Mozilla Firefox Web Browser: A MUST!

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Roy Ayres
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Mozilla Firefox Web Browser: A MUST!

Post by Roy Ayres »

I just posted this as a response to another thread, but I think it is important enough to have a thread of its own. According to several experts with whom I have talked, switching to Mozilla Firefox is an absolute must. Since I have been using Mozilla Firefor instead of Mictosoft Internet Browser, all of my virus and spyware problems have disappeared.

If you haven't already gone to Mozila Firefox and you are leary of making the change, research it yourself. A link to their site is included below.

Mozilla Firefox was developed by a bunch of expert programmers who got tired of all the crap that Internet Explorer was letting into their computers. It is now a non-profit California company dedicated exclusively to solutions for that kind of problem.

Here's an excerpt from the July 15 announcement:
<SMALL>’s flagship product, Mozilla, is rapidly emerging as the most widely acclaimed web browser, with PC World’s July issue honoring it as “Best of 2003” in its category, LinuxJournal Magazine giving it an “Editor’s Choice Award” for “Best Web Browser” (July issue) and eWeek raving that “eWEEK Labs found the new features in Mozilla 1.4 ... to be remarkable improvements that enhance what was already the best browser option out there.” (July 1). The Guardian recently predicted that's upcoming new products “could make Microsoft's offerings look very shabby indeed” (July 10). </SMALL>
Here's the link to Mozilla's Home Page. You will find interesting and informative information there.

Everyone should be using Mozilla Firefox as their web browser.

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Steinar Gregertsen
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Post by Steinar Gregertsen »

I agree, Firefox is a great and relatively secure browser. I'll also throw in a little 'hats off' to Opera,- smooth and safe surfing, and with the new (and free) version 8 browser they finally got it right (I used to hate Opera, found it very awkward to use, but not anymore).

It's good to see reliable and safe altrenatives to Internet Explorer coming along, they've had a monopoly long enough.



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Bill Ford
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Post by Bill Ford »

I've been using the Fox for almost since it came available,Like it much better that IE.

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Les Green
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Post by Les Green »

I've been using Firefox for about two years now and can truthfully say it's much, much better that IE. Now here's something else....about 3 months ago I threw my virus protection program, my firewall program out the window. So far not a single problem and my computer runs so much better. I realize one day I may get nailed but if I do I'll just do a format and start over. I don't keep any important files on my hard drive anyway. About once a week I run Spybot and most of the time I might have 1 or 2 at the most spyware's. I have a friend who turned me on to this and he's been running for over 2 years like this without a single problem. Are we fools or just lucky? I don't know.
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

Well yes but..... I read an article that said that the huge popularity of Firefox is proving to ruin the very advantage we all switched to it... the spyware and virus scum are aware of the popularity of Firefox and now writing more crap to attack it than for Internet Explorer. ...(At least that's what the article claimed).

I've also found a few bugs in Firefox that I don't like, but overall it's a great browser. I think Opera is probably safer still because it's not as popular, they've always had an ad banner unless you paid for it, but now that they've removed the ad from the free version, it's going to get more popular. So far I doubt the virus jerks pay much attention to Opera, though.<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Jim Phelps on 13 December 2005 at 02:19 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Jack Stoner
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Post by Jack Stoner »

There were some articles a couple of months ago about Firefox and because of it's popularity it's getting more attention from the spyware scum. It also noted Firefox doesn't publicize their vulnerabilites like Microsoft does.

Early versions of Firefox did not support a lot of FrontPage "eye candy" but the later versions seem to be OK.

I've also got Opera and like it a little better than Firefox but it is as slow as Internet Explorer.

Garth Highsmith
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Post by Garth Highsmith »

.<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Garth Highsmith on 06 January 2006 at 08:02 AM.]</p></FONT>
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Jim Peters
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Post by Jim Peters »

Read my posting from this morning, using firefox and still got slammed! You cannot be too careful. JP
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