Joe Wright

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Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »

.<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by tbhenry on 28 October 2006 at 06:59 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Charlie McDonald
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Post by Charlie McDonald »

<SMALL>Doesn't Any one find the videos extremely repetitious?</SMALL>
The medium is the massage. (Sorry for the Freudian slip.) The message may well be the amount of repetition required to gain facility in, say, pick-blocking. I found it straight-forward; I could see what his hands are doing.
My only criticism of Joe's material is that you actually have to practice it.
When I get as good as he is, maybe I'll pan him.

"Theophilus the thistle-sifter..."
A childhood rhyme that I unfortunately can't recall the rest. But here's a little history from Wikipedia:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR><SMALL># Another tradition maintains that Theophilus was not a specific person, as "theophilus" means "lover of God", and thus the books could be addressed to anyone who fits that description.
# Some also believed that Theophilus could have been Paul's lawyer during his trial period in Rome.</SMALL><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just a little history, but without a lesson.
It is only my impression--along with what Skip T has told me about his friend Joe--that he is a common and good man (who happens to have extraordinary talent) whose beliefs and steel playing are thoroughly integrated, to the point that he can assume a stage personna that pokes a little fun at himself and all of us--and what better way is there to learn?

Mike, I really hope to attend the Mesa show--if for no other reason to see if the mountains in Arizona are really putple.
Like Joe's videos, you have to see it to know what it is.
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James Morehead
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Post by James Morehead »

Roger, You and your teacher make Dallas, Look me up, I'll buy ya a brew. I'll be hanging around a '70 blonde shobud "The Professional" D-10. You can show me "Hotel California". I'll get in line and introduce ya'll to Joe, too. You can do one better, you can SIGN UP for Joe's seminar! <font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by James Morehead on 28 October 2006 at 05:52 AM.]</p></FONT>
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James Morehead
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Post by James Morehead »

Jim Sliff, Seems you are seeking the negative, and bent on doing battle with everyone. Image<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by James Morehead on 29 October 2006 at 07:14 AM.]</p></FONT>
A. J. Schobert
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Post by A. J. Schobert »

You guys there is nothing wrong with what Jim Sliff is saying, Thats his opinion and he has bought the course's so he can really base his opinion on that as well, I never saw a Joe Wright course.
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Tim Harr
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Post by Tim Harr »

"Theawfulus" (pronounced: the-awful-est)

Theawfulus is a better pedal steel guitarist than many of ever hope to be.
Pat Burns
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Post by Pat Burns »

<SMALL>I also again will repeat that I find vale in Joe's materials; I commented on the production and organization......I look for good...and bad, and "review" things as I see them.</SMALL>
Jim, as I was reading this topic, I had the same thought that James Morehead had and commented on page 2....I agree there's nothing wrong with reviewing a product or service and offering your honest opinion, but that's not what this topic was about when it was started. This topic is in the "steel players section and it was about Joe Wright's playing. When you turned it into a product/service review, you took it off topic, you should have started a new topic about your opinion of the quality of his training materials.

But, since this has already been turned into a product review, I believe Joe mentions, several times for effect, that repetition is the key to learning.

But, since this has already been turned into a product review, I believe Joe mentions, several times for effect, that repetition is the key to learning.

But, since this has already been turned into a product review, I believe Joe mentions, several times for effect, that repetition is the key to learning.

But, since this has already been turned into a product review, I believe Joe mentions, several times for effect, that repetition is the key to learning.

<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Pat Burns on 28 October 2006 at 07:16 AM.]</p></FONT>
Stephen Gambrell
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Post by Stephen Gambrell »

Joe Wright is a good man. So is Jim Sliff. Joe Wright is one of the best steel players alive---I haven't heard Jim play, so I can't make any such assessment. I WILL say, however, that Charlie Pride FIRED Joe Wright. Anybody that big ever fired you, Jim???
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Roger Rettig
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Post by Roger Rettig »

First, let me offer all encouragement to Roger - I've heard his name before because my friend, Bud Vanderberg, had mentioned that he'd been in correspondance with another 'Roger' who was a beginner.

I haven't seen the material that Jim has criticised, but neither do I read anything inappropriate in his posts. From what I've read of Mr Sliff's posts in general, I'd say that he's articulate and intelligent - I'd say there's been a little over-reaction here.

As for Joe Wright, I believe that he's arguably one of the top-five steel players - certainly in terms of technique! I first met him on a Charley Pride tour in Britain in the '80s. There were two of us who also played steel on the show - myself and the late Roy Barber - and Joe, who had not long been exclusively pickblocking at that time, went to great lengths to explain his method and to describe how he'd wood-shedded for months to achieve his goals. He impressed us enormously!

S0 - I have the utmost respect for what he'd accomplished, but let's not go too far with this 'goodness of his heart' stuff. This is how Joe has elected to make his living. He must have realised long ago that the life of a road-musician has its limitations (I should know!) and that he had a talent for passing on his knowledge. He now does his act at steel shows and sells his merchandise. He's in the marketplace and, therefore, open to criticism - positive and negative.


PS: I think it's perfectly okay for Joe to stay out of this discussion, but if he'd been the Emmons Guitar Co, there are half a dozen Forum members who would have been attacking him for his absence!
Jerry Lee Newberry
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Post by Jerry Lee Newberry »

If anyone one on this Forum could play & act HALF the way Joe can we would ALL be in great shape. The 2 steel players in my life have learned a LOT from Joe and his teaching materials.

James M, Talking about writing on a brown paper bag. At the Dallas Show one year, we were across the street at Denney's eating. When we got ready to leave we spoke to Joe. He started talking to us and he wrote some stuff for Austin on a table napkin.

Joe may be miss understood a lot, but he is a VERY good player. Just ask most anyone in Nashville. I think he needs to be commended on how he has taken care of his MOM too.

From this old woman, IMHO Joe is a SUPPER PICKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Roger Rettig
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Post by Roger Rettig »

"I've been thrown out of better bands than this one!!!!"

RR Image
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Danny Hullihen
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Post by Danny Hullihen »

Not to worry Roger. Look at the bright side, if as guy hasn't been ever fired every now and then, then chances are good that he probably hasn't been playing anywhere for that to happen. :-)
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Drew Howard
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Post by Drew Howard »

Joe is a multi-talented guy and advanced in all of his talents; musician, entertainer, webmaster, teacher, Michigander. Go Joe!


<font size=1>Drew Howard - website - Red guitars sound better!</font>

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Jim Sliff
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Post by Jim Sliff »

Yo Steve - naw, nobody that big ever fired me. I quit on Hoyt Axton before he could finish hiring me, knowing he fired everybody! And I fired Billy Talbot (or fired myself - same effect) because our Crazy Horse "sans Neil" project was mired in horse manure.

I've learned a lot from Joe's materials. I will never be that kind of player either - I'm starting FAR too late in life; but that's not my goal either. And they folks who reacted so negatively I just think do not care for negative reviews of products. Oh, well - I'd much rather hear the bad side about something than listen to a bunch of cheerleaders. All positive comments teels you NOTHING about what you're geting. If you don't know the down side...and someone perceives that there is are making an uninformed buying decision. I don't like making those decisions as I need to spend my money carefully. I posted information to likewise infom others so they could make informed decisions. If anyone thinks a negative post should not be made even in those circumstances, my feeling is they are pretty narow minded.

And the thread WAS about his products - go back and read the initial was about one of his videos. I was on topic from the get-go.
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James Morehead
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Post by James Morehead »

Your right, he did say the word video. But, he didn't ask if Joes material was good or not, or what was negative about his teaching material. So are you really on topic?

Roger is quite impressed with what the video showed about Joe. That's what this topics about.

I believe Joe had 20 years in with Charlie, before they parted ways. More than most of us will ever be able to say.
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ray qualls
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Post by ray qualls »

(Quote)Oh, well - I'd much rather hear the bad side about something than listen to a bunch of cheerleaders.(Unquote)
There's a positive side to everything and a negative side. I'd sure hate to go through life with a negative attitude about everything. But it seems like that you are a very negative person Jim. I'm sure you are probably a nice guy overall but you'll make more friends by being a positive person. No one likes their products being slammed by anyone. Like I said in my first post, my Dad always told "ME"- if you can't say someting good about someone, keep your mouth shut. I've bought products in the past that I wasn't satisfied with but I never slammed them to over 6,000 people which is what we have on the forum. Steel players are a special breed of people who try to help each other. What have you done to help another steel player or try to promote the steel guitar? Try being a little more positive and not so negative.

Ray Qualls

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Tim Harr
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Post by Tim Harr »

What a bunch of complaining and negativity..
Being a member and participant of this forum is not a right - - it is a privilege.

Let's try and use it for positive ..

If Jim has a problem with Joe's product or the amount of profit he brings in for it..

Let's encourage him to bring his complaints to Joe Wright himself.

Yeah, right that would happen...
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Russ Tkac
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Post by Russ Tkac »

"What have you done to help another steel player or try to promote the steel guitar?"

Jim sent me some parts I needed for free. That help me out quite a bit. Image

Russ<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Russ Tkac on 28 October 2006 at 11:44 AM.]</p></FONT>
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Jim Sliff
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Post by Jim Sliff »

I'm NOT a negative person at all Ray - I'm known around my "real" life as the mellow surfer dude. But When someone posts a review of a product, or posts saying how great it is, it's perfectly appropriate to give one's viewpoint - these forums are about communication and open-minded thinking, one would hope.

What if Roger had posed a negative comment about the video? Would you be upset if someone posted GOOD things about it? Or is it a one-way rule that you've created?

IMO "helping" the steel community is about communication, and that means telling the good and bad about anything - videos, books, instruments. That's HOW we learn abou them, rather than experiment with thousands of wasted dollars on "test purchases".

Ray, I can see you have never participated in other music forums - because the way YOU want the steel forum to be an "uplifting comment only" place to hang out is the ONLY music forum I've ever seen anyone even suggest that on. In fact, the Fender forum was getting lots of comments from people wanting to read MORE negative or "problem" comments, and thought that since Fender was one of the sponsors of the forum that's why there were no negatives. Fender has since pulled their "official" sponsorship because THEY want to hear the negative stuff - it helps them build better products.

This isn't a Sunday school class. Players spend thousands of dollars based upon what they read here. I don't buy anything until I've run multiple searches and read old posts to figure out if I'm making a wise, informed decision or not.

I think people deserve to read both positive and negative things, and I will continue to post both.

BTW, you seem to only have noticed my negative posts for some reason. Try the electronics section and see if I've ever been helpful there. If you don't think so, then your vision is clouded somehow, and it's your problem - not mine. I'd also suggest you follow your own parents' advice, which apparently only applies to others and not yourself, since you're obviously open to making negative comments about me.

It's always fascinating how poeple's self-enscribed "rules" often don't apply to themselves. "Hypocrisy" is the term that seems to fit like a glove.

(edited for typos only)<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Jim Sliff on 28 October 2006 at 08:29 PM.]</p></FONT>
A. J. Schobert
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Post by A. J. Schobert »

Jim I have had really bad course's in the past, one that comes to mind is the tab part was all written in pencil, and when you get it it really isn't what you thought. that may be my fault, Jim there is nothing wrong with what you are doing you just are stating your opinion and want better products as do I.
Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »

Joe Wright and Jeff Newman have taught me all I ever learned about pedal steel. There is no better. <font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by tbhenry on 28 October 2006 at 06:21 PM.]</p></FONT>
Rick Nicklas
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Post by Rick Nicklas »

Jim, Your statement of his course material not meeting your expectations and the description of why was a valid entry. But when you started complaining about his character (and he is quite a character) that he chooses to entertain us with, you hit a nerve with the ones who enjoy the unexpected witty antics he comes up with. It was just a bad choice of words and delivery.
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Jim Sliff
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Post by Jim Sliff »

Rick, I was asking a question with humor about the clown garb. If that's offensive, some people are far too thin-skinned. I got emails finding it humorous, so I guess some people are more sensitive to certain things. My crystal ball has been broken for years, so I can't predict everyone's reaction. Now I know what it's about; and it's very regional in nature, foreign to the west coast and I had no frame of reference - so instead, to me it just looked weird and I had never seen any explanation. I hope that helps clear it up - again.

(edited in respect for tb's apologies)<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Jim Sliff on 28 October 2006 at 08:30 PM.]</p></FONT>
Rick Nicklas
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Post by Rick Nicklas »

Jim, I'm glad you cleared that up. If you had put a ....ha ha ... at the end of the sentence it may have seemed like you were jesting. I thought we were going to have to send you back to the "Electronics" section for a "Time-Out".... just kidding... ha ha
I do hope you get a chance someday to enjoy the friendship, great music and manufacturer's at the great St. Louis Event. Well it's about dinner time here in the Midwest. Looks like the ole lady is popping open some Dom Perignon to go with the beans, tators and cornbread tonight... ha ha ... See Ya

Kline U-12, Nashville 112 and 1000, Hilton Volume Pedal

<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Rick Nicklas on 28 October 2006 at 06:35 PM.]</p></FONT>
Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »

Jim, I regret having offended you. Please accept my appologies. I was out of line and have edited my posts accordingly. Please forgive me. tb<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by tbhenry on 28 October 2006 at 06:55 PM.]</p></FONT>
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