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Topic: Day vs. Emmons vs. ????? tunings |
Wes Jordan
From: Urbandale, Iowa 50323
Posted 22 Mar 2005 7:57 am
I have played non-pedal for years and played around with pedal for a few years. Before I get too old to play either I would like to get into the pedal more. I currently have the Day setup but haven't played long enough that change would be hard I don't think. Can any of you experienced players offer some advice. I am thinking about getting a new steel and trying to figure which tuning setup to use. Thanks, Wes
[This message was edited by Wes Jordan on 22 March 2005 at 09:21 AM.] |
Dean Vallery
From: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Posted 22 Mar 2005 8:16 am
Hey Wes, I have the day set and have had for more than 30 years. I personally don't believe it makes any difference which one you choose. It seems to me just tjo be a personal preference thing. However, there is one thing that bugs me somewhat and that is most guitars are set up Emmons style so it has been difficult over the years to sit in and play on someone elses guitar. Other than that, have it your own way.
Deano |
Gene Jones
From: Oklahoma City, OK USA, (deceased)
Posted 22 Mar 2005 9:15 am
Hi Wes....listen to Dean's advice! Just set-up your guitar so that it does what you want it to do. It doesn't matter a whit whether it's "Day or Emmons" (or something else)!
EDITED: Don, your response did sound kind of "picky" (your words) so for clarification I have edited to remove the word tuning from my post. [This message was edited by Gene Jones on 22 March 2005 at 01:37 PM.] |
Craig A Davidson
From: Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
Posted 22 Mar 2005 9:35 am
I was told once that whichever way my ankle was most comfortable rocking that is the set-up I should choose. I have the Emmons set-up but I can see advantages for the Day set-up. They are both excellent and some players can do both. I have seen Johnny Cox sit down to either one and play like he has been on that set-up forever. |
Don Walters
From: Saskatchewan Canada
Posted 22 Mar 2005 11:18 am
With no disrespect intended to the other respondents, we're not talking about tuning we're talking about your copedant, the pedal/knee lever setup. I assume you're going to use the "standard Nashville E9" tuning, especially if you're going to use any of the modern learning materials that are available. They work just equally well for either Emmons or Day setup.
sorry if I sound picky ...
Craig A Davidson
From: Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
Posted 22 Mar 2005 11:39 am
That's what I'm talking about. |
Mark van Allen
From: Watkinsville, Ga. USA
Posted 22 Mar 2005 12:53 pm
I swapped back and forth a few times over the years, no difference to me either way, and then fell off a roof and dislocated my ankle some time back. Now it works a lot better in the Day setup, ankle just won't bend the other way as well. The disadvantage is that most guitars are set up Emmons, and unless you switch back from time to time your muscle memory does make it hard to play as fluidly on "the other setup". I'd say go with what's comfortable, unless you want to sit in a lot, then probably go with the Emmons setup.
Stop by the Steel Store at:
JW Day
From: Elizabethtown, Kentucky, USA
Posted 22 Mar 2005 1:59 pm
Wes;I too played the Day set-up for about thirty years. I bought a new guitar this year,it was set-up emmons.I left it that way because most of the guitars are that way.the reason behind this is,after you have been playing for a while and you decide to get out and listen to other players,they will ask you to play,just to give them a break,believe me,4 or 5 hours can get long on the stool,try them both to see which fits your personal preference.good luck in new adventure
JW Day
From: Elizabethtown, Kentucky, USA
Posted 22 Mar 2005 2:04 pm
Wes;I too played the Day set-up for about thirty years. I bought a new guitar this year,it was set-up emmons.I left it that way because most of the guitars are that way.the reason behind this is,after you have been playing for a while and you decide to get out and listen to other players,they will ask you to play,just to give them a break,believe me,4 or 5 hours can get long on the stool,try them both to see which fits your personal preference.good luck in new adventure
From: OH
Posted 22 Mar 2005 7:12 pm
Wes,I played the Emmons setup for about 26yrs and 2 1/2 yrs ago I switched to the Day and I love it,would'nt go back to the Emmons setup because of the way my ankles roll easier on the Day
Dan Layne
Reggie Duncan
From: Mississippi
Posted 23 Mar 2005 6:56 pm
Day setup is easier for me to play. I played Day for 10 years, Emmons 10, and now Day for 14. Knee levers lower to the left and raise to the right. Just my way! |
Jody Sanders
From: Magnolia,Texas, R.I.P.
Posted 23 Mar 2005 7:33 pm
It is all in what you get used ro. When Buddy called Jimmy and told him he had taken the G# to A and put it on a separate pedal(B to C# and G# to A) were ont the same pedal) And was really finding some "good stuff". He didn't say which pedal set up he used. Jimmy split the pedal just opposite the way Buddy had his. As you know, it did not hinder their playing. The advantage of the Emmons set up is that most learnig material in designed for the Emmons set up. Jody. |
Robert Jones
From: Branson, Missouri
Posted 24 Mar 2005 3:51 pm
Wes I would say that it is what you! feel most comfortable with. I myself have the Emmons setup. That's only because that's how I started out with. I don't want to take anything away from the Day setup though. I have dabbled with the Day setup on a few other steels from my friends, but I am most comfortable with the Emmons setup. Let me say again that it's what YOU feel most comfortable with. Best of luck to you.
Mullen Royal Percision D-10 Red Laquar Pearl inlay 8&8
"Life is too short for bad tone".
Buck Grantham R.I.P.
From: Denham Springs, LA. USA
Posted 28 Mar 2005 10:27 am
It makes no diffrence. What's confortable for you is the thing to do . I have played both ways and I personally like the Day set up better for me. Some of the best players in the world are Day players and some of the best players in the world are Emmons players.The main thing is to get off your lazy butt and practice,practice,practice.  |
Jim Florence
From: wilburton, Ok. US * R.I.P.
Posted 28 Mar 2005 11:36 am
I keep guitars set up both ways, mainly because I have several, and by having them set up both ways, maybe I won't get too far out of practice on either one, but my favorite is Day. |
Dan Hatfield
From: Columbia, Mo USA
Posted 28 Mar 2005 2:30 pm
I sure can relate to Mark's story; I dislocated my left ankle in 1984 from a fall from a roof. The ankle recovered quite nicely, but I would have a lot of trouble using the Emmons setup now. It still bends quite easily to the inside so guess I am stuck with the Day setup.
Dan |
Ray Riley
From: Des Moines, Iowa, USA
Posted 28 Mar 2005 9:36 pm
Wes, What I gained of the most value on this thread"""" Stay the Hell off of any Roof. At our age anyway. Ray
Sho-Bud S-12 and a brand new N112
Wes Jordan
From: Urbandale, Iowa 50323
Posted 29 Mar 2005 7:21 am
Ray-I don't think that I could get on a roof. I really appreciate all of the ideas and experiences discussed about Day Vs. Emmons. I found out part of the realization when I tried to play your Emmons setup Ray. It felt good to get back to the Day but I know the reverse is true too. I am curious as to how the Day folks setup their knee levers. Not trying to prolong the discussion but as you good players can guess, I need alot of help. Thanks again |
Hook Moore
From: South Charleston,West Virginia