Winston -- Yes. But let's clarify - there is a big difference in simply transferring files between machines as opposed to doing something WITH files located on a distant machine. Often, people say the former but really need the latter.
If you DO just need file transfer, there are several approaches. If the machines are close together, you can use a cable (similar to printer cables) and the DirectCableConnection feature included with Windows. Not wonderful, but simple, free (except a $15 cable) and works for many of us.
Or you can install NetworkInterfaceCards in each machine, appropriate software and cabling for relatively little expense.
There are also some methods involving the use of existing house wiring. (Danger???)
I've never needed or used anything but DCC and LAPLINK (a commercial product which does about the same thing). I'm NOT an expert!
Lastly, if you need (now or later) to create/modify files or run programs residing on a different computer -- you require a 'remote control' program. There are several available costing from less that $100 to $700
which do a poor or great job, depending.
I know a little about a few - feel free to email. -- Everett[This message was edited by Everett Cox on 22 February 2001 at 12:52 PM.]