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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 8 Oct 2000 12:44 pm    
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In defence of the AOL slanders and problems; I have resolved many conflicts with them. I will spread the info I have retained from them. I too got very frustrated with them and tried many other servers; but I believe the best server is the one you can make work for you because they "ALL" have flaws, depending on what you are using them for.
As far as the getting kicked off for timed out; there is a keyword called "timezones" and if you bring that tab up and click the 4th option(aol around the world) and then minumize it and run it while you are online; you will never be timed out and kicked off because it updates every one minute and does not interfere with any other work you may be doing.
As far as disconnects with modems; that is inharent from any PC to Modem to phone line and unless you have every string worked out; you may have problems with that. I had AOL work that out with me and didn't have any problems "at all" since I made them work with me on that.
Now I have Speed Stream 3060 DSL modem that AOL sends you for free and the new AOL plus service which is always online and 50 times faster that any modem and got rid of a phone line(number); because you can call or recieve calls and/or fax while online, and works out to be the same price as a 56K AOL 5.0 service; and it is a world of difference and still AOL, and no problems in my world at all.
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John Gretzinger

Canoga Park, CA
Post  Posted 9 Oct 2000 8:12 am    
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Ricky -

Congratulations on getting your stuff worked out with AOL. I'm sure you are loving the DSL speed and reliability.

I have never been an AOL fan, and have never had the patience to spend much time with them to get the bugs worked out for folks I know who are still with them.

Enjoy the speed of DSL. Sure makes 56k look slow doesn't it?


MSA D-10
'63 Gibson Hummingbird
16/15c Hammered Dulcimer

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