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Author Topic:  Internet Greeting Card Virus

Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2006 9:12 am    
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Around this time of year, we often get internet greeting cards. Be careful - some of those cards are fake. Here's an email I received today:
From: ""
Subject: You have received a greeting from a family member!
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 04:42:57 -0800 (PST)

You have received a postcard from a family member!


You can pick up your postcard at the following web address:



If you can‘t click on the web address above, you can also
visit 1001 Postcards at
and enter your pickup code, which is: a91-valets-cloud-mad


(Your postcard will be available for 60 days.)


Oh -- and if you‘d like to reply with a postcard,
you can do so by visiting this web address:
(Or you can simply click the "reply to this postcard"
button beneath your postcard!)


We hope you enjoy your postcard, and if you do,
please take a moment to send a few yourself!


1001 Postcards

First of all, a real card will tell you who the sender was, not simply "a family member". So that was a dead give-away. Rolling over the link in the original email, I see in my browser's status bar that it will actually invoke something called / The ".ro" means that it's a romainian website, and the ".exe" means that it's a program that will run on my computer.

This is certainly not right. Windows will allow an attack of this sort. Don't take the bait!

Bobby Lee
System Administrator
My Blog

[This message was edited by b0b on 15 December 2006 at 09:15 AM.]

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Bill Mayville


Las Vegas Nevada * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2006 11:06 am    
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Thanks Bob

Bill Mayville
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John Daugherty

Rolla, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 19 Dec 2006 5:03 am    
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I just received one disquised as "Ebay" which had a ".ru" in the address. It was telling me that I am now an Ebay powerseller and click here to take advantage of the offer.
The only way I access Ebay, is through "My Ebay" account, which requires my password.
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