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Author Topic:  BillyJoe Wright FtWorth/SoCal
Fred Jack


Bastrop, Texas 78602
Post  Posted 13 Feb 2002 11:12 am    
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Does anyone remember Billy Joe? He played steel and lead. I think he left FtWorth around 1949 and was in LA area in 1950. Contact was lost at that time and we just wondered if he is still around. Thanks, Fred
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Jack Shults


Canadian, Oklahoma U.S.A.
Post  Posted 13 Feb 2002 7:04 pm    
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I don't know if it would be the same one or not, but about 20 years ago when I still lived up in the United States, a picker with that name came up there once.

I see some of his albums in used record shops but he may not be the same Billy Joe Wright.

Jack Shults
MSA U-12
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David Martens


Montana, USA
Post  Posted 28 Mar 2013 8:26 am     Billy Joe Wright
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I got a message from a man in Havre, MT who is trying to sell his mother's pedal steel guitar. It belonged to Billy Joe Wright. Here is the original message: Hi Dave, here is the picture. It is a kind of cool piece of history. Billy Joe Wright used to own this instrument back in the early 60s but bought a new one. He used to play at the old mule Barn which at that time was on the north side between the river and the tracks. It was then owned by Marlys and Bozo Schofield. Your folks may remember the building as the Vips ago go where the bands used to play back in the day. He was kind of a loner and told my mom that she could have this one and left town. He eventually did back up music for some artists in California including Chet Atkins. He was unfortunately killed in a car accident many years ago. It was never played again and sat in mom’s basement since the 60s

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