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Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 12 Nov 2005 10:58 am    
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Does anyone out there know a steeler from the Southern California (San Diego) area named Jud Sandison. Jud and I worked together in the LA area a little in the early 70's before he moved to San Diego. He was a pretty darn good player and always played barefooted or with socks on. I went to see him a couple of times when he was working with a guitarist named Lanny but lost track of him.....If anyone has an email address of phone number it'd be greatly appreciated.......Thanks, JH in Va.

Don't matter who's in Austin (or anywhere else) Ralph Mooney is still the king!!!

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Jim Palenscar


Oceanside, Calif, USA
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2005 9:20 am    
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Gerry Walker ( might know where he is- I've not seen him in a coon's age-
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Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2005 9:36 am    
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I used to give lessons to Jud, around 1970 or 71, before he moved to SD. He played barefoot even then. Later he took lessons from Jerry Stevenson and really got into C6... we called him "C6 Sandison."

Did you ever see that beautiful yellow pickup truck he had back in those days? Classic oldie.

We lost touch years ago. I understand from Gerry Walker he got married, had kids, quit playing for awhile, got a real job, etc. The usual story. Jud would probably be around 55 now.

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Leon Roberts


Tallahassee,FL USA
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2005 6:53 pm    
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I first met Jud when he was playing at a club in Imperial Beach with a very good singer by the name of Ray Rich. Later, he left Ray's band and joined up with Lanny Prewitt. He played for Lanny for quite a while and they were probably the hottest country band in San Diego Instrumentally. I think a band called Country Casanova might edge them out vocally. Instrumentally Jud and Lanny were somewhat like Jimmy Bryant and Speedy West. I remember they had a knocked out version of Jessica. Jud and the rest of the band quit Lanny and started picking in North San Diego County. I was the steel player in Lanny's new band and Jud left a hard road for me to hoe. Before his was stolen, Jud and I had identical Sho-Bud Pro-III's. In 1986 I moved to Florida. On a trip back to San Diego I was told that Jud went back to full time work in the Tele-Comunications industry. Jud told me that when he first started on steel, he lived at the beach and would come in from surfing and practice barefooted. He apparently never got comfortable playing in any type of footwear. He would sit down at his steel and take off his Wellington boots and play in his socks. Jud was one of the neatest guys I have ever met. I was always envious of his right hand.


P.S. He always spoke highly of his mentor Herb Steiner.
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