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JB Arnold

Longmont,Co,USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 7 Nov 2002 7:06 am    
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I have all tese e-mails in my box this AM from various mailer types and such saying an e-mail I sent them had an exe file attached that was either a virus, or was not allowed to be recived by the person I sent it to. NONE of the recipients are in my address book, I have never heard of them, I scanned my computer after updating norton and got no hit. The common thing here seems to be that COWPIE is somehow involved.

Anyone else getting odd things in e-mail involving COWPIE?

One of the refers o the BRAID virus.

Heard anything Mark?


Fulawka D-10 9&5
Mullen Royal Precision D-10 8 & 5
"All in all, looking back, I'd have to say the best advice anyone ever gave me was 'Hands Up, Don't Move!"

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Mark Ardito

Chicago, IL, USA
Post  Posted 7 Nov 2002 8:43 am    
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This is the Klez virus. It will spoof your email address. For example, you are in someones address book who is infected, lets give this person a name of "John".

John's infected computer is sending out the Klez virus, but instead of saying the virus is from John, it will pull a random name from the address book, your name, and say the email was from you. No, you are not infected.

This virus really bugs me also. I am in a lot of peoples address books. I get TONS of people writting me saying I sent them the Klez virus. I always point them to the steel guitar forum computer section. Maybe I can give them computer help and addicted to the steel guitar!

Let me know if you need any more help.


Sho~Bud Pro I, Fender D-8 (C6&E13)

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JB Arnold

Longmont,Co,USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 7 Nov 2002 9:08 am    
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Ah HA!

Norton catches that virus coming into my email all the time-I bet 3 or 4 times a week-so I imagine a lot of people have it and don't know it. Well, it's nice to know I'm not the one sending it out....


Fulawka D-10 9&5
Mullen Royal Precision D-10 8 & 5
"All in all, looking back, I'd have to say the best advice anyone ever gave me was 'Hands Up, Don't Move!"

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Rob Hamilton

Acton, MA, USA
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2002 9:41 am    
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Here's another one to watch out for. I'm personally not fond of ANY of the Internet greeting card sites, because they require my friends and relatives to give MY EMAIL ADDRESS to them (dubious parties). But this one is a lulu...

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Bob Shilling

Berkeley, CA, USA
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2002 9:58 am    
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It is indeed coming from Cowpie. Most of the messages are automated replies from email recipients, back to the list which then get sent to everyone on the list. Greg Vaughn (the listmeister) has been swamped by this, and then had to go out of town on business over the weekend before he could clear it up. I think it has subsided now, but if you want to unsubscribe from cowpie, you need to go to the website ( to do so.

Bob Shilling, Berkeley, CA--MSA S10, "Classic"

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