Joe Wright

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Jim Sliff
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Post by Jim Sliff »

Joe's excercises are tremendous - but IMO they don't need to be shown repeatedly from 1st fret, to second, to third, to fourth, etc etc etc. You get the idea the first 15 seconds unless you're exceedingly dense. Just like pick blocking: showing "squeeze-up-down" a couple times is great...50 times is zzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

There are little tidbits in each that are really essential stuff, especially for beginners. But the repetition is grating. I guess, as posted earlier, he's showing the whole "process" he uses...but is that REALLY necessary? I think most people are smart enough to get it without showing every excercise repeated at every fret on every string (I'm exaggerating, but not by that much).

As far as St. Louis again - here's where what's posted and shown in video is maybe not really comprehensive. I hear about the "Hawaiian" room...the "Jazz" room....the "Peavey" room - all with players taking endless choruses on "standards" (of one style or another) or one player doing a set, and the "main hall" (?) with other players/bands...but almost nothing about manufacturers or anyone else having booths. I've never seen a list of booths, like you would at a "trade show". So I've always thought it was an endless parade of players on different stages, which has little appeal to me. Example - I go to NAMM almost every year, not to stalk celebrity players or see them play, but to visit manufacturer's booths and see what's cooking on the product development end...players in the booth are just icing. Seems then, like steel players are expected to know what goes on in St. Louis. If you don't know, the only resource is asking people who have gone - if there's more information on the web I've never been able to find it. Maybe it's publicized with flyers in stores that carry steel products? If so, it would never reach most west coast players. And if the SGF is the only resource, many players probably have never even heard about the St. Louis show, since most musicians don't spend time on online forums (at least according to some recent surveys).
Bill McCloskey
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Post by Bill McCloskey »

Never been to the St. Louis show but I have been to the one in Dallas and the one in Norwalk CT.

Here is what it was like. Norwalk is a small show, one room with seating for probably 75-100 people or so. There are vendor booths lined up along the sides. It is very intimate, but small, about the size of a standard hotel meeting room.

The Dallas show is much larger and takes over the first floor of a much larger hotel. Many vendors have their own rooms and playing is going on all day. I saw Paul Franklin jamming in the MSA room on his Superslide which he had just picked up. you are right next to him and can chat.

The main stage is in a ballroom setting with room for a 800 to a thousand people or so I would guess. There was a second stage set up where the non-pedal players played all day. Mike Auldridge gave an all day dobro workshop in the Beard room, and there was jamming going on in the Benoit room, the Peavey room, the Carter room and many other places. Other smaller vendors where setup outside the ballroom and other vendors against the wall in the ballroom.

Both shows had their moments of greatness. For me seeing Joe Wright was the highlight of the CT show and seeing Reece and paul franklin play in the man stage on superslides was the hightlight of the Dallas show.
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Bobby Lee
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Post by Bobby Lee »

Joe's "Technique Bundle" is my only practice book at this point. I often spend several hours on 3 or 4 pages, in headphones. It pays off tremendously.

I like that it's not about music, it's about training your muscles to make musical movements automatically, without conscious thought. Then when I think of music on stage, I don't have to worry about the mechanics of turning the thought into sound.

I don't know about the videos except for the "House of the Rising Sun" DVD which is very well produced IMHO.
<center> Image
It's available from the Forum catalog for $45 (item #V-009).

Jim, all of the steel guitar manufacturers have booths or display rooms at the ISGC. Also, everyone who produces instructional material or steel guitar accessories has a booth there. If you don't do the ISGC, you're not in the traditional steel guitar market. It's the biggest trade show of the year.

<font size="1"><img align=right src="" width="78 height="78">Bobby Lee (a.k.a. b0b) - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts
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Jim Sliff
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Post by Jim Sliff »

Thanks for the info Bobby. That's totally unlike what I envisioned based on comments, which are usually about the players. It's a shame there's no specific website for it - that would be a great way to promote it among those who have never been. As it is, there are sites with sporadic pictures...mostly, again, of players on stage. Even Scotty's site has very little info.

That pictures you showed from one of Joe's videos is nothing like the first 4 of his series, which are one camera, off-the cuff, no graphics or captions...maybe he updated the techniques on newer offerings and never updated the old ones - a shame, because those are really essential IMO (yes, I STILL think they could be MUCH shorter...but still are essential). I agree with you about the "non-music" technique approach. Much better than playing endless tab by rote. I've seen SO many tab players miss a note...and they're dead, as they have no way to recover. They only know the tab. Perhaps the "technique bundle" is also more up-to-date production wise than the original book. I can only comment on the ones I have (or have had).

PS - b0b, you mention using headphones with the technique bundle book...but there isn't a CD shown with it. ???
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Post by Bobby Lee »

I use headphones when practicing so as not to annoy the natives. The technique exercises aren't music, so hearing them holds no benefit to anyone but the player.
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Mike Perlowin
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Post by Mike Perlowin »

<SMALL>That's totally unlike what I envisioned...</SMALL>

Which is one of the reasons you should go.

Another is that you'll have a really good time.

Attending the convention involves spending a fair amount of money on air fare. But the Mesa AZ show (the week after NAMM) is within driving distance. And if you car pool, that cuts the travel expenses considerably. (Hint: fill up your gas tank in AZ- gas is 20 to 50 cents a allon less over there.)

BTW The mountains in Arizona really are putple. I thought that was just a line in the song, but it's not. It's literal truth.

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Pete Young
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Post by Pete Young »

Jim I am not going to comment on Joe's book I have never seen it. But I am a two bit picker from Montreal Canada. When I went to St Louis I did not know what to expect. Something like you I thought it was a bunch of pickers taking turns in two or three rooms When I got to the conv. I started to wander around. Walked into the Sierra room and saw this long haired guy picking a steel I did not know who he was so I left to ask Neil Flanz who this guy was. He told me it was Joe Wright and to tak a listen to him and then see what I thought. Well Joe was picking some nice stuff tho at that time there was just him and me and one other guy that came in I sat down for over an hour and I could not leave He was that good I finally got up the nerve to ask him for something pretty. So after some streching and working his fingers he picks one note and asked me how I liked it. I told him it was nice but I would like something longer. He went into " Why Me Lord " and I had tears in my eyes it was so beautiful. He turns right around and did one so fast I could not believe it. He is a super guy as well. If you get a chance pick up his CD of him and Sarah Jory live in Australia I can bet you, you won't be sorry He also does his comedy act on it and you have the bonus of Sarah's show too
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Tony Davis
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Post by Tony Davis »

Jim..I havent had time to read all this...but let me tell a couple of things about his clowning he plays amazing steel....he encourages the audience to rubbish him so that he can get them back with his quick it...I have seen it a few times and I love it...he then says...Ï'll just go get Joe for Ya...goes out the back and is back in a a regular suit...then does his awesome show !
To know him personally...he is just a nice guy.....I was with him in Dallas when I called Smiley..who told me he was stuck in Alabama...missed his ride....I mentioned this to Joe and he just said ..whats his number...I gave it to him and he called Smiles and just said...Ïts Joe...I'm in Texas at the moment..but I'll come get ya iff youre worked out OK in the end and Joe didnt have to go...but I thought it was a great offer!
Also Jim ...Skip Tannery is a friend of mine and he is OK...he's a Cop and a "Straigt up guy !
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Jim Sliff
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Post by Jim Sliff »

Something got twisted here into people thinking I have some beef with Joe or something - NO! And the comedy act has ben explained. And I've heard him play on Steelradio.

All I was commenting on was the production quality of materials he produced that have or have had...that's all. I dd also comment on the clown thing...and as it was explained, that "form" of humor is something apparently kind of regional in nature that I would have never seen, and has been explained.

Yes, Joes a superb player. he's probably a very nice guy. and if he was my best friend in the world I would still review the book the same way. It is what it is...same with the videos. Forums I've ben on for years - Fender Tele, Strat, Les Paul, etc etc etc encourage both sides to opinions so people can make qualified judgement before spending money - especially as costs of materials has risen.

Apparently some people do NOT encourage that here, and only want to hear praises - "if you don't like something, keep your mouth shut". I think that's very childish and closed minded.

End of comment.
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ray qualls
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Post by ray qualls »

Well, in my "very childish and closed minded way", I hope it is the "end of comment". Roger, sorry your post was hi-jacked. By the way, the early videos of Joe's were made in my studio in Arkansas and there was no charge to him because he is a "Friend". Sorry about the poor production!

Ray Qualls

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Pat Carlson
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Post by Pat Carlson »

I have seen Joe 3 times. Once in St Louis, once in Dallas and at the Branson Jam this summer. Wonder what kind of guitar he plays it has a big "W" on the front of it. When he hits that distortion switch fasten your seat belt! Image
When he finished out his set with the old Gospel Hymns it is very emotional!
I agree with what Jerry Roller said. It is rumored Joe may do a seminar here in Nebraska in February!! I can't wait. If not I would sure drive to Waterloo to take in his seminar Image I believe it would be $ well spent

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James Morehead
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Post by James Morehead »

The thing about this thread, is it about a newbie's excitement and enthusiasm fueled by his discovery of Joe Wright---a tremendous entertainer, teacher and player. Roger, you sure spotted a great steel player to admire!! As you can see, most of us feel as you do about Joe.

This thread was not about how bad someone thought Joe's "how to" material is alledgedly "put together". This thread was simply derailed and hijacked.

Yes Jim, Your opinion IS valued---you have much experience to offer in some areas, and most all of us value that.

But, you could have started your own thread about your viewpoint of steel guitar teaching aids and what could be improvements, and Jim, you would have had quite a different reaction. Nobody has said you can't say something negative. It's not THAT you say something negative, it's how you came across. (That's why most of us wear out the edit button in these posts, sometimes.) No one is childish that replied about your comments, they are dead serious. Perhaps you lacked diplomacy and sensitivity to what Roger's topic was really about, in the beginning, when this thread was highjacked?

Yet many of those have commented to you they wish you could join in the fun of the steel shows, if possible, and come see for yourself. They are sure trying to extend themselves to be EVERYONES friend. Yet we are described as "childish"??
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Jim Sliff
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Post by Jim Sliff »

Ray - Sorry that you feel that opinions should not be voiced unless they agree with yours. that's not usually how things work, though - differences of opinion and reviews of products are the norm on music forums.

And if those were done for no production cost as you state, you merely served to further prove my point - no production costs + inexpensive duplication = gigantic profit margin. The production could have been improved with a little investment, but I guess that's not where the money went, huh?
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Post by ray qualls »

Patrick, Joe plays a 12 string Sierra made for him as he is an endorser for Sierra. Of course, the big "W" stands for Wright. Missed you in Branson! Ray

Ray Qualls

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Post by James Morehead »

I think most of us get Ray's point. We DON'T need a huge monetary production for us to "get" what Joe is trying to teach us. If you really want to learn what the man has to teach, who cares if he tears off a piece of a brown grocery bag and writes a lesson on it for you? Would you "get" the lesson better if it was written in a big fancy, expensive book? You are paying for the material as WORK material, not personal entertainment. If you think you should ALSO be entertained with a fancy package to put it in, you probably are not looking to learn anything difficult anyways.

Joe tries to help the steel community out of the goodness of his heart. Ray, out of the goodness of his heart, helped Joe help us out of the goodness of his heart. Now, pass it on! The way Joe's material is, is very adequate.
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ray qualls
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Post by ray qualls »

Very well put James! Thanks, Ray.

Ray Qualls

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Post by ray qualls »

I would like to state that Joe has his own video production company in Nashville now and makes very good video DVD's. Just take a look a John Hughey's DVD and see the quality. The ones we made 10 years ago were analog and it was a learning period for both of us. Joe is a "genius".

Ray Qualls

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Jim Sliff
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Post by Jim Sliff »

"Joe tries to help the steel community out of the goodness of his heart."

60 bucks for a xeroxed book with a completely unprofessional layout?

Yes, I DO expect a more professional presentation at the prices some of these guys charge. some folks chide me for comparing things to the six string world - but 60 bucks for a xeroxed blues guitar book would be a laugher on a guitar forum.

Again - there Is valuable material in there...but the sloppy layout and inconsistent formatting (and disorganization) certainly don't make it user-friendly.

An example (previously mentioned) of a ridiculous inclusion - what is the discussion of a robotic pedal steel machine doing near the front of the book? What is it doing in the book AT ALL?

Ray made his point perfectly clar earlier - he deosn't believe pople should be allowed to post negative points about products.

"If you think you should ALSO be entertained with a fancy package to put it in, you probably are not looking to learn anything difficult anyways."

Those points don't relate. It's not a matter of "entertainment" - it's a matter of prefessional product sales and marketing. Even the "loosest" homespun tapes productions make these look like garage products. Jerry douglas has a video that's 10 years old (like joe's are). A new, up-to-date intro has been added, the sound cleaned up, it's professionally packaged, uses multiple cameras (even 10 years ago) - and is less expensive. Let's see - Jerry has to make a dime, Homespun, the distributor, the Joe's case, it's all Joe's.

If some people think that's just fine, more power to you. Send me 50 bucks and I'll have an hour's worth of jam-packed video on the way tomorrow...
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Post by ray qualls »

Roger, there's you a good buy for 50 bucks. Of course it'll have 1 minute of music and 59 minutes of complaining on it. The production and packaging will probably be good tho.

Ray Qualls

Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »

Jim Sliff - off course opinions should be expressed, whether negative or positive, you have done that and we appreciate your candor. <font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by tbhenry on 28 October 2006 at 06:38 PM.]</p></FONT>
Rick Nicklas
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Post by Rick Nicklas »

Jim, I hope you spend your profits on some typing lessons or invest in spell-check (You may have more in common with Joe than you know.) You seem to get your feathers ruffled pretty easy and can't seem to take some offered suggestions on where to post your opinions of the older instruction material Joe made. There are so many different courses and they all have to be from the instructors perspective keeping in mind every steel player has a different setup on his steel. I have not seen two that are completely the same. I value every piece of instructional material I have ever got and it ranges from tab with mistakes to somebody just sitting on a video giving you the places to put your bar and strings to pick. I always have to make adjustments because my tunings and pedals are different. I think you should set aside the critique factor this once and just be glad that you are the owner of one of the first courses offered by a future Hall of Fame steeler. And he will be.

Kline U-12, Nashville 112 and 1000, Hilton Volume Pedal

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Tim Harr
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Post by Tim Harr »

What a bunch of complaining and negativity..

Being a member and participant of this forum is not a right - - it is a privilege.

Let's try and use it for positive ..

If Jim has a problem with Joe's product or the amount of profit he brings in for it..

Let's encourage him to bring his complainits to Joe Wright himself.

Yeah, right that would happen...
Roger Pietz
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Post by Roger Pietz »

Hello, everyone hope to meet some of you at the Texas Jamboree in March, If I am lucky I might get to meet Joe Wright, I was gonna say Mr. Wright but I know where you guys would take that one. Ha Ha have a good ev ening I rerally do enjoy this forum you guys are all awesome opinions and all. That's what makes us different if we all thought alike this world would really suck. Thanks for your comments.
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Fred Justice
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Post by Fred Justice »

Roger I'll be at the Texas Show, at The Rains booth and I look forward to meeting you there as well. I'll personally introduce you to Mr. Joe Wright. Image

Fred Justice,
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Bill McCloskey
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Post by Bill McCloskey »

"60 bucks for a xeroxed book with a completely unprofessional layout?"

Personally I would have paid twice that amount. It is with out a doubt, as stated earlier, the best instruction book I've ever seen. It has improved my playing 1000% percent. I learned how to pick block by doing Joe's exercises. I recently moved and I'm currently being driven crazy because I can't find the box I packed it in.

Jim, I'm sorry that you can't look beyond the production values to see the value. I believe that is your loss.

I'm guessing you've never seen magic instruction. I was pretty into magic at one time, and people pay much more for xeroxed sheets of paper. It is not the production values they are buying, it is the knowledge.
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