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Nick Reed

Russellville, KY USA
Post  Posted 15 Jul 2004 4:27 am    
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There's been a couple of times I've asked my boys to play a freebie. One instance was the Assisted Living Home where my Wifes' Father was staying right before his death. We had him a birthday party at the Facility and my Wife wanted us to play. Her Daddy always enjoyed going to our Gigs before he got real sick. Since it's my Band, I do the booking, and keep us playing somewhere steady every weekend. . . .I didn't really mind asking them to do it as a favor for me. However, each band member did have the option to refuse it. But they know I can get someone to fill in for them real quick. They also know I might like that fill-in person, and he might have their regular paying job on stage the next Saturday Night. Do they call that Politics, oh well it is an Election Year!


[This message was edited by Nick Reed on 15 July 2004 at 05:33 AM.]

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Jim Peters

St. Louis, Missouri, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 15 Jul 2004 10:12 am    
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My 5 piece band has an agreement-we each can ask for one freebie a year, be it a special charity, a sister getting married, or whatever. I am the leader, but it is a democracy, my wife is the singer. All decisions are discussed, I have the last word, but would never ask for something that the others wouldn't give. i have had to fire 3 in 12 years, 2 bass players and 1 drummer. You have to be really a jerk to get fired in my band, and they were. The wife and I never bring personal to the gig, she is the best performer I have ever worked with, and think the others think so too. Thanks, JimP
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Terry VunCannon

Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 15 Jul 2004 12:03 pm    
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I have been involved with 3 husband & wife teams in my playing history. The first 2 were real bad. The bands were always caught up in each couples fighting. The 3rd, is so much different. I play in a band with the wife on guitar, and play part time with the husbands band in which the wife plays bass. They have such respect for each other & it is really a pleasure to be around them. A real musical team.
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Bob Hempker


Goodlettsville, TN.
Post  Posted 16 Jul 2004 5:01 pm    
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Guys, I can't help it. I have to jump in here. "Making,or Demanding" someone play for nothing is a form of slavery. Any time someone is forced to do something against their will, it amounts to slavery. The last time I checked, the emancipation proclamation was passed in 1861. I know you had a choice of either working for nothing or losing your job, but what about minimum wage laws, also. Hey, you made the right choice.

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