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Kenneth Kotsay


Davie/Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Post  Posted 11 Jun 2001 4:09 pm    
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Back in August 2000, BOB JACKSON of Canada posted a thread on the forum regarding the PROFEX II presets.

"Just thought I would let you know that you can store your presets (Profex) on your computer if you have a program like CAKEWALK and a MIDI CABLE. Once on the PC they can be stored on a floppy"

What I would like to know is HOW one goes about transferring/copying these presets (example: JEFF NEWMANS STEEL GUITAR PROFEX PRESETS 128) to one's computer.

I do have CAKEWALK, version "HOME STUDIO 9"

What type of MIDI cable will I need and how do I hook the PROFEX II into my computer.
Once hooked up what's next step in creating a file using CAKEWALK.

After I have these presets on file in my computer how do I transfer these 128 presets back into my PROFEX II if for instance my Cache Card 32 battery goes at the same time that my Profex II internal battery dies. I know that if the internal battery goes the unit must be set back to Peavey to have the Factory settings reinstalled. Once repaired I would like to reload the 128 Steel guitar presets back into the Profex II via the computer. Once loaded back into the Profex I can then copy them back onto the Cache Card.

Also will this work with my TRANS/TUBE/FEX?

I also have the Peavey Cache Card 32 loaded with Jeff's settings.


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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 12 Jun 2001 2:29 am    
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Ken, you transfer the files via "Sysex" commands. There are many programs that will do Sysex commands and transfer data. There has been some threads in the Computer section on this. There is also a section in the manual on Sysex and MIDI control. You can transfer files either way - to the computer or from the computer.

You will need a MIDI cable that connects between the MIDI/Joystick port on your Computer sound card, the one end has the 15 pin computer connector the other end will have two MIDI DIN connectors to connect to the Profex II or the Transtube Fex.

But, as long as you have your user programs backed up on a cache card you will have a backup.

I see you have a misconception on the Profex II (or the TranstubeFex). If the battery goes dead on a unit, you WILL lose the user programs but not the factory programs. The factory programs are on a PROM chip, and the battery is only there to maintain the user memory while the unit is powered off.

I'm moving this to the Computer section.
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Kenneth Kotsay


Davie/Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Post  Posted 12 Jun 2001 4:24 pm    
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JACK STONER: Once again Jack, thanks for the advice about the Profex. I read my Profex II & T.T.FX manual on how to transfer the presets to the computer. I'm a little slow in the beginning regarding this computer-music stuff, but once I get into it I advance pretty quick.

On Saturday I'll pick the MIDI computer cable and try my luck at copying these presets into my computer for storage purposes.

Only question at this point, how does the transfer process start off, do the preset settings (128) automatically find there way into CAKEWALK? Is the process like copying any computer file such as a word processing document or is it like transferring a BIAB song into MIDI then into CAKEWALK.

Well I'll find out this Saturday. Any suggestions on where I can buy this cable, MARS, BEST BUY, COMP USA?????

Again, THANKS A MILLION for your help.

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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jun 2001 6:00 pm    
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I found the best price on the cable at Fry's Electronics. Check them out if you have one nearby.

Your manual should show you how to dump your presets with your effects unit, it'll probably be in the System settings. The manual may talk about dumping your presets to another unit of the same type or possibly a tape backup machine, but it's the same thing.

As for starting the copy, set Cakewalk or whatever program you're using to "Receive Sysex dump" or whatever terminology it uses. Set the ProFex/TubeFex etc. to "Dump presets".
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 13 Jun 2001 3:03 am    
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I haven't played around with the MIDI on my TT Fex lately, but from what I remember it's all done from the SYSEX program on the PC. It sends the command to the TT Fex (or ProfexII) to dump the user memory (or whatever you want to do). The manual has the Hex string to send for the command.

The PC/MIDI cable is standard and you should be able to get one at MARS, MAE or CompUSA, etc. Just make sure it has the 15 pin connector that will mate with the MIDI/Joystick port on your SB card and have two DIN MIDI connectors on the other end.
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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 13 Jun 2001 6:36 am    
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Sending to the effects unit is done from Cakewalk or whatever program you're using. It sends a MIDI command to the unit telling it to receive data. Dumping from the unit to the computer does require setting the unit to dump. AFAIK that can only be done on the unit itself.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 13 Jun 2001 3:48 pm    
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I just checked the TT Fex manual and the dump is initiated from the remote unit via Sysex commands. The manual lists the command(s) to send to the unit to dump the user memory, along with checksum values so it can be reloaded from the PC via sysex commands.

From the Peavey manual:

The following is the format for the System Exclusive dump and load requests:
FO 00 00 1B 09 05 rs ch cm nn data . . . cksum (data . . . cksum . . .) F7
rs = reserved for future use.
ch = MIDI receive channel.
cm = MIDI command. (See Table of Comtnands)
nn = number of selected IJser Preset or Set. (Include only for Dump One Preset, Dump One Controb-,
or Dump Set requests. Do not include in Dump All Presets, Controllers, or Programs.)
data = parameter data included only in load messages.
cksum = modulo 128 checksum included only in load messages.
Note: For valid SYSEX DUMP requests, the data and checksum is not included.
Table of Commands
Note: All numbers are in hexadecimal
cm nn
00 nn Dump One Preset (nn = 00 - 7F) including continuous controllers.
02 nn L>ump Preset Set (nn = 00 - OS) including continuous controllers.
04 - Dump All Presets (nn not included) inclucling continuous controllers.
06 - Dump All Programs
OE - Dump Edit Buffer
Dmp One PTesel? ~>umps one preset’s parameter data and continuous controllers.
Dump Prext Set: Dumps ten preset’s parameter datd and continuous controllers.
DuI’IZP All Presets. Dumps all 128 user preset’s parameter data, continuous controllers, and the program/
volume I-Ildp.
Dump All P~~~rutizs: Dumps the program/volume map.
Dump Edit &@er Dumps contents of name, chain, parameter, and continuous controller fi-om edit buffer.
SYSEX Dump File Format
The following information is provided for programmers wishing to make use of sysex dump files to initialize
remote editing software.
The first ten bytes transmitted in response to a dump one preset request is the sysex load one preset header.
Following that, in nybl~lizcd form are ten mmbytes. Next come ten n$$Yizedt~ytc’s representing the ef’fecb chain.
Finally come 125) nybblized bytes representing the effect parameters. The fornut of this data is the same Ii ~-mat used
in the remote editing comnyands. The order of the effecz and the number of bytes for each effect is as follows:
Appendix C SysEx Format C-7
Pitch1 :
Coil tap:
Speaker sim:
5 band eq:
3 band eq:
4 band eq:
8 bytes
8 bvtes
5 bytes
7 bvtes
8 bytes
5 bytes
7 bytes
1 byte
5 bytes
6 bvtes
17 bytes
3 bytes
Env. Filter:
Classic eq:
Noise gate:
Hum filter:
Stereo sim:
Effects loop:
5 bytes
5 bytes
4 bvtes
4 bvtes
8 bytes
1 byte
3 bytes
4 bytes
8 bytes
6 bytes
6 bytes
Then follow twenty-eight nybblized zeros (at the time of this printing). This is an expansion area for effects
in fllture updates to the Tube Fex.
Following that are forty nybblized bytes representing the eight continuous controller assignments. Once
again, the format is the same as the remote editing format in Appendix D.
The last two bytes are the Modulo 128 checksum and the End Of Exclusive message.
dump all format:
During a sysex dump, all 128 presets are dumped each with its own modulo 128 checksum for error trapping
during reload. These are followed by the two program maps.
System Exclusive Dump Examples:
To dump Preset #l (OOH) over MIDI channel 1, send the following string:
FO 00 00 1B 09 05 00 00 00 00 F7
To dump Preset Set #3 (02H) over MIDI channel 1, send the following string:
FO 00 00 1B 09 05 00 00 02 02 F7
To dump all Presets over MIDI channel 1, send the following string:
FO 00 00 1B 09 OS 00 00 04 F7
To dump all Programs over MIDI channel 1, send the following string:
FO 00 00 1B 09 05 00 00 06 F7
To dump the Edit Buffer over MIDI channel 1, send the following string:
FO 00 00 1B 09 05 00 00 OE F7
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Kenneth Kotsay


Davie/Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Post  Posted 13 Jun 2001 4:50 pm    
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JACK - I just read pages 26, 27, 28, 29, 35 & 36 of the T.T.Fx manual and also pages 20 thru 23 of the Profex manual and both manuals explain how to set the, MIDI receiving channel, setting the MIDI transmit channel and Dumping a preset(s). The manual makes it seem easy as pie but again what happens when I send the presets to the computer. First of all how do I set my computer up to receive all 128 presets and where in CAKEWALK will I find them. Will I have to make a new file in CAKEWALK.

The info that you just posted, doesn't this pertain to "programming presets into midi configuration" of some sort??

By the way, thanks for the time spent detailing the last post, you must like to type.

Again, thanks a million

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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 13 Jun 2001 5:08 pm    
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Okay so I was wrong. The receiving unit can send MIDI commands to tell the effects unit to dump. It's still much much easier to navigate through a few menus on the unit and tell it to dump.

As for where Cakewalk will put the files, if it's like MidiOx that I use, after the dump is complete, a File Save window will come up, allowing you to navigate to the directory you want to save the dump in, and allow you to call it whatever you want.

This is all really more simple to do than it is to explain. Set up Cakewalk to receive Sysex data, tell the ProFex to send it, then save it. It's even easier to send data to the ProFex. Just tell Cakewalk to send it, the ProFex will receive it with no button pushing at all.
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Kenneth Kotsay


Davie/Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Post  Posted 14 Jun 2001 4:00 pm    
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JIM SMITH - I'm beginning to understand the dumping/transfer process better now, it won't be untill Saturday afternoon when I pick up the MIDI cable for the T.T.FX/Computer. Saturday morning I have major gum surgery, pain or no pain I'm picking up the cable and getting this project ready for blast off. I'll be getting back to you & Jack on the results.

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Dan Dowd


Paducah, KY, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 15 Jun 2001 8:11 am    
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I have Cakewalk 9.0. Other versions may be similar. Goto the VIEW menu, then go down to the 4th from the bottom which says SYSEX and click. This brings up the SYSEX Window. Click on the RED DOWN ARROW, to recieve from your Profex. Use the top selection YOU START DUMP ON INSTRUMENT(default) and click OK. It is waiting for you to start the send from the Profex. After the send is complete save it with a name you want. When you want to send the file to the Profex use the GREEN ARROW on the SYSEX menu page.
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Kenneth Kotsay


Davie/Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2001 2:46 pm    
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DAN DOWD: I tried to e-mail you but seems I can't get through so I'll post it here.

I purchased the MIDI connection cable & hooked from Mars today and I hooked it into my Compaq from my Profex. I set the Profex to transmit from Bank "A" (Jeff's 128 settings) I got the MIDI menu to display for "TRANSMIT" ch#1, then placed the cursor under DP for Dump and used the dial to set
for 'ALL". I then hit STORE/EXC the Profex displayed "SYSSX DUMP IN PROGRESS." After a minute nothing happen regarding the computer.

I went into CAKEWALK HOME VERSION #9 and went to the VIEW menu like you told me to do and hit SYSSX. The window for Sysx displayed but it was all gray, on top was one box that had one arrow (all gray, no color to it) then the next box had three arrow (all gray) the third box had a "X" the last box was gray also. I couldn't activate anything in the Sysx window.

I have been at it for two hours now and I have tried to send the Profex settings about five times with no results. I also checked my entire computer for any new files, nothing was found.

So where are those porfex settings files also how do I set the receiving channel in Cakewalk.

My MIDI "In Port" (In the OPTION window box in Cakewalk) say; ESS MPU-401(18F8)


[This message was edited by Kenneth Kotsay on 16 June 2001 at 03:48 PM.]

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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2001 3:11 pm    
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Your ProFex settings weren't saved to your computer. It dumped the settings out the cable but your Cakewalk isn't configured correctly to accept them.

Either Cakewalk isn't configured correctly for MIDI in & out and/or your sound card isn't configured for MIDI. Maybe MPU-401 isn't the correct "In Port" for you. Perhaps your soundcard has a Control Panel setting to enable the joystick port and/or MIDI?!?

Until you get Cakewalk's Sysex menu to show up correctly you can't do Sysex transfers. Hopefully someone can help you with that. When you do get it working, start the receive in Cakewalk before you start the dump from your ProFex.
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Kenneth Kotsay


Davie/Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2001 3:26 pm    
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JIM: You posted the following:

Either Cakewalk isn't configured correctly for MIDI in & out and/or your sound card isn't configured for MIDI. Maybe MPU-401 isn't the correct "In Port" for you. Perhaps your soundcard has a Control Panel setting to enable the joystick port and/or MIDI?!?

O.K how do I go about checking the above settings etc.
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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2001 3:47 pm    
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You'll need someone that uses Cakewalk to help you with that. Sorry I don't.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2001 4:26 pm    
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I've got Cakewalk Express and it links to my Midi-Ox program for MIDI Sysex I/O.

Ken, you may have to download the latest MIDI-OX program. It is a free download and it should be all you need to upload/download from the Profex II or Transtube Fex. Do a search on midi-ox and you'll find the link to download the latest version.

Also, check the SoundBlaster control panel for that SB Live and make sure the MIDI/Joystick port is enabled. You can also go to the Control Panel and then Multimedia and check on the MIDI port.

I don't have my unit hooked up, and can't right now, so I can't go do it and then tell you the steps that you need to do.
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Kenneth Kotsay


Davie/Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2001 5:10 pm    
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JACK - I just went opened, MULTIMEDIA PROPERTIES, then I opened JOYSTICK DEVICE, waht I noticed is this, there is an unchecked box that says, "DO NOT MAP THROUGH THIS DEVICE"

Should I place a check inside this box or not?

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Kenneth Kotsay


Davie/Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2001 5:18 pm    
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JACK - Again I went into MULTIMEDIA PROPS and I entered the MIDI section which indicated the following,

Single Instrument (had a circle with a black dot inside)

ROLAND VCS88 was higlighted
next on the list was,
ESS MPU-401 (18f8)



Jack this was what I saw on the MIDI window. Do I need to set any of the above to a new setting.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2001 2:44 am    
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I just looked at my system and the MIDI port doesn't show up anyplace. Apparently it is automatically "on" in the system.

Like I said, I can't hook up my Transtube Fex right now and actually try it, so I can't really give you much more info.
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Kenneth Kotsay


Davie/Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2001 3:02 am    
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JACK - I downloaded MIDI-OX 6.1 and I'll give it a try later today. What I need to know is when I do send my presets will the settings go into MIDI -OX as a file or will it act as a switch terminal and send them to CAKEWALK.

[This message was edited by Kenneth Kotsay on 17 June 2001 at 04:04 AM.]

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Dan Dowd


Paducah, KY, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2001 4:53 am    
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Ken, My E Mail is . If you go to the OPTIONS menu in Cakewalk, then to MIDI DEVICES and look to see what your input and output devices are. Mine lists Soundblaster Live for the in and out plus my Midisport 2 X 2. If there is nothing listed under IN there is no connection to the MIDI in Cakewalk. You also might try the MIDI MAPPER which is part of Windows. I use a external device for my input and output which is a Midisport 2 X 2 made by MIDIMAN, which has 2 inputs and 2 outputs and this is connected to my USB port. It cost around $80 from Muscians Friend. I don't use the Joystick Port on the sound card as it is not fast enough for my stuff and I had trouble getting it to be reliable as it would drop sync with my MD 8 Mini Disk Recorder. However The Sound Card input should be OK for SYSEX dumps. Can you get any MIDI device ssuch as a Keyboard to input to your computer?? Also the help file in Cakewalk has info to get MIDI in and Midi out. I know it can be a pain to get this stuff working but keep trying things.
You might also try reinstalling your sound card software and see if there are any MIDI settings there also.

[This message was edited by Dan Dowd on 17 June 2001 at 06:00 AM.]

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Carl Dvorcek


Texas, USA
Post  Posted 25 Jun 2001 3:37 pm    
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Interesting thread. I have a question. I just got the version 1.4 upgrade PROM from Peavey and installed it. I was all prepared to start putting in the Newman presets for the PFII that I downloaded from Jack Stoner's site. But, I ran into a snag on the very first one. It listed an effect called "CF". I don't have a "CF" on my Profex II. What is it? Does anyone else have it on their Profex II? Is this possible a misprint in the listing? I really want to get these presets on my system. Additionally, I was successful in uploading presets from my Profex to my computer and back utilizing Cakewalk Express. I also have the PROM versions 1.0 and 1.4 in sysex format saved on my computer. Hope to get the Newman presets in and saved in the same fashion but looks like a lot of work and stumbling over weird effects such as the "CF". Is that by chance a Tubefex effect?

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 26 Jun 2001 3:24 am    
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Carl, that's been addressed before. That's what it comes up as in my Transtube Fex. I'm not sure what it is in a Profex II. I think that is the only parameter name that is different.

This has been back and forth several times and I deceided to just keep it the way it is.

The PROM upgrade for the Profex II is mainly changes in presets. It doesn't do much more, so unless you are using the factory presets it didn't do anything for you. However, the Profex II sound mod does improve the sound and noise of the Profex II.
It's Peavey P/N 90500051-Profex II kit-$25.98
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Carl Dvorcek


Texas, USA
Post  Posted 26 Jun 2001 2:21 pm    
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Thanks for the reply Jack. I received an e-mail from Max Sulkowski at Peavey and he said the "CF" effect is unique to the Tubefex. It stands for "Chorus Flange". He went on to say that the units were similar enough that PFII users could use "CH" instead and get close to the Newman settings for the presets using the elusive "CF" effect.

Thanks again,
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 26 Jun 2001 2:36 pm    
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Carl, one correction. It's not just the TubeFex. Peavey also made a Transtube Fex, the model I have, which uses the same programming. I say made because they were recently discontinued.

I notice you referring to the TubeFex like it's the only model.
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