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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 12 May 2006 5:10 am    
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Sadly but truly an era of great exposure for the Steel Guitar ended in the Western Mass area when BILL HANKEY took ill a few years back. I see now that Bill is back on the Forum from time to time,so I just thought someone should just mention what his Steel bashes meant to the players of the area. Also I might add meant to me. At first it was only area and local players that filled the bill and then it grew to New England and as far as Pennslyvania then to Nashville for players.SMILEY ROBERTS and BOBBE SEYMOUR were up at the same time,Smiley being a home grown product who set many standards for the instrument in New England (an inductee to the MCMHOF) for now say some 40 years still makes his living in Nashville. JIM COHEN also was a favorite up from PA who captivated audiences. I can't and won't forget JIM SMITH who helped me get established along with guitarist Doc Peters more than anyone and it was Jimmy a great player that took me along to my first Mass Bash. He also took me along to sing at some NY steel shows to sing on the Dekley and his and Jim Gurleys portion.Then to a Wallingford Conn show where I witnessed a 13 year old up and comer.Then when Jim left for Texas it was the Mass bash that helped me get a fourteen year old (one year later)that still calls me Pepay (french for Gramps)JIMMY ROULE. Jimmy was always the closing player towards the end for Bills shows and with good reason. He is simply a great player at either guitar or steel. Of course I like him better at steel.It was the Mass Bash that I hired PEGGY GREEN who would drive 90 miles 5 nights a week to work with us.When JIM ROULE left to drive truck it was Peggy who filled in. I have had the pleasure of working with or sitting with many great players in the New England area.DOUG BEAUMIER a laid back Journeyman great player who teaches the instrument,And writes his tabs for all to learn, also has been a staff writer in Guitar player Mag.Doug always worked with great bands the 5 and six nighters for years. And theres SAMMY GIBSON! certainly not last or least"who the hell is Sammy Gibson"? a T shirt he often wears as he is always joking. Sammy is just one of the happiest looking guys on any stage and why not? He makes it look easy he is that good. Recently Paul Lambert passed on and Paul was one of the most versitle players of te Springfield area for years.I'm proud to say I was one of the last he worked for. And lets not forget the late Paul (Dimauro) Manning.A good friend who I had the pleasure of working with with Pee Wee Gokey and Brother Art Gokey. Theres a long list but I was trying to include only the western Mass area which showcased these great musicians. There were and are bigger steel shows than the Mass Bash but player for player Bill Hankey always had a great show. Bill was never into getting rich or big doors $$ as he either paid it all out then reached in his pocket to cover all other expenses. As I get older I don't want to forget an area that I adopted because it was a great area for the music I still love. Bill Hankey certainly gave me a large spotlight then just sat back in a corner and enjoyed what he did each year for over 20 years.I think the Steel Guitar owes the man,certainly a lot of us do.

Smiley 23-9 Crank&pull&push pro model Deluxe with auto voice tuner and string changer.500ft.roll.

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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 12 May 2006 5:48 am    
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Leigh Howell

Edinburgh, Scotland * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 12 May 2006 12:56 pm    
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I agree Joe!! I dont know if there's a Mass. Hall of Fame for promoters, but if there was Bill Hankey, and his Wife Beth, should both be on top of the list of inductees. And a bash to honor Bill, and Beth, would be a great thing.

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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 13 May 2006 5:50 am    
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Leigh, I most certainly should have mentioned you. Leigh Howell employed some of the best NE Steelers always and was one of the areas most admired and best ever singer entertainers.One year we even got together and did a good ole boys thing. Leigh also was on Little Darlin records and has cuts with Lloyd and I think Hal Rugg on his releases.And with the CDs he recently sent me I'd say he could do it all over again. All of the names I mentioned above are very good friends of Leigh and have worked for him also. I miss the jams Leigh and Cathy making me those extra heavy drinks. Yeah and the Ranch House too.

Smiley 23-9 Crank&pull&push pro model Deluxe with auto voice tuner and string changer.500ft.roll.

[This message was edited by Joe Casey on 13 May 2006 at 06:52 AM.]

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Doug Beaumier

Northampton, MA
Post  Posted 13 May 2006 5:49 pm    
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Thanks for the kind words Joe. Western Mass was a hotbed of steel guitar activity for 24 years thanks to Bill Hankey’s efforts.
One time a player from Boston remarked that “the bulk of the people in this state live in the Boston area, but most of the steel players are out in western Mass!.” I think it’s more accurate to say that a good promoter, like Bill, can make things happen anywhere. The steel players and fans came out of the woodwork for the Steel Bashes. The show got bigger and bigger every year as the word got out. The first couple of years it was a local show, later a New England show, and later a Northeast show with people coming from all over the country and even from Canada. I played on all 24 annual shows and I got to meet steel guitarists and other musicians that I never would have otherwise met. Joe, Lee, and Jim, you guys added a lot to this show too. Some other highlights were Buzz Evans, JD Walters, Bobbe Seymour, Smiley Roberts, Jim Smith, Paul Lambert, Jeff DeMaio, Dave VanAllen… and many more. I apologize for leaving others out… the memory is the first thing to go!

It is the end of an era, and unfortunately this reflects the live music scene in general. Back in the day, every city and town in this area had several clubs with live bands, and the musicians could work 4 to 6 nights a week if they wanted to. Those days are long gone. Now we’re lucky to get 4 to 6 gigs a month, and most of them are a couple of hours away. When there was a circuit of clubs and there were a lot of bands, the musicians had more of a community, and it was easy to put shows together. Remember those Jamborees every Sunday all summer long?! Geeez… too much of a good thing! Bill’s annual steel Bash was always a special event. The social and musical event of the year! Thanks Bill.

[This message was edited by Doug Beaumier on 13 May 2006 at 06:52 PM.]

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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 14 May 2006 9:17 am    
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Myron, Bill or anyone can be nominated the usual way however it is hard for someone that has not been in the direct spotlight and from a distant area not overly spotlighted. Bill deserves any and all accolades and does fit in the "Sacrificed and worked exceptionly hard to promote the Steel Guitar catagory". 24 years of getting it done should stand for something.But anyhoo he is in my Hall of Fame and many others.

Smiley 23-9 Crank&pull&push pro model Deluxe with auto voice tuner and string changer.500ft.roll.

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Leigh Howell

Edinburgh, Scotland * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 14 May 2006 9:38 am    
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Well, he sure has a special Hall Of Fame in my heart, and mind. And a special place here in my music room!!!

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Robert Shafer


United Kingdom
Post  Posted 14 May 2006 2:30 pm    
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.......and not forgetting the HUF (Hankey's Upright Fretboard). Simple innovative brilliance.
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Bill Hankey

Pittsfield, MA, USA
Post  Posted 15 May 2006 4:16 am    
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I appreciate the kind words. The remembrance of the spirited steel guitarists, vocalists, and supporting instrumentalists brings to mind their efforts to assist over the years. From the bottom of my heart, I wish to thank everyone who attended and supported the Steel Guitar Bashes since October 1981.

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Chris Brooks


Providence, Rhode Island
Post  Posted 15 May 2006 7:26 am    
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Regards and apprectiation from me too, Bill.

I haven't forgotten your encouragement of 20 years ago . . .


Carter SD-12 Extended E-9 with 5 & 6; Peavey N 112; Small Stone, Hughes & Kettner Rotosphere.
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Dave Van Allen

Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Post  Posted 15 May 2006 7:41 am    
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I too had some great times either attending or playing several of Bill's events.
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Jody Carver

Post  Posted 16 May 2006 6:38 pm    
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I have never met Bill, but we have had a few exchanges here on the Forum a few years back.

I'm sorry I missed the opportunity to do one of Bill's shows.
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Mike Ihde

Boston, MA
Post  Posted 17 May 2006 8:12 pm    
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It was always a pleasure to play at the Bash. Bill is a gentleman who treated us all like we were something special. Wether I was backing up Bobbe S. on guitar or doing my Leavitt Tuning thing, I always had a great time and wish the Bash was still happening.
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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 25 May 2006 10:17 am    
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Hey there Myron Labelle. Smiley is trying to get in touch with you and I have too.Send us both your new Phone # and where the heck you is at.PS if you E-mail Smiley there a good chance you won't get through so I e-mailed you his phone Numbers cell and home. Call me

Smiley 23-9 Crank&pull&push pro model Deluxe with auto voice tuner and string changer.500ft.roll.

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Smiley Roberts


Hendersonville,Tn. 37075
Post  Posted 28 May 2006 7:29 am    
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I'm sorry I haven't jumped in here earlier. Its hard to express the gratitude I have for Bill. I've played a couple of his "Mass Bashes",& had a GREAT time. It was,not only,a treat for me to visit w/ friends & relatives,(since I'm from Mass.) it was also a treat to be able to jam along w/ some of the great S.G. talent from the New England area. I believe Joe has mentioned most of 'em in his posting above. Bill,true gentleman that he is,always treated me w/ the highest regard. I,certainly,would like to see him get,at least,a "Certificate Of Recognition" from the SGHOF. He deserves,at least,that much,for bringing the steel guitar to the forefront in the New England area. KUDOS to Bill Hankey!

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©¿© It don't mean a thang,
mm if it ain't got that twang.

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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 28 May 2006 8:04 pm    
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I have always enjoyed Bill's many thoughtful posts on this Forum. Very informative and gets us

My Website.....

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Bob Hayes


Church Hill,Tenn,USA
Post  Posted 28 May 2006 9:20 pm    
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I've known Bill since about 1957. any time that I went to see him at his house ot on a Playing job...he always had time totalk with me and show me and explain some inovation that he was working on. I was back up in Mass for a while in '83, and again in '85-86. He helped me get some picking jobs and introduced me to Doug and Jimmy. He was realy "High" on these guys. He also asked me to play on the '86 jam at the Hinsdale Home club. We had a ball, and I had the chance to meet some great pickers from Mass,Conn, and NY.Bill should recieve some recognition for the eforts that he has made to promote the steel guitar! And I am honored to be a personal friend'
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