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John P. Phillips

Folkston, Ga. U.S.A., R.I.P.
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2002 3:46 am    
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Mike, Thanks loads and more for making this piece of steel guitar history available to us. You don't know just how much it means to those of us who never got to see the man perform in the flesh. I thought it was bad enough the way his playing affected me on just tapes but this video has taken me to a pleasure level that I never thought possible. Wasn't our IDOL something else ???
What planet did he come from anyway? It doesn't seem possible that he and Buddy and John, and Tommy, and all the greats could be mere earthlings like us!! ( just kidding)
Just watching his mastery of the steel brought tears to my eyes and a lump as big as Texas to my throat and chest. I don't know why this instrument does this to me but it does. Maybe I'm a real wierdo for letting it affect me this way, but that's just the way I am I guess. And I feel like this forum brings me together with like minded people that can understand just how I feel. I'd feel self conscious talking like this to any other group of people but the folks here seem to understand what I'm saying. Heck, I'll bet a lot of them get emotional when they hear a certain music passage or song too !! I guess that's what makes us a unique bunch HUH???
I think one of the highlights for me was when curly did "Crazy" and "The Christmas Song". as beautiful as I've ever heard.
Thanks again for a piece of history. I've got only one complaint about the video and it's a major one. IT WASN'T LONG ENOUGH

"Let's go STEEL something"
If it feels good, do it. If it feels COUNTRY, do it twice

[This message was edited by John P.Phillips on 07 October 2002 at 04:49 AM.]

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Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2002 4:23 am    
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You're welcome John. I couldn't just sit on this piece of history and keep it to myself.

The first part of the tape was recorded by the late Jack Lox, who in addition to this concert also produced concerts by Buddy Emmons, Jimmy Day, and Doug Jernigan. J.D. Maness, and Red Rhodes also performed at some of these. These concerts were all videotaped, and all the tapes have been lost. This one would have been lost too if I had not asked Jack for a copy. I only wish I had done the same with all the others.

I've seen some excellent videos of some other great players, and while there is all sorts of legal red tape to releasing them, I'm afraid that these important tapes will eventually be lost forever. I wish there was some way to bypass all the legal stuff and just get them out.

BTW, Curly's rendiditon of The Christmas song is my favorite thing on the video too.
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