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Author Topic:  Pete Finney w/Josh Rouse
Craig Stock

Westfield, NJ USA
Post  Posted 18 Apr 2006 8:50 am    
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Just got the new Josh Rouse CD 'Subtitulo' with Pete Finney on Pedal Steel, It is very good, an overall great record and especially the tracks that Pete plays on, especially 'La Costa Blanca'
Pete' sound remionds me of the steel guitar on Steve Goodman's Buddah Recordings from the sventies, never found out who played on them.
This disc is really good and everyone I play it for loves it.

Great Job Pete, and do you play on any of his earlier stuff?

Regards, Craig

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Pete Finney


Nashville Tn.
Post  Posted 18 Apr 2006 11:27 am    
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Thanks Craig,

That is a cool CD that I like a lot (though as usual I have a hard time listening to my own parts; I always hear something I want to do better!). But it's a good example of steel used as just one "color" on a pop oriented album; not "country" but not meant to be anything cutting edge either. The only other Josh Rouse thing I played on was his track on a recent "Bread" tribute album. The CD's called "Friends and Lovers" and it's pretty spotty overall and I can't really recommend it; I honestly think Josh's track is the best thing on it (and a few reviews agreed). The song we did was "It Don't Matter to me", the orignal Bread version is almost all strings and I pretty much took the place of the strings without trying to replicate the parts, there's a lot of steel on Josh's version. There's a few different tracks of steel coming in and out and it was really fun to do.

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