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Author Topic:  Forum Degeneration
richard burton

Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 12:26 pm    
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This may get me flamed, but it's something thats been knawing at me for a while.
In my opinion, as the membership of the Forum has increased, there has been a corresponding dilution in the quality of discussion.
I am fed up of starting to read a good topic, only to have to wade through acres of inconsequential nonsense posted by some of the newer members who obviously consider themselves 'characters'.
We have lost Carl, and I've noticed that other notables with a definite contribution to the Forum are not so prolific as they used to be.
b0b, we need a section devoted to serious steel discussion only, life is too short to waste on these jokers.
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Billy Murdoch


Glasgow, Scotland, U.K.
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 12:42 pm    
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Well said Richard.
Best wishes
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Larry Bell

Englewood, Florida
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 12:45 pm    
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Sir Richard
I hope things are well on your side of the pond.

While I certainly concur with your conclusion, I doubt there is a solution. Some of us have been around nearly five years. We have hashed and rehashed every topic, some of them upteen times. Cabinet drop, tuning, guitar brands, whose has more knee levers, ad nauseum.

One thing that can irk me is having two or more tuning topics (for example) simultaneously on a given Forum area. Even though the Forum has a pretty good search engine VERY FEW EVER USE IT. I know I've expressed the same thoughts many times over the years and I'm sure others have as well. Eventually there's just more and more redundancy and some contributors probably tire of the re-hash. Further complicating matters, some members don't really have anything to contribute so they appoint themselves 'class clown'.

There's really very little b0b or anyone else can do about it. Some people insist on typing just to see how many words they can misspell and how narrow their perspective can become. Some, usually inadvertantly, just keep asking the same old, tired, motheaten questions that really sparked some enlightening discussion in days gone by. Fortunately, for those of us who DO use the search feature, most of that information is still accessible.

The only real solution is to reconcile with the information age. Your mailbox fils with junk mail; your EMail fills with spam; there is a wealth of information but wading through the chaff is a real challenge, but worth the effort. I just avoid the obvious 'turkey threads' (what color shirt did Bobbe Seymour wear that mad him play so good?) and only participate in discussions I still feel passionate about. Maybe there is another way, but it escapes me.

Larry Bell - email: - gigs - Home Page
2003 Fessenden S/D-12 8x8, 1969 Emmons S-12 6x6, 1971 Dobro, Standel and Peavey Amps

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Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 12:50 pm    
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it would probably help to have an 'FAQ' section, but that would take a lot of work for someone plus I don't know if it would be technically possible to integrate it into the forum software.
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Scott Henderson

Camdenton, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 12:59 pm    
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I would comment on this but it would definately get me "flamed" (and no I'm not trying to be funny)If my opinion of this thread has you curious feel free to email me.

Steelin' away in the ozarks and life,

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Kevin Hatton


Buffalo, N.Y.
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 1:23 pm    
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Too many people with too much time on their hands. This forum is supposed to be information based, not for casual time occupation for people who want to make idle discussion and be cute.
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Ron !


Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 1:23 pm    
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just to see how many words they can misspell

I am from The netherlands and I am not a big man when it comes to Spelling.I must confess that there were some posts from me on wich I did not use the search engine.Sorry for that.But there are some people including me that are musician that can take a joke.I think that you can too.Am I right?

This forum is a contribution for steel guitar players from all over the world.There are members and newbies that like to post questions that only concern them.They would like an honest answer.An answer that helps them with their problem.
Some of us have been around nearly five years.
I was a member in 1998 I think when b0b just started this Forum and there were just a few members.Rick Schmidt,Chris Brooks and Jerry(Lakeshark)are a few I remember that were there too.So after a long leave of absence I requested for a new membership.
But as long as I can remember there were jokes like this.


Nikaro SD10 4x6

[This message was edited by Ronald Steenwijk on 15 December 2004 at 03:12 PM.]

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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 1:32 pm    
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Non-English speaking people are exempt from proper spelling in English. As least as far as I'm consurned.
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Rick McDuffie


Benson, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 1:34 pm    
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This is delicate, but I pretty much agree. If you can't make a significant, on-topic response, then don't post. It's a bit aggravating to be reading a serious topic, then to have 5-6 pointless posts from folks monkeying around, essentially hijacking the post.

The word "degeneration" is a bit strong, though. Alas, we live in an imperfect world (even though we may approach perfection ourselves)

Perhaps members could "help" b0b moderate by politely pointing out that certain responses are off-topic and should be taken elsewhere.

By the way, I think this should've been posted in another forum... probably Feedback and Testing.


[This message was edited by Rick McDuffie on 15 December 2004 at 01:35 PM.]

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Ron !


Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 1:36 pm    
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I have to disagree on that Jim.
I use a translator from's free and it helps a lot.It's not 100% reliable but it does the trick for me.
If I can do it so can someone else.


Nikaro SD10 4x6
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Stephen Gregory


Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 1:44 pm    
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[This message was edited by Stephen Gregory on 15 December 2004 at 01:44 PM.]

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richard burton

Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 1:48 pm    
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Thanks for the support, everyone. I'm pleased that there are other like-minded members of the Forum.
Rick, I deliberately posted under 'Steel Players' to get maximum exposure.
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Chris Schlotzhauer

Colleyville, Tx. USA
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 1:57 pm    
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As a longtime forum degenerate, I want "off topic" to come back
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Rick Garrett


Tyler, Texas
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 2:24 pm    
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It seems that most of the time its the same old tired group of jokers that "highjack" a post by writing what they think is funny. I've only been a member for a couple of years but I can definately tell the difference from when I first joined. There does seem to be a whole lot more off topic posts now. Some don't have one thing to do with music or the steel guitar. It seems unfair to waste b0b's bandwidth on such off the wall topics. You can pick out any serious post you want (just about) and there will be several weak attempts at humor there among the good info. I guess its just growing pains.

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Fred Jack


Bastrop, Texas 78602
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 2:33 pm    
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In my opinion there is rudeness and ignorance shown here that prevents a lot of good players from posting and associating with us.By ignorance I do not refer to "dumb questions" as I don't refer to any question as "dumb". Fred
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Holmdel, NJ
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 2:51 pm    
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I think everyone who has been here for more than one year should leave. That should solve the redundancy issue. Let the newbies inherit this forum. It's still fresh to them.

Bob Grado, Williams D10 (lefty), Peavey 1000,
Profex ll.

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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 2:55 pm    
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Some people are dyslexic, or darned close to blind, and it is difficult at the best of times to SEE that there is a mistake made.

Maybe we should put together a standard info package thread for newbies?
A compendium of the most commonly asked questions, and links to some of the classic forum threads on the subject.

Some threads are so polarized I welcome a bit of humor to break the tension.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
If there was a work place with out ANY humor...
I just wouldn't work there.

Some divergent topics are on the mutual interests of steelers.
I am not a flyer,
but I don't mind if flying steelers talk amongst themselves.

It spreads good feeling amongst them.
Steelers with 2nd and 3rd mutual interests are also more likely to meet in person,
and of course will talk steel in person.
It is a bonding thing, and that's a good thing IMHO.

Extreme topic drift, and hijacking is sometimes a problem for sure. I see the most drift in threads where the topic was pretty much covered completely, and then runs off somewhere else.

But some times I do see two topics running in the same thread with only a small interconnectring reference. That can be quite disconcerting.

One thing that does bother me,
and this is an eyes and dyslexic issue.
It is post that are basically run on sentences for about 5 inches.
No spacing to give the eyes a rest or let the punctuation have an effect.

My eyes just glaze over and I skim or skip this type of post much too often.

I try when ever possible to make my posts clear,
not just in the wordage,
but also in the physical structure too.
It certainly helps me keep my thoughts correctly stated...
more often than not.
It takes not much more bandwith relatively,
but for speed of reading and complete understanding it is a great help.

Why post something people are ignoring because it's too hard to follow?

If they ignore you because they don't like what you have to say ;
well that is essntially unavoidable in a real world community.
Why should it be different here?

[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 15 December 2004 at 03:06 PM.]

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Leslie Ehrlich

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 3:01 pm    
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What really irritates me is when someone posts a message that looks like a personal e-mail message directed toward the person who started the thread or to people who reply to the thread. For example a 'Hi, how are 'ya doin?' kind of message is hardly what I call discussion of steel-related stuff.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 3:04 pm    
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I would certainly not dissagree with any comments, but lets not forget that this is a place to have FUN too..

Some of the posts in my opinion are just way too long and way too serious..I guess I can safely state that I usually scan those at warp speed and move on..

BUT..It's a tad over the edge to assume that FORUMS are only for serious discussion..and if you can SPELT correktly..

I pursunally love the humor that comes along for the ride..some of the folks that hang out on this forum probably grew up with Jerry Seinfeld..and thats a good thing..

oh..and I didn't break any 3rd strings this week..but this is only Wednesday..what brand do you all use ? Huh ?


[This message was edited by Tony Prior on 15 December 2004 at 03:05 PM.]

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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 3:09 pm    
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Some of the folks on this forum grew up with W.C. Fields and Mae West.
There was a lot of very serious discusion in the depresion years,
but a lot more people want to remember the comedy of that time.

In many ways this place is like the pickle barrel,
or stove in an old time country store.
We get together and discuss the crops, n weather,
the new seeds from Monsanto,
and which new tracter Herb just got,
or if Effy is gonna finaly marry Ferd,
and the lastest jokes too.

But in this case the MAIN issue is steeling.
Still in real life, who ONLY talks about one subject,
and doesn't say howdy to an old friend in passing?

This is the worlds only all steeler VILLAGE.
most of us don't live in villages like even 40 years ago, and most are quite far apart.

This is our Steelerville, just a few miles east of Mount Ho'o'opi.

I that general respect this does mirror daily life

Yes we have lost a few people,
but more from people being more than rude to them on certain issues.
Not neccesarilly from topic drift, or degeneration.

But VERY much for INTOLERACNE issues...

It is all a work in progress, it will have ebb and flow and attain various stages.

[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 15 December 2004 at 03:22 PM.]

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Rick Garrett


Tyler, Texas
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 3:21 pm    
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Extreme topic drift, and hijacking is sometimes a problem for sure. I see the most drift in threads where the topic was pretty much covered completely, and then runs off somewhere else.

Yeah kind of like that tallest bridge post that you posted in the "MUSIC" forum.

Is that "Extreme Topic Drift"?

HA!! All in fun man

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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 3:26 pm    
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Rick I see your point, and I did think about it before hand.
I did try to tie it to my life playing steel in some way. I have gone by there for gigs.

And warned off those with no interest early on.

And the topic was enjoyed by a few who share this interest with me.

Now if someone came in an started a parallel discussion in the bridge thread,
of Orca whales or the best spandex for playing hai lai,
that would be extreme topic drift..

[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 15 December 2004 at 03:29 PM.]

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Billy Murdoch


Glasgow, Scotland, U.K.
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 3:26 pm    
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You tug at my heart strings,the mere mention of the wonderful W.C Fields and the unsurpassable Mae West brings tears to at laest one or two of my eyes.
Yes fellow forumites lets not forget a bit of fun but lets not go too far off topic,there is a wealth of information here for the asking and I have found everyone to be extremely helpful.
What about Groucho,he said "I never forget a face but in your case I'll make an exception."
David I've seen your face(at Drogheda) and I can't forget it.
No offence meant,I did enjoy talking to you and hearing you play and hope to see you in '05.
Best regards
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Rick Garrett


Tyler, Texas
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 3:40 pm    
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Maybe we've grown to the point that an off topics forum is needed?

Maybe b0b will weigh in with his thoughts.

Merry Christmas anyhow!!

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Cal Sharp

the farm in Kornfield Kounty, TN
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2004 4:19 pm    
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Yeah, that FAQ idea is a good one, even if the FAQ were just instructions on how to search for the information desired. A lot of Internet forums have a very low tolerance for trolls, lamers and newbies who make posts on a topic that's been wrung dry a year ago and who obviously haven't read the FAQ. A kill file might be nice, too. Winking>


[This message was edited by Cal Sharp on 15 December 2004 at 04:25 PM.]

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