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Post  Posted 21 Jun 2001 11:04 am    
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So, when the guy told me to go to FDISK and erase primary sytem, then reestablish FDISK, that does not erase the boot record?

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Rich Paton


Santa Maria, CA.,
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2001 5:06 pm    
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There's an undocumented, but fairly well known switch available in FDISK, which is fdisk/ MBR (master boot record). I've used it many times when fdisk-ing a drive...but of course, as we who play with personal computers (IBM/Microsoft platforms) know or should know...exactly how it may react when used with a certain drive, system bios, hardware, software, etc. cannot be absolulety
predicted (or satisfactorily guessed at).
But I have never had a problem with using it.
I usually format my "C" drive every six months or so, when the "Bloatware" gets out of hand and performance thereby suffers.
I only have a 6 GByte hard disk, so when FDISKING it, I make two equal partitions, on it, "C" and "D".
On the "D" drive, I keep copies of all the installation software for the programs I use (Windoze, Office, Adobe, Netscape, Norton Utilities, Band in a Box, Video and Modem drivers, CD-Rom setup software, and patches needed (for motherboard-related hardware, etc.)
I try to limit the use of "C" to the directories of Windoze, Program Files, and any necessary software which must reside in its own directory. "Important" information files are kept in a second "MY Documents" folder on "D", and I more or less use the standard "MY Documents" folder created on "C" as a "clearinghouse" for new files saved.
By setting up my disks/software this way, in the event of a serious software crash or for the semi-annual housekeeping performed, I can format the "C" drive without losing much valuable "data" or software. I run format on "C" by booting from the startup floppy disk, then at the "C" or even the "A" prompt
I switch to "D" (D:, enter), change directory
to the location of my Windoze 98 setup files (D:\Disk98) with the command cd\Disk 98. I enter "Setup", and am in the process of restoring Windoze and whatever software I'll be using. If the planets are right and no rolling power blackouts hit, I'll be just about back to operational in an hour or so (that may be an overly optimistic time frame for some, but then I've "done the deed" more than a few times so for me it's pretty quick & easy.
I apologize for the lengthy post...But this "system" works well with minimum pain!
Good Luck & best regards to all...
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Post  Posted 21 Jun 2001 5:33 pm    
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Rich, another fine tidbit of set-up information. Thanks.

I removed my drive, wrote the model down and called Maxtor support (toll free). A tech was on the line in 15 seconds. He was a pleasant fellow. I explained what i was trying to do and what mike suggested. The tech agreed that i very well might have corrupted boot files on the drive. He said i could FORMAT until i'm blue in the face and never get rid of it. He suggested i download their HD management software from the site and do a low level format. He said nothing about zero fill and they are very confident about their management software. He also said that Maxtor provides free lifetime support until my HD is dead. He invited me to call back any time, and they'll even walk me through the whole thing. What a great company. Also, my HD is warranteed til 2003.

mike, your post has helped me a great deal. Thanks.
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