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Giorgio Robino

Genova, Italy
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2005 11:12 am    
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Hi all, It's finally available my new double CD "Mellow Stasis". See all details and MP3 clips on my web site:

My previous debut CD "Western Detunes" ( ) have been positively commented by many friends in this forum and some great pedal steel artists, among others: Susan Alcorn, Bruce Kaphan, Debasish Bhattacharya,
and by many ambient artists like Jeff Pearce, Robert Rich, Matias Grassow, Vidna Obmana, etc.

In comparison with "Western Detunes", Mellow Stasis is a more "mature" (I guess) and "complex" orchestral work (technically),
here I used a more compositive "choral" approach, but please note that the only instruments used are a 6 string lap-steel guitar and a 6 string electric guitar, processed by delays and layerings. All is performed, mixed down and mastered by myself.

About getting CDs, I give out my music with a no-profit policy, consisting in paypal donations: I'm asking only the minimum costs refound for CD burning and shipping (plus a possible donation).

I'll happy to share with you any curiosity also in this forum (please listen the free MP3 available on my site ) and I'll glad to have your comments/review.

Obviously I suggest to listen my music using CDs quality, instead of MP3 via computer, that are not sufficient media to enjoy ambient/orchestral music.

Thank you for your attention
giorgio - Solyaris Music
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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2005 2:33 pm    
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I find the same thing, Giorgio; steel and other music is not done justice by computer speakers.
I look forward to hearing Mellow Stasis; each album gets better, no?

Meanwhile, I started working on my first 'ambient' steel piece today. Got to find a new word for that.

[This message was edited by Charlie McDonald on 01 September 2005 at 03:34 PM.]

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Giorgio Robino

Genova, Italy
Post  Posted 2 Sep 2005 8:05 am    
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Hi Charlie!

obviously I suppose "mellow Stasis" is "better" than my previous "Western Detunes" In fact it's really an improvement in technchalities and I suppose in the "narrattive" content ... I guess
Let me say that is a double CDs and some pieces are long almost 30 minutes ... so in this album piece are built more with a sort of orchestration process ... using complex layerings(overdubbing more than 20 tracks in some moments); so the original sound of my poor lap-steel guitar and electric guitar become component of a magmatic sound ... where guitars sound are pretty unrecognizable or better come out here and there in the magmatic "glurp" ?!

[quote]I started working on my first 'ambient' steel piece today. Got to find a new word for that.[quote]

Do you refer to "ambient" labeling ?

In my case, I admit that I have now difficulties to label my music as "ambient" because this imply many misunderstandings, but I cant' find a better definition ...: "athmospheric" ?? "impressionist" ??? ...

you know some people listened "western detunes" told me "enjoyable ... but ... where and when can I listen "this" kind of music?" ...

in the bathroom maybe ?

Music I made, as you know having listened "western detunes" (thank you for your kind review I inserted on my web site) require a "meditative/relaxed" listening context ... as any "good" (not commercial) music would require (forgive my presumptuousness )
Nowadays people need easy "classifications" and my aim in making music is at countrary to be FREE
So how could I define Solyaris Music ... ?
medidative / athmospheric / impressionistic / deep listening / ambient / new-age ?!!!! etc. etc. ...
So I generally semplify saying "I play Ambient music" ... just after I specify "but It's not like Brian Eno music ... it's different" ... ?!

take care
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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 2 Sep 2005 9:33 am    
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As John Cage (I think) said, "Talking about music is like dancing about architecture."
I guess people need some idea of what the music is like, thus 'genres.' But I'd hate to have what I play put into a box. Ambient gets a bad rap, in a way. But it's better than 'new age.'

'Atmospheric' is good; I like 'spatial.'
Perhaps it's a continuation of the impressionistic tradition. Well, we keep trying.
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Giorgio Robino

Genova, Italy
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2005 9:39 am    
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Ambient gets a bad rap, in a way. But it's better than 'new age.'

I agree Charlie.

In ambient music nowadays realms ... some "art critics" call "new age" all second generation electronic/ambient music produced after brian eno era (first generation).

I prefer to avoid any relationshio with the label "new age", even if many people classified my first CD Westerndetunes" as "new age" because his relaxing athmospheres.

In my "cultural" experience, "new age" music refer to a kind of "sound remedy" to be listened making yoga ... often associated to religious (or pseudo religious)behavours ... in fact "superficial" from the artistic point of view.

I hope "Mellow stasis" resolve the ambiguity because here the relaxed athmosfere are not a "must" but istead a kind of summit of a emotional process" ?! without any imposed rule of an obliged "happiness" ...

So the label "ambient" is preferable for me ... so when I say "I play ambient", people are prepared for the worst

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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 10 Sep 2005 6:03 am    
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so when I say "I play ambient", people are prepared for the worst

That's pretty funny. Maybe someday, it will prepare them for the best.

I've written a review for your website, using clues from our discussion and emails.
I hope it captures what I'm trying to say.
Words don't always work when it comes to music.
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Giorgio Robino

Genova, Italy
Post  Posted 10 Sep 2005 9:27 am    
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In painting, there is realism and impressionism. In music, there is no such distinction, but there are other 'genres', often useless terms. Visual arts are concrete; music is virtual.
In reflecting on Giorgio Robino's 'Mellow Stasis,' a work of some length and depth, I'm wondering how to classify it, in a way that would be a helpful introduction. It may be that it fits in the 'ambient' category, but that is as general a term as 'impressionistic.'
Giorgio doesn't compose so much in keys as in atmospheres. They are indeed impressions, as lent by their titles. But unlike a painting, you don't sit outside it and view. You are in the tone painting. If it is raining frogs, you are in the rain. If it is a seascape, it is one from within the sea. You may become wet with the sound, as you are awash in it.
It is almost a genre of its own--'sol' y 'aris'--sun and air? Atmospheres--places you live in.
Enjoy this experience. It is not past or future; it is present, and it is unique.

Charlie McDonald
September 10, 2005

Charlie! I really thank you for your review!
I'm immediately put on my web site as reference!

Yes, I myself have difficult to classify my music ?! in a specific genre re-listening "mellow stasis" after finished the work.

Music I listen everyday is "ambient" (see, etc.) but I kmow that realized compositions highlight a more "personal" approach.

I think that every person hold the "memory" of his life experience ... of others lifes ... and musically speaking, I was a jazz guitarist in a kind of my remote life ... so I loved John & Alice Coltrane, John Mclaughlin, etc. etc. but jazz is too limited and egoic (generally speaking)... so I give up with these rules and ties ... and the same for some "drone ambient" paradigmas & cliches ...

So 'athmospheric' could be exact ... and I know your music, Charlie, is in this way

The most important think for an "artist" or more modestly of a person that make music without restrictions ... its just FREEDOM & communication!

Freedom of commercial requirements
Freedom of musical rules
Freedom of design an unknow soundscapes
Freedom of any bonds,

I'm an individualistic and I think every musicain would re-create his own paradigma ... starting from a free context, and exploring "his realms" ...

The related thing is "communication" ... because more "private" and personal your feelings will be put in music ... more difficult will be to SHARE your music ...
this is my dilemna ...

It will be so "correct" to publish so "private" athmospheres ? ugly or beuty ... but are personal realms ...

How I am to "impose" this ... ?
What there is inside good music (let say art) so people need to share ?
Why is so difficult to share "possible" good music (at least uncontrived and personal) and viceversa bad bad stupid music is on "top ten" hit parades ?

It is almost a genre of its own--'sol' y 'aris'--sun and air? Atmospheres--places you live in.

Funny! I never thouh about this pun!
In fact "Solyaris" (my name in art) is a tribute to Andreij Tarkovki great director and his moovie "Solyaris" specifically.

Atmospheres--places you live in.
...It is not past or future; it is present, and it is unique.

This is a very good point.

"Solyaris" moovie (from Stanislav Lem Book), is a story of an "astronaut" that encounter in the solyaris planet his thoughts ... materilaized in the woman he loved (his wife actually died)...

So this man experienced a "context" or athmosphere in a "unique" moment in that "present", where that "life" is possible only "here and now" ...

Mellow Stasis is my modest and inept tempt to reproduce what my immagination suggest about the "solyaris" planet ... a world where "GOD" gift to humans beings the elaborations of them thoughts in the direction of love ...

Enough confusing ?

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