anyone else using a Pod Pro

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Bob Martin
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Anyone else using a Pod Pro

Post by Bob Martin »

I recently bought a new Line 6 Pod Pro (the 2 space rack mount with all the ins and outs) and I am absolutely loving it. I'm using it to record all of my guitar parts and I use the spdif out into my board so it all starts and remains in the digital domain until the final conversion at the speakers.

Well what I was wondering if anyone here has use it to digitally reamp? You can reamp either thru the Mic or even line but the manual also says you can reamp by making a loop in and out of the spdif in and out.

I haven't done it yet but I'm thinking about trying it on my next project. I always just record with just a hint of reverb so I can feel good about my tone and then I use to use guitar rig to reamp it as a plugin but I found out that this Pod Pro will beat the guitar rig hands down.

As a matter of fact I've already sold my guitar rig 2 along with the foot pedal interface.

I actually have nothing against recording with my favorite tone with just a hint of verb so I can feel what I'm playing and it has sounded so good since I got the Pod I have just reamped it thru the mic inputs for just a little more reverb and on some stuff a little eq and compression just to set it in the track a little nicer.

I have never used a preamp that sounds good enough on it's own that I didn't feel like I needed to dr it up quite a bit with other effects but with the Pod Pro I'm finding that less is much more.

I have several more guitar effects including a Boss GT-8 which in it's own right is one of the best sounding preamps/effects I've ever heard but this Pod Pro as far as pure raw sound emulating an old tube preamp with a tube amp the Boss just isn't in the same class and in their defense I don't think they even tried to. Their effects are superior and they have many more bells and whistles so I'm sure I will continue to use both of them but for my basic sound I've found the new way to get my guitar to the hard drive and make it sound like a nice tube amp then I can add any effects I want to. I also love the reverb in the Pod Pro for under 1000.00 bucks I don't think I can ever beat it! That's my story and I'm sticking to it :-)

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