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Author Topic:  chords or notes ?
Calvin Walley

colorado city colorado, USA
Post  Posted 5 Nov 2003 11:10 am    
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this is probably a really dumb question but ..are most songs played using chords c,g,d etc of are they played picking single notes ? somthing tells me it a combination of these but how do you tell what parts to play as chords and what part is played as notes ?

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Bill Hatcher


Atlanta Ga. USA
Post  Posted 5 Nov 2003 11:30 am    
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Calvin. No question is dumb when you trying to learn something.

In regards to your question about chords or single notes used play songs. The melody of the song can be expressed musically in different ways.

The melody can be played using just single notes, or it can be played using single notes with chords added in places where the melody drops out or where the melody is holding on a long note. Thirdly the melody can be played as a single note voiced above the chords being played at the same time.

You can use a combination of any of the above to express the melody of a song. Any help?
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