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Author Topic:  Can't Download Ricky's Clips
George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 7 Feb 2004 9:38 pm    
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When I click on the down loads off of the Ricky & Rebel site, I just get a message saying Browser Alert and that the loading has failed. When I click for this to go away, I get a big blank page with a little icon in the upper left hand corner saying image. I tried clicking on the image icon, but nothing happens. I used to be able to listen to the clips, but not anymore. I don't know whats happened. I am on a Macintosh I-Mac vs. 8.6. Has anybody else had this problem and figured out how to solve it. I can play other MP-3's, just not any from this site.

[This message was edited by George Kimery on 07 February 2004 at 09:39 PM.]

[This message was edited by George Kimery on 08 February 2004 at 05:16 AM.]

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George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 8 Feb 2004 4:56 am    
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Jeff Agnew


Dallas, TX
Post  Posted 8 Feb 2004 8:54 am    
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Which browser (and which version) are you using?

You'll need to set the browser to handle the MIME type correctly but I can't give you specific instructions unless I know which one you need.
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 8 Feb 2004 11:16 am    
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Try updating QuickTime on your Mac. I think that the installation process sets up the browsers correctly. Just a hunch.

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Jeff Agnew


Dallas, TX
Post  Posted 8 Feb 2004 3:21 pm    
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The latest version (6.5) won't work on OS 8.6. I believe the most recent compatible version is 6.0.3.

Also, depending on George's browser, the QuickTime install may not correctly configure the plug-in. There is a MIME setting in the QuickTIme control panel but the sure-fire way is to override that and set it in the browser, especially if it's not IE.
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George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 8 Feb 2004 6:47 pm    
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How can I find out which Browser and which version I am using? I have no idea what MIME is or any other computer language. I only speak English.
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David Cutter


Post  Posted 8 Feb 2004 7:12 pm    
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I am having the same trouble with Netscape 7.1. Some time ago I didn’t have this problem. I have found that I can save the file to the desktop and then a double click will open the file in windows media player. I have the same system at my office and have the same problem. A coworker does not have this problem and his browser is Internet explorer. I would be interested to know if this is the answer. As I tinker around with this I will let you know if I get is solved.

David Cutter
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 8 Feb 2004 8:46 pm    
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Windows Media Player on a Mac?

I don't have a Mac right now but doesn't the old version of QuickTime play MP3 files too? It seems to me that a reinstall of QuickTime would probably seek out the browser settings and install itself as the MP3 player of choice.

No need to get the latest version - whatever version is appropriate for your OS should work.

Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts
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George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2004 7:17 am    
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I did manage to find Internet Explorer 4.5 on my hard drive, but still don't know if that is the browser I am using. I am pretty green when it comes to computers. I do have Quicktime also. I don't know which version, but I do play some stuff with Quicktime.
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Jeff Agnew


Dallas, TX
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2004 7:21 am    
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Browser: The program you use to view web pages on the Internet. To find out what it is, and which version, click on the Apple menu while the program is open. The first selection under the menu will be "About Internet Explorer", or "About Netscape", etc. That tells you which browser you are using. Select that item and it will tell you the version number of the program, such as "Internet Explorer 5.5".

Also, while David's suggestion about Windows Media Player only applies to PCs, you can save the file to your desktop, then double-click it to launch your default MP3 player. To do so, hold the Control key, then click and hold on the MP3 link until the context menu displays. Select "Save as", "Save Target As", or one of the similar items. (The actual item text varies between browsers.)

Finally, you might want to think about upgrading your OS to 9.1. That would offer many benefits, giving you newer versions of most programs you're using with minimal fuss.

QuickTime will indeed play MP3s. Whether it will do so in the browser depends on which browser he's using. It may launch the QT player instead. You originally suggested George update QuickTime and my concern was that anything newer than what he has may not be compatible with 8.6, which is the Mac equivalent of Windows95 I'm not even sure the older QT version is even available anymore from Apple's web site. But if he has the 8.6 CD he could certainly try re-installing that version of QT.
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Jeff Agnew


Dallas, TX
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2004 7:42 am    
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Our replies crossed so I didn't see yours giving the browser info.

(IE 4.5 is really, really old. But if it's working for you...)

Here's what you need to do:
  1. Launch Internet Explorer
  2. From the Edit menu, select Preferences. A list of categories displays.
  3. Select the File Helpers item from the list on the left (you may need to hunt through the list to find it and it may be named differently. I no longer have a copy of IE 4.5 to confirm.)
  4. Scroll through the File Helper settings displayed on the right and locate "MPEG Layer 3 Audio". (You can also look for the .mp3 extension.)
  5. Click the mp3 item to highlight it, then click Change.... The Edit File Helper dialog displays. This dialog controls how your computer displays or processes mp3 files.

  6. Note the settings in the "Handling" panel at the bottom. You might want to write them down.

  7. Repeat the previous two steps for all the mp3 entries in the File Helpers list. There will be several; one of them will be different. That's the one that is causing Ricky's files to fail.

  8. Once you've found it, use the "How to handle..." dropdown menu to specify how you want mp3s to play. This should match the other entries, but you can change them all to something different if you prefer. The important thing is that they should all match. For example, "View with plug-in" will cause QuickTime to play the mp3 within your browser window.

Let me know if this doesn't work for you.

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George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2004 7:20 pm    
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Jeff, I was able to follow your instructions. Thanks for leading me by the hand step by step. It still doesn't work, but I was able to go in and change all the mp'3s to "View with plug in". When this didn't work, I changed them all to "View with browser." That didn't work either, so I changed them back to View with plug in. I was able to hear the clips without any trouble before the site was closed down. Now that it is back up, I can't get it to work. Any connection? Any other suggestions that I might try. I sure would like to be able to hear the clips again.
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George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2004 7:57 pm    
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I just listened to some of the clips I had downloaded a year ago. Most of them were in Real Time Player, not mp 3. I did have 3 downloaded clips from some time ago that were mp 3 though and they played just fine. I don't know if this tells you anything or not.
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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2004 8:02 pm    
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You can get the latest version of internet explorer for your "Mac" right here> Click here for the download page
George...most likely your Mac stuff is not updated....>you need the most current version of a mp3 player...and browser. And "Rebel" may of only formatted for internet explorer anyway, not sure....>so if he did ...than Netscape and other browsers will have probs...and Mac users....
If you can e-mail Graham Reid(rebel) from the Site; I would ask him for assistance as he is the one that formatted the site...Not Me.
Good luck.
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George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 10 Feb 2004 3:28 am    
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Thanks to everybody for your galant efforts, but it looks like it is just not to be for me. Ricky, I clicked on the upgrade link and all I got was a blank page. I entered Internet Explorer in the "keyword" section of AOL and got the following message: "BROWSER UPGRADE. AOL 5.0 with Internet Explorer 4.01 (printed in red). You are currently using the latest software available." Also, AOL 5.0 is the latest version available for a MacIntosh.Is there anybody else that has a Mac and are on AOL that can get the clips to work? Maybe there is a problem with either AOL or being on a Mac. I don't know which is more frustrating, computers or PSG.
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Jeff Agnew


Dallas, TX
Post  Posted 10 Feb 2004 4:12 am    
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You're on AOL? You just found your problem. The AOL-branded version of any browser is notorious for being incompatible with many things on the web.

You don't have to use AOL's version of IE. In fact, you don't have to use IE, although it is not a bad choice for 8.6. If you want to experiment, try Opera 5.x (an older version). Or do as Ricky suggested and download/install the non-AOL version of IE.

If this problem really bugs you, consider upgrading to OS 9.1. Otherwise, stick with what you've got. You can always save the individual files to disk using the Control-click procedure I gave above. Then you can double-click them to open with QuickTime.

Good luck.
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