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Bill Ford

Graniteville SC Aiken
Post  Posted 8 Jan 2003 5:45 pm    
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I was thumbing through an old Steel Guitarist magazine May 81 issue and came across an article on a Chas Smith.The article stated that Chas. had been playing psg for about a year and was writing tab for classical on steel,there was a tab included in the article.I was very impressed that anyone could acomplish such a feat.
Would that be our forum member Chas. Smith?


Bill Ford
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Michael Johnstone

Sylmar,Ca. USA
Post  Posted 8 Jan 2003 5:56 pm    
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One and the same
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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jan 2003 6:33 pm    
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My Roland JV-880 has a demo song entitled "The Race" with credit for the music attributed to Chas Smith. I assume this is also "our" Chas Smith, am I right?
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Tom Olson


Spokane, WA
Post  Posted 8 Jan 2003 8:46 pm    
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I was curious -- which movie did Chas win the Academy Award for last year?
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Rich Weiss


Woodland Hills, CA, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jan 2003 10:25 pm    
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It wasn't for a movie. It was a technical achievment award for his work on a motion control camera. Right, Chas?
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chas smith R.I.P.

Encino, CA, USA
Post  Posted 9 Jan 2003 12:13 am    
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Bill, as I recall, there were a lot of typos in the tab that got printed.
I was very impressed that anyone could acomplish such a feat.
Thank you, at the time I was trying to figure out what was available on the instrument and where do you find it. So it was a learning exercise. Because the E9 neck has a lot of half and whole step raises and lowers, things like Bach chorals lay in nicely. My playing skills, though, were pretty limited.

Jim, some other Chas Smith is enjoying those royalties, it wasn't me. I do get a little bit from some of the movies I've played on.

Tom, as Rich noted, it was a Technical Achievement Award for the design and fabrication of the motion-controlled Bulldog Camera Crane, there are two of them and both are owned by Image G and have shot over 2500 commercials, rock videos and effects for films. And no, I don't have a piece of any of that. Gordon Seitz did the machining for the motors, drives and cameras. Before that I did the camera tower that shot all of the Star Trek tv and Deep Space 9 model shots and lots of other stuff, I'm also responsable for the Chandler tower, initially made for Batman and then revised for Independance Day and the Dream Quest, now owned by Disney, telescoping arm on their gantry. The award means a lot to me and I got to kiss Charlize Theron.

[This message was edited by chas smith on 09 January 2003 at 12:17 AM.]

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