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Al Braun


Dunnellon, FL, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 6 Dec 2005 10:39 am    
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A year ago after one of the hurricanes and several power outages I lost my COh Well drive. When I installed a new HD I went all the way, new MoBo and CPU. This would be a great time to change files over to NTFS. Great. I had 50 or more archival floppies with programs and projects I would like not to lose. These were in a bottom desk drawer and out of sight out of mind. Now; these disks were formatted with FAT32. My computer wont read them, wants to format them with NTFS, just tells me "this disk is unformatted."
I know the file system is one-way, once I change I can't change back. Is there any kind of program that will recover that data and change the file sys to NTFS?
Thanks, Al
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Dave Potter


Post  Posted 6 Dec 2005 11:19 am    
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Al, I switched over to NTFS so long ago I've forgotten most of whatever I learned about it, but there's *some* information here that might help.

I'm confused, though, about what seems to be the issue you're having. You didn't mention your OS, but, with my WinXP Home, I stuck an old floppy with some DOS files on it, and my system read the files fine. My computer reported the floppy file system as FAT (not even FAT32).

So, it would seem to me you ought to be able to copy the files to your computer and they'd be usable. I copied one of the files on my floppy to my NTFS hard drive, and it copied fine. If your computer can't read your floppies, I'm not sure what that's about.
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Ole Dantoft

Copenhagen, Denmark
Post  Posted 6 Dec 2005 1:19 pm    
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floppies are always formatted with the FAT filesystem, so if you're having trouble reading them, it's either because your floppies are bad or (most likely these days) your new floppy drive is just not adjusted correctly and is thus unable to read those old floppies. If you still happen to have the floppy-drive around that wrote those floppies, try and use that one !

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