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Author Topic:  Red Light Fever/ Stage Fright
Loni Specter

West Hills, CA, USA
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2005 7:43 am    
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Any of you have any experience with how to calm the nerves before recording or playing out? I'm talking about without getting drunk or stoned.
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Bill Hatcher


Atlanta Ga. USA
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2005 7:58 am    
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Get to the gig or the session early. Set your stuff up no matter what instrument it is that you are playing and just do some practicing or working on the music you are going to play at a very low vol so as not to bother any tech folks or whoever. When it comes time for the red light or the show or the gig to start, you will be much more comfortable and ready to play. You will be acclimated to the environment and the nerves will be at a min. Works for me.

edit: As an added bonus, you will get the best parking place and the best place on stage or in the studio if you beat the other players there!!

[This message was edited by Bill Hatcher on 28 October 2005 at 09:00 AM.]

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Steinar Gregertsen

Arendal, Norway, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2005 8:08 am    
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Learning good breathing exercises helped me a lot.



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Randy Reeves

LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2005 8:48 am    
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breathing deeply is excellent. also, being prepared helps alleviate worry and stress.

take the time to be sure you have everything you would need.
loosen up by playing something you love and have down pat.

I know many who 'indulge' before hand. I dont.
afterwards is another story.

when the red light goes on breathe deep exhale slowly and be confident in your abilities.

plus imaging you have no clothes on takes all the pressure off your playing.
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Terry VunCannon

Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2005 8:51 am    
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Steinar...You are the man!!!!! That is the best thing to do...set up & run some scales & warm up licks, then about 3-5 minutes to meditate & deep breathing.
The meditation & breathing is also when I mentally go through the song if recording, or the first 3 songs if playing live. Just a little thing that works for me.

'49 & '51 National Dynamics, Harmos Model One, Lazy River Weissenborn, Mesa Boogie DC-3, SRV Strat.

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N.Y.C.-Fire Island-Asheville
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2005 10:26 am    
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I'm talking about without getting drunk or stoned.


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Loni Specter

West Hills, CA, USA
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2005 3:38 pm    
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Thanks all. Breathing sounds like the ticket, although that's questionable here in LA. I may try an oxygen mask to boost the octane a bit. Or maybe Nitrous Oxide?
Really thanks.
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Jason Dumont


Bristol, Connecticut, USA
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2005 4:35 pm    
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Hi Loni, I was given a really good method from a good friend whos a boxer. And yes it involves breathing but look at it as training. Twice a day is what I did to start.
First make sure it's quiet and lie down or sit. Be comfortable (I listen to classical music). Breathing in slowly through the nose for slow count of two Mississippi. Then exhale for a count of four through the mouth. After getting into the "goove" of it
starting at your feet tense up groups of muscles and hold for a slow three then relax. Work your way all the way up two your head. This routine would take me 20 minutes and I did it every morning and night before bed.
Through repitition of this routine for several weeks, the second I would start the breathing exercise my body was "trained/conditioned" to relax once that started. Like it knows "oh, we're relaxing know" Then when I find myself wanting to relax like playing out or speaking in public etc. once I start in my head breathing in slowly for a count of two---like Pavlovs dog--the body reacts from conditioning and relaxes.
It really helped me out.
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Jim Phelps


Mexico City, Mexico
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2005 5:14 pm    
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I think preparedness is the key to self-confidense. If you know you know your axe and can cut the material, there's nothing to be nervous about. The only time I'm nervous is if there are unexpected variables thrown in, which sometimes happen.

If possible, practice the material before the gig/session, practice it until you're sick of it and know it inside out.

If you can't get the charts or tracks or whatever you need to practice the material before the date, then practice as much as you can what you think you'll be doing, and then you might also make use of the breathing and calming excersises mentioned above.

The most nervous I've been in years, was when I had to play Liza Minelli's complete exact arrangement of "New York, New York" solo accompanying a female vocalist, live on the radio. One mistake or brain f**t from either of us and it's a trainwreck.

In a case like that, I take deep breaths and also remind myself that no one's going to die from this, no matter what happens... in view of the bigger picture, this is really nothing much... and I know I can do this song in my sleep, I'm a good musician (not saying this is necessarily anyone else's opinion, just personal psyching-up!) and go for it with this attitude. It does help.

Still, if possible, preparedness is it for me. When I know I can tear the music up, no nerves. When I'm not sure what's going to be thrown at me, breathe deeeeeep....and psyche yourself up that you can tear it apart.

When you're playing, whatever you do, DON'T EVEN THINK you might blow it, or you surely will. Don't think about the audience, about any "trouble spots" in the song, don't think about anything except the music! Next thing you know, the song's over and you did it just great.

[This message was edited by Jim Phelps on 28 October 2005 at 06:19 PM.]

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Don Kona Woods

Hawaiian Kama'aina
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2005 11:12 pm    
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This can help loosen you up.


Have fun,
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Eric Gearhart


Bellingham, Massachusetts, USA
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 2:31 am    
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Being at least a little nervous is a good thing.
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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 4:00 am    
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Just breathe.

And think about possum jokes.
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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 4:11 am    
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Like being to scared to play" Best Little Whore House In Texas"??

Basically stage fright is universal,
but it depends on your expirence.

I would be a bit freaked playing steel and seeing Buddy, Lloyd and Doug sitting out front.

But would improvise on stage with them,
no charts, on my bass.
With charts it would be a distinct pleasure.

You just say ok..
so I play a bad note,
there's a good one to follow.
And get on with it.

[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 31 October 2005 at 09:39 PM.]

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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 4:23 am    
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Loni, I caught red light fever in chinatown while I was an airman out at Travis AFB!

I usually get a mild case of butterflies before I go on, but it usually disappears soon as I start playing.
This condition is most severe when playing steel shows.
Breathing does help if I can remember to do it.

Another cure, someone once told me, is to picture the audience naked. Sometimes this image is downright hilarious, what with some of the crowds I play to.

I haven't done many recording sessions, but they seem not to bother me much.

I wouldn't recommend this to a sober person, but it's been my experience that sometimes one little nip, where allowed, can calm the nerves prior to the curtain or chicken wire, etc. going up.
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Andy Zynda

Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 6:08 am    
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I've tried everything mentioned.
I live with it. As long as my gear behaves itself, and doesn't get whacky, the shakes and nerves problem goes away within 2-3 songs. I just close my eyes, or stare at my hands, and get through it.
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Todd Weger

Safety Harbor, FLAUSA
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 6:40 am    
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Lots of great advice here. Breathing deeply is a big one. Along with that, I would suggest you also do some S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G. I'm not just talking about knuckle cracking, either. Seriously -- some simple, yoga style stretches, along with breathing can really get your muscles to unwind, and in turn, get more oxygen to your blood, and help you relax.

Works for me.

Good luck!

Todd James Weger/RD/RTD
1956 Fender Stringmaster T-8 (C6, A6, B11); 1960 Fender Stringmaster D-8 (C6, B11/A6); Chandler RH-4 Koa semi-hollow lapsteel (open G); Regal resonator (open D or G)
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Loni Specter

West Hills, CA, USA
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 8:34 am    
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This has turned out to be a really helpfull thread. Lots of great input. Thank you all!
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George Keoki Lake

Edmonton, AB., Canada
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 2:10 pm    
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It is quite common to feel very nervous before a performance...hands all sweating, etc.
Try running cold water over your wrists...this has worked for me. Also, pick one individual in the audience and play especially for him/her...forget about the others.
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Alan Kirk

Scotia, CA, USA
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 2:52 pm    
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Lots of good advice above.

What I do is, hang onto the thought that by the time I get to the performance stage there's nothing else I can do (as in more rehearsing), so to hell with it all--I'm havin' a good time no matter how many clams a dig up.

[This message was edited by Alan Kirk on 29 October 2005 at 03:53 PM.]

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Mark van Allen

Watkinsville, Ga. USA
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 8:24 pm    
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I have studied various disciplines of Hypnosis and thearapies for years now, from a basic interest in the mind, and to help folks on stage and in the studio here.

Some great advice here, particularly on working on progressive relaxation and gig preparedness. But there's one thing I've found is a large component to any kind of performance anxiety, and as "new agey" as it sounds, please bear with me and give it some thought.

The next time you're in an anxiety producing situation, listen to yourself. I mean, really listen to the internal dialog you have going on. Is there an inner voice saying things like "All of these people will see how badly I play" "These are my friends and they'll make fun of me", "Oh, no- this is the part of the song I always screw up", "Everybody knows what this is supposed to sound like, and I'm not it!", and so on...??

Many times the internal negative dialog has been in place for so long, perhaps since childhood, that we don't even hear it anymore, we just have the physical reaction. The good part is, if you can talk down to yourself, you can talk up to yourself! Take one concept at a time an reverse the negativity, ie; "All these people love music, and they'll really enjoy what I play", "My friends would love to see me do well and play great", "I've practiced this part of the song and know it cold", etc.

It seems childish and somewhat trite, but the truth is our subconsicous emotional reactions are developed and maintained at approximately the 10-year old level, and just like talking ourselves into feeling nervous or inadequate, we can talk ourselves into feeling confident and comfortable.

I'm not talking about simply trying to "talk yourself out of feeling nervous", but rather step by step, replacing built up negative self-programming with postive thoughts and projections that are then reinforced by action. It takes work and concentration, but the very fact of listening to yourself and countering negative with positive is a good start toward re-focusing overall energy.

Stop by the Steel Store at:

[This message was edited by Mark van Allen on 29 October 2005 at 09:28 PM.]

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Bob Hoffnar

Austin, Tx
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 8:42 pm    
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The worst that could happen is that you don't play as well as you want to. I've tossed chunks in front of some of the very best and froze up in studios all the while going through absolute hell in my head. It still happens some times. Its a real nightmare. I tried pretending the audience was in there underwear one time but I was playing a steel show and the resulting horror was way worse than my stage fright !
Stage fright happens sometimes. Not alot you can do about it. Now when stage fright comes around I say hello to it and tell it to go ahead give me its best shot because I'm playing this gig anyway.

Hang in there, Bob
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George Redmon

Muskegon & Detroit Michigan.
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 9:19 pm    
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Hi friend, i invented stage fright. I am a shy person to begin with, as my email address says... But i have been fighting this invisible demon for 30 years now. with a variety of ammunition. From booze, to beta blockers, to breathing, to extra rest, you name it. As a kid, in school plays, i knew my lines, just couldn't bring them out. My parents were told i would out grow it. Well...i haven't yet. And as you know, you can be rehearsed, to the max. Even on the three cord blow it! yet set at home, with only the dog, never miss a note. If you do find the answer, will you pass it along? Loni, there are famous musicians with this same affliction. And those who don't have it..have no idea, what you go through, or how it really feels. You might send an email to our resident forum shrink, great guy, and good steel playing buddy Stephen, "". He can recommend some great books, and has some new ideas. Good luck Loni.... George
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Michael Garnett


Seattle, WA
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 10:33 pm    
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Read Jeff Newman's article fot the humorous side of "The Pucker Factor"


1. Learn to play and record on other people's records so your name is not on the cover.

2. Learn to play.

3. Learn to not give a damn about any mistakes.

4. Learn to not give a damn about anything since they will forget anything you played by next year anyway.

5. Never risk your money on anything you record on.

6. Get into another field of endeavor with less stress such as:

* Skydiving from the Hubbell Space Telescope.
* Shark wrestling blindfolded, with one hand tied to your testicles.
* Igniting booster rockets at the Kennedy Space Flight Center, manually, with a Zippo.
* Flying ultralight airplanes through the eyes of hurricanes collecting barometric pressures at wavetop levels.
* Instructing 40 year veterans of pedal steel guitar in the art of social grace and charm.
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Andre Nizzari

Bronx, NY
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2005 3:47 pm    
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I'm with's impossible with out gettin high or drunk..instead of getting real stoned or drunk, only have a couple of tokes and only drink a couple of beers..don't over do it..just kiddin' I always over do it. but seriously..I hate settin up in a hurry...that makes my nerves rattle. get there early and take your time...that's why I never play gigs anymore where they want you to set up in 5 minutes because you only got 30 to 45 minutes to play..I ain;t down with that.


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AJ Azure


Massachusetts, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2005 11:20 pm    
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Adding to Mark Van Allen's post I have also studied relaxation, stage techniques and peak performance and I also give some workshops on those topics. Something I learned with my time as a performance major at Berklee as well a studying under a hypnotherapies is visualization is ultra important. I teach my students to first visualize every possible performance outcome that could be negative thing and then dispel and turn them in to good outcomes by re-visualizing every note coming out perfect and the audience absolutely adoring your performance.

In my mind it has a two fold affect.
1.) you have faced the worst possibilities and therefore, the fear holds less power over you
2.) you have re-written your personal encoding with positive outcomes.

My other option for any stress related situation is find yourself something called Rescue. It's a flower essence alternative medicine treatment that is spectacular for dealing with stress. No side effects like booze or dregs either. It even works on pets.

Any way I can't say enough about visualization. I can go two weeks with out playing and come back with fresh ideas and improved technique due to it.

Your mind is causing the fear. You have power over it.

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