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Jimmy Douglas


Raceview, Queensland, Australia
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2005 8:09 pm    
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Paul K, Yes to all you said in response to my post, Alas I have never seen or heard in person many of the masters whose music I so much admire of whom BE and PF are right up there, though those who I have communicated with have always been very polite and patient with my enquiries though I am sure they have answered similar many times before.

I relish the luxury of being able to access their insight through the web and particularly the Forum and continue to enjoy their music through my records. Having recently acquired through Ebay the Ray Price Box I am still coming to terms with all that! about a whole lotta steel guitar!

In my initial analogy of Buddy to PSG I neglected to include like Dizzy was to trumpet...things were just never the same thereafter.

Pardon the pun but this E communication method is indeed one marvelous development of the modern era.


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Jonathan Gregg


New York City
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2005 12:08 pm    
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I have been figuring out a bunch of Emmons things lately (armed with the Amazing Slow Downer, of course) and what strikes me the most is his incredible phrasing, which I think is the hardest part of anyone's style to copy. Emmons swings more than any other steel player, and breaking down his solos is scary because you realize the overview he has on the changes to be able to construct such long and funky phrases.

Learning the solo to the live "At E's" was incredibly informative in terms of how to get from point A to point B, as a previous poster said, but even more so, it illustrated how Emmons's style is really induplicable. You may be able to play a solo by heart, but the minute you stray from the path, you're on your own again. Which is really where you belong anyway.

For me the lesson is, learn it as close as you can, and then forget about it -- even if you think you're playing it perfectly, it will never be the same, and six months down the road you will have absorbed that information and mutated it to your needs.

Hopefully they'll be saying that about some of us someday...
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