gun topics

About Steel Guitarists and their Music

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Damir Besic
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gun topics

Post by Damir Besic »

just want to say thanks to Bob for not closing the last gun topic.Sometimes discussions are little "hot" but as Eric said,we are all first steel players and then comes the rest.I appologize if I was rude to anyone,you know I love you all... Image

steel packin` Damir

you can close it now I guess

~when tone matters~

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chas smith
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Post by chas smith »

Guns and gun issues are always going to be a provocative topic because the potential is so extreme.
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Larry Bell
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Post by Larry Bell »

I wonder if they discuss steel guitars on the gun forums. Image

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2003 Fessenden S/D-12 8x8, 1969 Emmons S-12 6x6, 1971 Dobro, Standel and Peavey Amps

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Eric West
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Post by Eric West »

I'll bet it gets pretty ugly when they do..


Toby Rider
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Post by Toby Rider »

I must've missed that thread, but I will say that I have about as many guns in this house as I do guitars. I'm proud to say that I have defended liberty with a rifle in my hands and a parachute on my back.

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Richard Sinkler
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Post by Richard Sinkler »

Although these "off topic threads" don't really bother me (most of the time I don't read them), but this is a steel guitar forum and topics should be limited to the steel guitar. How many steel players that have guns or use a certain brand of toilet paper topics really are not about steel guitar at all. Maybe B0B can put up the link to the old "off topic" board for this type of discussion.

Carter D10 9p/10k, NV400
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

I didn't really follow that one till it got closed.
It is EASY to see why it got closed.

I have a logical position on firearms,
but I won't state it.

I will say that an ex. Nam sniper buddy said of me " you hit what you aim at".<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 07 February 2005 at 01:17 AM.]</p></FONT>
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Post by HowardR »

Not that easy after several beers.... Image
Frank Parish
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Post by Frank Parish »

Sometimes we just wear out all of the steel guitar topic and need a release!
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Barbara Hennerman
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Post by Barbara Hennerman »

For all the folks complaining that this is a Steel Guitar Forum and topics should ONLY relate to the Steel Guitar...
What about the post on Motorcycles (well, I suppose they do have pedals)? I'ts FIVE pages long and it didn't get shut down.
It bothers me that some people think just because you have a gun you are a wierd-o, but I learned a long time ago you can't change their way of thinking no matter how sane and rational your argument is. Guns will always be a controversial topic no matter where it's discussed.
By the way, Steel Guitar and other music related topics are discussed on Gun Forums, and you might be surprised at how many shooter's are musicians.
Just my opinion, no need to get out the flame throwers.
Farris Currie
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Post by Farris Currie »

Barbara,Bless your Heart!right on the money,if all we can talk is just guitar,won't take long to get very dull!!We are concerend about our steeler friends,and what their likes and dislikes are.The way our friends live is important!I had the thread COOKING STEELERS,wondered how many cooked,thats all.we have topics about dogs cats,ect.sure guns are a flame subject!all over the U S A,lots of people don't like them,this country was won with guns.and our freedom is protected with guns.but for those who don't want them,fine,get a bucket of rocks to throw!!I live 20 miles from town,and when we call the law,they might show up in a hr.or so.another heated discussion could be,how many steelers believe in the death penalty!!!WOW,you gonna get all kinds of opinions.One we have now is how many steelers ride bikes?not me I ride a poloris 4wheel dr.4wheeler!!wonder how many steelers have 4 wheel drives,climbing the rocks ect.I'm very interested to hear what other steelers enjoy.

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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

Barbara, I would never imply that people with guns are weirdos...
I have been a gun owner, though I am not at the moment.
I like target, deer hunting, and traps.

I have no issue with gun ownership, training and self defence. Farris's is a case in point : he's too far from town to be completely safe vs attack.

The flip side is don't we all know a couple of wierdos we would MUCH rather had no easy access to guns.
I can think of two right now I wish NEVER had ANY access.

2 sides to the coin and both equaly valid for me.
So, how do we deal with both pressing needs?

I am sure this thread will be closed shortly,
but I am not flaming gun owners.

Just making another point ;
in relation to responsable gun ownership,
is also a inteligent applicatioon of responsable gun access rules.

Neither blanket withdrawel, nor blanket freedom is needed.
A reaosonable balance, for ALL citizens.
just as with free speach.

Roger wilco, over and out
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Post by HowardR »

I would like to see a forum here devoted to hobbies and interests of steelers. There are many interesting, knowledgable, & talented players that have much to offer and share. I also believe that politics and religion should not be involved.

I suppose this belongs in feedback.
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Post by Savell »


I think maybe you can see that guns are of interest to many steel players. I also know that one steel player makes collecting them his hobby. Because of your injection into this topic, I think probably <U>gun control</u> is of interest to you as well.

Savell Norsworthy
Ray Minich
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Post by Ray Minich »

Republican, pistol packin' steelers. Sounds like a bedroom community near Pittsburgh.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ray Minich on 07 February 2005 at 08:24 AM.]</p></FONT>
Pete Finney
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Post by Pete Finney »

I don't believe anyone is suggesting that steel players shouldn't talk about their other interests; guns, motorcycles, cooking whatever... Some of us just feel that maybe they should be in a different forum than one that is described as being about "steel guitar players and their MUSIC".

that's all...
Farris Currie
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Post by Farris Currie »

PETE, how about just a different TOPIC,that should do it???I don't think anyone will jump in on your topic!!!!
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Post by HowardR »

I've seen other forums that have sections, or sub-forums devoted to things other than the main area of interest. It's good for the comradrie factor.

Yes, gun contol, ownership, regulation, and responsibility are of concern to me. I do not take my ownership lightly. I know,... what about the photo? It's like any other of my prank photos and the intention was light hearted even though the topic was serious.

I would go into more detail, intelligently, if we have the proper forum.
Jim Landers
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Post by Jim Landers »

We used to have the Off Topic board that was devoted to 'off topic' discussions. You had to click on a link to enter, the same as you do now for each of the different boards.

The old Off Topic board was the best part of this forum IMNSHO.

BUT!.....,the same bunch of whiners and crybabies complained about it to the point that b0b finally shut it down. Geeze!..... Image

They did'nt have to click the button then and the don't have to click the button now if it's a topic that don't concern them or they are not interested in.

But they will. And then they will complain about it.

The 'How many are licensed to carry topic' asked a simple question and anybody that is'nt licensed to carry was intruding in a topic that did'nt concern them to begin with.

Jim<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jim Landers on 07 February 2005 at 09:33 AM.]</p></FONT>
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

I'm into most subjects starting with "G" and this includes guns. Of course, it also includes guitars. However, when it comes to Girls, my wife put the kabash to that several years ago!
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Russ Young
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Post by Russ Young »

I think the thread about steelers carrying guns was a good example of this forum at its best, even though the discussion did wander away from the original question that was asked.

We exchanged a broad spectrum of opinions on the subject ... it got a bit heated at times, but not out of control ... nobody resorted to insults or name-calling (well, nothing really offensive) ... and no one got upset and said that they would no longer participate in the forum.

(I attribute a lot of this to the fact that the $5 registration fee ensures a certain amount of civility -- and that someone can't create a new, instant screen name then jump in and fan the flames.)

That being said, I think such discussions probably belong in an off-topic area. Better to keep politics, religion and other emotional topics in a clearly-labeled forum.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Russ Young on 07 February 2005 at 10:49 AM.]</p></FONT>
Toby Rider
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Post by Toby Rider »

I kind of think there are some parallels between guns and pedal steels. They're both heavily mechanical, require precision to tune and keep running, and they both take alot of care to use correctly. Maybe that's why I got drawn into playing pedal steel after playing regular guitar most of my life. Instead of say deciding to also learn the accordion or the Oud :-)

It's not just the beautiful and the demanding playing technique that attracts me, but the precision mechanics are a big draw too.

I bet that there are also alot of steelers who like to work on old vintager cars & trucks as well... Again a similiar type of thing.
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Les Anderson
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Post by Les Anderson »

Would it be safe to say that steel guitar players are always gunning to be the best? Image

(I am not right all of the time but I sure like to think I am!)

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Susan Alcorn
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Post by Susan Alcorn »

And they both have the potential to cause a lot of pain when misused.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Susan Alcorn on 07 February 2005 at 12:58 PM.]</p></FONT>
Bob Storti
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Post by Bob Storti »

I've got it!

Let's take all the guns, melt them down, and use them to cast steel guitar parts . . . No wait! Let's take all the steel guitars, melt them down, and use them to cast gun parts . . . No, that's not it!!!

Maybe we should just leave them both as they are. Image
