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Author Topic:  Reminder to Forward Scams As Attachments
Bobby D. Hunter


Post  Posted 22 Sep 2006 9:13 pm    
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Lately the bad boys from Nigeria have been busy scamming our members, scraping email addresses from the SGF Posts of items for sale. Some folks have been sending me the message bodies, in hopes that I can block that scammer. What they don't realize is that I need the complete original email message to be Forwarded as an Attachment. If your lame email client will not let you forward emails as attachments, at least learn how to display the complete incoming headers, then copy them and paste them into a message and send the source code to me (headers and message body, including HTML markup). Not only will this allow me to extract the originating IP address, it will also facilitate reporting it to SpamCop, for the protection of the rest of the Internet community.

There are complete instructions on displaying, copying and pasting, or forwarding as an attachment in the sticky posts, above the message, in the top-left of the Computers section of the SGF. Please read the details, then use the method that works best for you to send me the complete source code, or attached original scam email.

Thanks for helping in the hunt.

Bobby D. Hunter
Security for SGF
Hunting down Slimeball Game
Reporting member of SpamCop

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