Well,.... hmmm... being that I'm almost 59, gray-haired, and overweight by 30lbs., I still must say this unpopular, and seemingly unfair reality, but...
Players, especially younger ones, generally like to play with people
from their own generation. Even though older players might be *better,* fit the style they attempt to play more authentically, whatever, younger guys like to be around guys that are not as old as their dads or grand-dads.
There are those that appreciate the knowledge and experience that older players have, and those are the young pickers that can play every solo Charlie Christian, Django Reinhardt, and Eldon Shamblin ever recorded. Unfortunately, those players are few and far between, for the most part.
Around Texas, Miss Leslie and the Juke Jointers (Ricky Davis) and Two Tons of Steel (Denny Mathis) are two of the bands that come to mind that appreciate the more experienced players. But they play relatively antiquated music.
Top 40 bands generally are as much, or more, about style as they are about substance. But so is the music they play. Does anyone really want a job with a band that only sees a *grandpa* behind the steel, and not an experienced player worthy of respect? I didn't think so.
There's no gig worth sacrificing your pride and integrity over. Just my HO.
Herb's Steel Guitar Pages
Texas Steel Guitar Association