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Webb Kline

Orangeville, PA
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2005 1:03 pm    
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Yup, it happened to me yesterday. 50 years old, giggin' for 38 of those years, and yesterday tops 'em all.

I had the priveledge of playing at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. My duo partner plays there for the kids every Monday and Tuesday; has for years. He does that for a living around the country. But, he finally talked me into going with him.

We played for a dinner party for the parents of the children who are in the intensive care ward. It was a special treat for them, as their lives are consumed with caring for the needs of their very sick kids. Most have very little as they have spent it on giving their children what little hope most of them have.

Anyway, the gig went great. It was great to see them laugh and joke with everyone before heading back up to their children.

But, the best part was in spending the afternoon going from room to room playing for the kids.

I met a 12 year old boy and a 14 year old girl who are in their final stages of cystic fibrosis. You'd have never known it from the smiles on their faces as we sang and played for them.

One 9 year old girl is in her 2nd bout with cancer. The chemo had a negative effect on her which has made all the skin on her body look like cracked, parched, brown earth. She is in constant pain. Her head is all that sticks out of a huge box that covers the rest of her body. But, yesterday she was laughing and singing along with us! It was the first she had spoken in 6 weeks! Music is such a powerful medicine. She told me that I played awesome--coming from her it was one of the best compliments I've ever had.

Another boy, about 15 was back in the hospital again. He wasn't up for a song, but he walked down the hall and talked to us for a while. He had a heart transplant a while ago and his body was showing signs of rejecting it, so he was in for tests, and he knew that they weren't going to be good.

I'll tell you that by the time we played for the dinner, I was truly humbled to have the honor to play for those parents. In fact, my skills seemed so inadequate to measure up to the task of bringing them joy, yet they were so blessed and grateful for us taking the time to play for them.

Folks, I've played all over the US and Canada in just about every kind of situation imaginable. I'm a preacher now and I led worship for many years before that. Yet, I'm not like some; I still play some clubs because I've seen a lot of need in people there and, for me it is better to build friendships with those people and help them to overcome their heartaches, trials and addictions than it is to stand back from them and judge them. I take a lot of flack for it, but it is rewarding nonetheless. I've even played at kids cancer camps, but never experienced what I experienced yesterday in anything I've ever done--not even close.

I have to say that yesterday was the most memorable gig I have ever had. Everything else pales in comparison. If you guys have never done it, I encourage you to give it a shot. There is so much need out there. Heck, for some of you, you might even find full-time work playing like my partner does.

As we reflected on the day's events on the 2 hour drive home my friend pointed out that there is, in effect, a devastating hurricane going on in each one of those rooms affecting the kids, their families, their friends--yet so few people are willing to reach out to them and encourage them by visiting or helping them through their often insurmountable financial burdens.

Although what I did there seemed so insignificant to address their needs or to rescue them from the storms of life, I left there realizing that it is in extending love and compassion to them in the midst of their desperation that give them the hope and purpose to hang on and to keep going.

You don't even have to be good, don't need Jagwire strings or 10 knee levers, or anything like that to fill those little hearts with much needed love and hope. I don't know why I've waited all these years. I can hardly wait until I go back in November.

Most of us certainly have a lot to be thankful for.


[This message was edited by Webb Kline on 24 September 2005 at 02:30 PM.]

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Ted Solesky


Mineral Wells, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2005 1:35 pm    
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Webb, God bless you.
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Fred Shannon

Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2005 2:32 pm    
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Webb, you make my heart full. We do the same for the Vets in our VA Hospital and it is very satisfying for our band to be able to do it.
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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2005 3:26 pm    
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Great post, Webb. You explained the emotional level of the show quite well. Can you tell us about what you played?

What kind of songs, how many in the audience, used BIAB?, audience participation, etc.?

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Charles Davidson


Phenix City Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2005 4:51 pm    
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Playing a show at a will make the most cold hearted man humble.When a young man with no legs wheels his wheelchair up to you,and tells you how much he appreciated being entertained by you,If this don't bring tears to your eyes,your not human.Every one needs to visit a,then all their little problems they bitch about every day would seem silly.
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Donald Jeunette


Phoenix, Arizona, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2005 5:02 pm    
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Webb, What a wonderful story. God Bless You my FRIEND. It brought tears to my eyes.

[This message was edited by Donald Jeunette on 24 September 2005 at 06:03 PM.]

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Webb Kline

Orangeville, PA
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2005 9:14 pm    
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Joey, our calling card is that we bring about 15 instruments on stage between the two of us. I usally play steel more than anything, especially if you include Dobro and lap steel. The kids are fascinated with the steel. But, I play keys, guitars, mandolin, banjo as well. Woody plays guitars, tenor and bari ukes, hammered dulcimer and harmonicas as well as handling the Roland hand sonic duties with a apir of foot triggers. We don't use any sequencers, BIAB or anything like that.

We play just about anything anyone requests and have a vast collection of material, but lean heavily on old classic country rock partly because we're old hippies at heart and partly because there are some great lyrics to that stuff that people can identify with. We've been amazed by how many people actually know a lot of the Byrds, Manassas, Parsons, et al that we do. We do some originals and a decent amount of Americana, as well as some bluegrass and contemporary and country gospel when appropriate. We keep it positive, without ignoring the struggles people are going through. We do lots of participation stuff. The kids songs like 18 Wheels on a Big Rig or I AM A Pizza are as big with the adults as they are with the kids.

I think more than anything, it works because we love doing it. And when you are up on stage watching the effect it has on people who are having a hard time, their joy reciprocates back to us and it makes for a very special time.

There were about 40 couples this time out, but they anticipate that it will get a lot bigger as word gets around.

These kind of shows are something that we have been planning to do for quite a while and this was the 1st one. It is something that they are hoping to start all over the country and abroad. There's plenty of need and market out there for any of you who feel compelled to try it in your locale.

The room to room thing is done with guitars, but they told us they are going to get us a cart so we can drag more instruments around with us when I go back with Woody the next time.

I used to say that I could never do it--that it would be too hard, too painful, that I wouldn't know what to do or how to react. But, I'm telling you that when you just go do it, all that apprehension falls by the wayside. I'm not sure who gets the bigger blessing out of it, us or them.

[This message was edited by Webb Kline on 24 September 2005 at 10:18 PM.]

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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2005 2:14 am    
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What a deal, when the last gig is the height of a long career.
Seldom do I read a post where the writer can express so well the emotions involved in playing. I really enjoyed reading it.
Music is such a powerful medicine.
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Jon Zimmerman


California, USA
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2005 2:46 am    
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Jim Peters

St. Louis, Missouri, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2005 3:21 am    
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Used to be in a band called "the Us Band". For a few years we played the 4th of July weekend at Children's Hospital in St. Louis. It was very humbling and difficult at times, but also very rewarding. Thanks for reminding me, JP
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Ernest Cawby

Lake City, Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2005 5:56 am    
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We do the VA Hos.the 1st Wensday of each month, there is one couple , he is in a wheel chair, she and the orderly helps him stand up and they dance in place, you should see the smile on his and her face as they remember old times. Things like this makes it all worth while. They have asked us to go room to room in the future, but it is broadcast all over thru TV as we play. When you see the wheel chairs come in and they pat their foot and smile it is worth all the effort.

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Paul King


Gainesville, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2005 7:49 am    
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Webb, That is a great feeling to play to such a crowd. I don't guess I ever played to such a crowd of children before but I would sure like to. My most memorable gig was playing a Gospel singing for a womens prison. Those ladies loved every minute of it. I walked away with an experience I hope to never forget. One thing that stuck out in my mind was seeing a woman using a walker in prison. I guess there is all kinds of illness annd physical problems in prison just as there is in the free world.
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Jeff Smith


Post  Posted 25 Sep 2005 8:21 am    
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Everyone can take something from your example. That is a truly great thing, and "commendable" falls short in describing the merits of such an act.


Farris Currie


Ona, Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2005 9:10 am    
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Thats exactly what i was trying to say on the topic,staying out of the clubs!!
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Webb Kline

Orangeville, PA
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2005 10:55 am    
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It's really encouraging to hear that a lot of you guys are doing similar things. I only wish I wouldn't have waited so long. My buddy has been trying to get me involved for 20 years. I guess it's never too late as long as we're still able to do it.
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Rick Garrett


Tyler, Texas
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2005 4:17 pm    
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I've played for the folks in a retirement home a couple of times. It sure is something special to see them pat their foot and smile. I think what you're doing for those kids is something special and I pray the Good Lord will bless you in a special way for it. What a real blessing it is to use a gift that God gave us to lift up someone in need. Very cool stuff

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