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Joe Drivdahl

Montana, USA
Post  Posted 17 Aug 2005 4:29 pm    
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Hey Eric,
Glad to see you're still posting messages from time to time. I haven't heard from you for probably a year or more. I have been gone from the forum. How's it been going?

-- Montana Joe
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Mike Winter

Portland, OR
Post  Posted 18 Aug 2005 11:35 am    
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Ha! Eric's still wreaking havoc here in even more lethal with an absolutely KILLER Duane Marr's re-do. It's awesome.
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 18 Aug 2005 5:51 pm    
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Doing well Joe, missed ya.

A couple of tuning wars, with nothing but the usual nonsense, just farther up the ladder...

I've been playing every weekend, got fired from one band that wasn't playing regularly enough for my attitude, no italics, no quotes, and am in a great band called Oh Brother with three guys I've known for 20 years around here. Booked solid til Feb, and beyond

I think I have decided that its the playing of music I need more than the typing about it, and though I consider some of my best friends to have been made here on b0b's SGF, I"m limiting my particpation somewhat to accommodate a 50+hr/wk resurgence in my day job and the fitting in of my new...


The Marrs is GREAT, and I play it every weekend. I've been going to write a synopsis of my half year with it, but I'm pretty slammed for time.

My "better half" went to "Hell"ena to visit her kids for a couple weeks, got rear ended on Mont Ave, and I"m hassling with the insurance people. She's been miserable to live with for a few years and this didn't help any.

As of yet, no dire diagnoses, no indictments, no "accidents", so it's just business as usual, except a little more busy.

Thanks for asking.


[This message was edited by Eric West on 18 August 2005 at 06:54 PM.]

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Joe Drivdahl

Montana, USA
Post  Posted 18 Aug 2005 9:48 pm    
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Hey Man, its great to hear from you. Glad to hear you are still smoking along. Sounds like you've got a good thing going. Good for you! Are you still working on your writing? I hope so, because you've got a talent there. I miss Bobbe's forum. He probably doesn't, but I do.

Sorry to hear about the wife cracking up the car in Helena. I've never liked that town much. My oldest daugher lives there, but we (mostly I) hardly ever get over that way.

God I wish there were some musicians in this town!

You know, its great to just be alive and playing steel. Every time I fire up my GFI I think, "what a wonderful instument." In my heaven, God hands out the PSG of your choosing upon arrival at the pearly gates, saying, "To hell with those damn harps! Lets hear some country!"

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